How to generate list of user in exchange have a setup of email forwarding and also the recipient via powershell
Please help, how to generate a list via powershell. List of all user have a setup of Email forwarding and their recipients. Thank you in advance
How to update existing azfrontdoor route using powershell is configured default how to update using powershell.
Using Git commands with Service Principal authentication.
I have been granted service principal access to my Azure DevOps repository. Below is the script I'm using: $resource="499b84ac-1321-427f-aa17-267ca6975798" $TenantId=" " $ClientId=" " $ClientSecret=" " $TokenUri =…
Issues using managed dependencies in Azure Functions with PowerShell - ExchangeOnlineManagement
Hi everyone, I am trying to deploy a simple Azure Function using PowerShell. However, I cannot load any modules. I have a module for ExchangeOnlineManagement I declared it in the requirements file. I also added managed depedencies to the host.json file…
Two Azure Domain, how to switch account when generating a report via powershell?
Please help me on this. Two azure domain, want to generate a report using a powershell unable to switch account for the other domain. How to switch account to other azure domain when generating a report via powershell. Thank you
Get Directory roles which assigned to users (Eligible or active both)
Hi, I am working on to collect details of directory roles which are assigned on user and get that details by powershell cli and mggraph api. I have "Get-MgUserTransitiveMemberOfAsDirectoryRole -UserId " but that is providing me only roles…
Disable/enable the public network access on a webapp
Hello Q&A, Is it possible to disable/enable the public network access on a azure webapp with PowerShell?
how to fix The term 'az' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file ?
Hi when I run the command "az dt list -o table" in Powershell from visual studio code, I get the following error: The term 'az' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the…
Does verb 'pintohome' be fully disable since later version of win10?
I have a powershell script helps to pin some folder to Frequent Folder to quickly achieve them. It used to work well on win10. But recently i found it that the script will be fully stucked unless i kill the window or thread, but its still ok the do it…
Powershell script export users have unlimited membership
Hello, Is it possible to create powershell script of exporting users that have unlimited membership excluding groups like Domain users etc? Right now I am using this script for temporary group assignment but since I started using this just recently I…
SharePoint Online: Find Duplicate Documents using PowerShell
Could someone post a working script for getting a list of duplicate files in Sharepoint Online? The scripts formerly posted no longer work.
Doc sourcing script not working
Hello, I have a PowerShell 7.4 script saved locally that I need to run with parameters. when I type command. PS C:\Users\Me>. \Graph_SPO_shared_files1.ps1: File C:\Users\me\PS_Scripts\Graph_SPO_shared_files1.ps1 -Sites…
PowerShell script to wipe\reset windows modern devices without user interaction
I attempted to reset a modern Windows device using various PowerShell scripts at different permission levels, including silent mode. However, a prompt still appears during the process. Is there a PowerShell script available that can wipe the device's…
Configuring the Azure Storage Account Access keys automated regular rotation?
What is the best way to enable and configure the Azure Storage Account Access keys automated regular rotation? I need to get both Azure Storage Account Access keys regularly rotated daily. Thank you.
Add-AppxPackage -AppInstallerFile fails with 0x800706BA, The RPC server is unavailable.
I'm trying to install some .appinstaller files via PowerShell. The appinstaller and packages are in SharePoint (requires auth). I'm unsure how to fix this. What do I need? Add-AppxPackage -AppInstallerFile…
Why do you make it impossible to ask a question in ANY community forum?
I always have to dig and drill and go through millions of irrelevant questions. Why can't you simply put a link right at the top to just ask a question. I was on the Tech community. I looked all over the place and there is NOTHING to click on that lets…
Internal Server Error - 500 - Graph Beta auditLogQuery
I receive (both from Graph Explorer and Powershell 7) the error: Internal Server Error - 500 when run a POST to create an auditLogQuery search: To Reproduce: Go to Select 'POST' and beta …
Issue with Sharepoint User Profile Sync from EntraID
Hello, I am encountering an issue with Sharepoint not updating User Profiles that are updated Entra ID to Sharepoint Online, and deleted users from Entra are still cached in Sharepoint. So we want to force a sync and trying to execute the…
Access denied when trying to update Windows Subsystem for Linux (wsl)
Im using Visual studio code and it gives me this message "Windows Subsystem for Linux must be updated to the latest version to proceed. You can update by running 'wsl.exe --update'. For more information please visit Press…
How to fix Error Acquiring Token
I'm getting this error whenever i try to connect to Exchange online using PowerShell as Admin and I can't figure out how to fix it. Error Acquiring Token: Unknown Status: Unexpected Error: 0xffffffff80070520 Context: (pii) Tag: 0x21420087 (error code…