Schedule and broadcast jobs with Azure CLI

Use the Azure CLI to schedule and track jobs that update millions of devices. Use jobs to:

  • Update desired properties
  • Update tags
  • Invoke direct methods

Conceptually, a job wraps one of these actions and tracks the progress of execution against a set of devices. A device twin query defines the set of devices with which a job interacts. For example, a back-end app can use a job to invoke a reboot method on 10,000 devices, specified by a device twin query and scheduled at a future time. That application can then track progress as each of those devices receives and executes the reboot method.

To learn more about how jobs help to manage bulk device management operations, see Schedule jobs on multiple devices.


The features described in this article are available only in the standard tier of IoT Hub. For more information about the basic and standard/free IoT Hub tiers, see Choose the right IoT Hub tier for your solution.


  • Azure CLI. You can also run the commands in this article using the Azure Cloud Shell, an interactive CLI shell that runs in your browser or in an app such as Windows Terminal. If you use the Cloud Shell, you don't need to install anything. If you prefer to use the CLI locally, this article requires Azure CLI version 2.36 or later. To find the installed version, run az --version. To locally install or upgrade Azure CLI, see Install Azure CLI.

  • An IoT hub in your Azure subscription. If you don't have a hub yet, you can follow the steps in Create an IoT hub.

Schedule a job to invoke a direct method

You can use jobs to invoke a direct method on one or more devices.

Use the az iot hub job create command, replacing the following placeholders with their corresponding values. The command schedules a job that calls a method name on the target devices.

az iot hub job create --hub-name {HubName} --job-id {JobName} \
                      --job-type scheduleDeviceMethod \
                      --method-name {MethodName} --method-payload {MethodPayload} \
                      --query-condition "{DeviceQuery}"
Placeholder Value
{HubName} The name of your IoT hub.
{JobName} The name of your scheduled job. Job names are unique, so choose a different job name each time you run this command.
{MethodName} The name of your direct method.
{MethodPayload} Any payload to be provided to the direct method. If no payload is required, use null.
{DeviceQuery} A query that defines the device or devices to target with the job. For example, a single device job could use the following query condition: deviceId = 'myExampleDevice'.


When scheduling a job az iot hub job create command that invokes a direct method, you must specify values for both the --method-name and --method-payload optional parameters. For direct methods that don't accept a payload, specify null for the --method-payload parameter.

Schedule a job to update a device twin properties

You can use jobs to update a device twin desired property.

Use the az iot hub job create command, replacing the following placeholders with their corresponding values. In this example, we're scheduling a job to set the value of the desired twin property BuildingNo to 45 for our simulated device.

az iot hub job create --hub-name {HubName} --job-id {JobName} \
                      --job-type scheduleUpdateTwin \
                      --twin-patch '{JSONTwinPatch}' \
                      --query-condition "{DeviceQuery}"
Placeholder Value
{HubName} The name of your IoT hub.
{JobName} The name of your scheduled job. Job names are unique, so choose a different job name each time you run this command.
{JSONTwinPatch} The JSON snippet that you want to use to update the device twin's desired properties. For example, {"properties":{"desired": {"BuildingNo": 45}}}.
{DeviceQuery} A query that defines the device or devices to target with the job. For example, a single device job could use the following query condition: deviceId = 'myExampleDevice'.

Learn how to implement jobs programmatically using the Azure IoT SDKs: Schedule and broadcast jobs.