Installation of Promptflow
Hi, I m trying to install Prompt flow for Visual Studio and I m getting following message "Actual command not found, wanted to execute prompt-flow.reportBugs /26" and I also see some dependency problems (see image below). Does anyone encounter…
How to fix Microsoft Visual studio code, language pack issue from English to French at first launch.
We are facing issue regarding the Microsoft Visual studio code --language pack, so we need to change the display language of the software to French(FR), so as per information provided on visual studio code page, we downloaded the language pack and also…
How to add contextMenu for toolWindow in vspackage
I want to add contextMenu in toolWindow ,but it's not mentioned in visual studio SDK.Can I add it in commandTable?
How to download the visual studio 2015 shell isolated version & what is latest version
Hi Team, How to download the latest visual studio 2015 shell isolated software . And what is the latest version.
Visual studio 2022 crashing when any exception is thrown while debugging and when trying to look at available extensions
I figured out the answer to this one the hard way so I'm posting this to hopefully help someone in the future. Steps for my VS2022 to cause the crash: Create new project. After the hello world, add a throw new Exception(); and debug it. When it executes…
Visual Studio Community Integration Services and Licensing
Hello, My questions probably been asked before but I need to be sure and would like to know, what is the difference using community and enterprise version? Let say i have a limited resource , what if I purchase SQL Server License, made a SSIS package…
FileExtensionRegistryService returns me UNKNOWN content type for .cs and .txt
Am trying to understand IFileExtensionRegistryService in the Visual Studio Extension development scenario. I try to get content types as follows. var componentModel = (IComponentModel)Package.GetGlobalService(serviceType: typeof(SComponentModel)); var…
How to publish Platform Specific Extensions to Marketplace
We have our extensions in marketplace and now we want to upload the MAC and Linux supporting versions of Same Extension. How to upload multiple platform specific VSIX to marketplace manually by browsing and uploading instead of using vsce publish via…
Extension manager suggestions: How can I remove some extensions from the suggestions ?
Hello, For example I don't like to see resharper any time when I open the extension manager. I would like to have a possibility to remove it from my suggestion list. Thanks.
How to add my custom named "Help" setting under Options->Envrionment when using TOOL->Import and Export Settings
I was able to add my custom setting "Help" under TOOLS->Options->Environment with this code [ProvideOptionPageAttribute(typeof(AcfHelpProviderPage), "Environment", "Help", 0, 113, true)] Where 113 value is Help But I…
Language Server (LSP) not called for language features when used along with a Language Service
We have a Visual Studio extension that implements a custom code editor and a legacy Language Service. Code editor is opened using IVSUIShell.CreateDocumentWindow. Language Service is associated with this editor using…
Validate Breakpoints location with MEF Language Service
We have a Visual Studio extension that implements a legacy Language Service. We are trying to get rid of this and implement the language service in MEF now. There is a way to validate breakpoints location in legacy language service -…
Showing an error while try to install the software.
Hello Team, Required help on resolving my issue, Currently I'm using Visual Studio 2022 Professional, and I required to generate the sdf file for that I have added the extension "SQLite/SQL Server Compact Toolbox" from Visual Studio, the…
What is BaseDefinition and ContentType in visual studio extension development
I have been looking into this example Walkthrough: Customize the text view In this example, the content type is text as shown…
how to dock a tool window when it open for the first time in vsix
I have created tool window in VSIX, now i need to dock that when it open for the first time as per the desired position we set and next time if user moves the tool window it should persist with that position as visual studio doing already. i can dock the…
How to fix access issues when trying to access VS code Via Azure Ai Studio project
Hi, We are facing an issue when access the Azure AI Studio Compute from a windows machine. When the compute is ready and we try to access it via VScode Desktop we are seeing the following error message: Screenshot 2024-11-21 at 17.53.45.png Here are…
How to debug maui ios in real device with free provisioning on mac vs code
I've already using xcode to deploy the native app to my device with this provisioning profile. Then I've modified the project config as below <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(TargetFramework)'=='net8.0-ios'"> …
How to add a keyboard shortcut on a Visual Studio extension?
I'm trying to learn how to create a keyboard shortcut on a Visual Studio 2022 extension. I would like to get the shortcut visible and editable at Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard Steps i tried: Addded: …
How to Access and Reconstruct HBITMAP Data from a Debugged Process?
I am developing a Visual Studio 2022 extension to extract HBITMAP objects from the memory of a debugged process for analysis. Ideally, I want to access and reconstruct (when necessary) the raw bitmap data directly, without needing to convert each…
Visual Studio 2022 Analysis Services Extension on Windows 11 ARM64 (Lenovo Snapdragon)
I recently purchased a Lenovo CoPilot+PC ARM64 Snapdragon Windows 11 computer. I keep getting an error when I try to install the Analysis Services Extension for Visual Studio 2022 (Microsoft.DataTools.AnalysisServices.vsix). Is there a workaround to be…