Receivind Duplicate Files
Hi, We have been struggling with the issue of receiving duplicate files for several months now.It's not a constant problem. We encounter it once or twice a week. We have around 4000 SFTP Receive Locations. All connect to the same SFTP server but…
Receiving Duplicate Files
We have been struggling with the issue of receiving duplicate files for several months now.It's not a constant problem. We encounter it once or twice a week. We have around 4000 SFTP Receive Locations. All connect to the same SFTP server but different…
BTS 2k13 all of a sudden cant connect to BiztalkMgmtDb
I have a BTS 2013 with latest CU, on win2k12, SQL 2k16 where I have done so many POCs. Since almost 2 years, I did not have the need to work with it so the VM was shut down. This morning, I needed to access one of the workflows, triggered the VM, when…
A failure occurred while executing the send pipeline for the port -- Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key
A failure occurred while executing the send pipeline for the port XXXX.XXX.XXXXUpdate.V4. The pipeline component xxxx_HR_Send_Profilexxxxxx_JSON encountered an error in the JSON Encoder stage. The issue appears to be related to a null value being passed…
How can preemptive authentication be implemented for a RESTful service in BizTalk 2020?
Hi Team we are trying to implement the Preemptive authentication for RESTful service in BizTalk server 2020 For this Which Adapter is suitable. note : We are using media type as application/xml
BizTalk Server 2020 on Windows Server 2022 with SQL Server 2022
Can we install BizTalk Server 2020 on Windows Server 2022 with SQL Server 2019 and if Microsoft supports it ? Thanks
BizTalk Server 2020 on Windows Server 2022 and SQL Server 2022
Can we install BizTalk Server 2020 on Windows Server 2022 and use Sql Server 2022 as the default database?
following Schema file is not included in the Build. Set its Build Action to Compile to be able to perform
Hi, I have BTS 2k16 along with VS 2k19, I craeted a project with a valid xml schema. When I try "Validate schema I get Invoking component... E:\Projects\YouTube-BizDemo\BizDemo\BizDemo.OrderSchema\Order.xsd: error BEC2004: The following Schema file…
Biztalk 2k16 err BEC2004 - following Schema not included in the Build Set its Build Action to Compile to be able to perform any action like Generate-Instance.
Hi, I have BTS 2k16 along with VS 2k19, I craeted a project with an xml schema, when I try to generate an instance, I get Invoking component... E:\Projects\Repos.......\Bts.CarSample.Schemas\Car.xsd: error BEC2004: The following Schema file…
Azure Logic App "Decode EDIFACT" not working
Hi, I have an EDI document which contains the UNH2.5 segment. I uploaded an individual schema (attached as XML file) and configured the agreement's send/receive settings as per documentation in…
Multiple Messages into one in BizTalk
I am receiving multiple messages (whose schema I have), now I want to add these all messages to a new schema (schema I have with me), I was trying to make an Orchestration in many different approaches but none of it worked, can anyone please suggest me…
How to download EDI - EDIFACT Schemas?
I need D16A CUSCAR schema for development in both BizTalk and Azure Logic Apps. But I cannot find the XSD (Schema) anywhere. Even I asked to Chat GPT but the provided link is broken. …
Hotfix for Biztalk Server SFTP Adaptor
I am attempting to update winscp version used by Biztalk 2020 to 6.3.3 to account for security fix for CVE-2024-31497. I am getting error: Application: BTSNTSvc64.exe Framework Version: v4.0.30319 Description: The process was terminated due to an…
BizTalk 2020 TLS 1.3 Support
Hi, Does BizTalk 2020 support TLS 1.3 ? Do you plan to add support for TLS 1.3 ? When ? Thanks!!
Using AES256 encryption on AS2 agreement BizTalk2020
When using this type of encryption in the agreement for AS2 transmission using AS2EdiSend port, with one of our partners, for outgoing messages, we get unspecified error from AS2 encoder. The same for AES192 algorithm. AES128 works. It is unclear if…
Hotfix for Biztalk Server SFTP Adaptor
I am attempting to update winscp version used by Biztalk 2016 CU8 to 6.3.3 due to the security fix for CVE-2024-31497. I am getting error: Application: BTSNTSvc.exe Framework Version: v4.0.30319 Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled…
Visual Studio 2022 with BizTalk server 2020
Can some one please let me know if Visual Studio 2022 is supported with Microsoft BizTalk Server 2020
biztalk edi agreement error
I receive this error on the receive port where the incoming edi is being sent. An output message of the component "Microsoft.BizTalk.EdiInt.PipelineComponents" in receive pipeline "Microsoft.BizTalk.EdiInt.DefaultPipelines.AS2EdiReceive,…
how to clear the active instances count from BizTalk Server
Hi Expert, I need help on how to clear the active count of the service instances status in BizTalk server as per in the screenshot... Will there be any downtime to perform the clean up ?
The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.
Hi We've build an APIM instance within a VNet (internal mode) and using a self-signed certificate (* to secure the APIM endpoints (like Gateway, Dev portal etc.). We've tested that these portals work when accessing them using a VM within the…