Site-to-Site VPN connection over ExpressRoute private peering not valid
Hello, It seems this article is either outdated or wrong with what it is currently proposing - the requirements most likely need to change. We have the same issue as described here, we have full control of the firewall from on-prem and can…
Can't delete Connected Devices of Virtual Network
Hi, I can't delete one of our Virtual Network because I can't delete the connected devices linked to it. When attempting to delete the connected devices, I get the following error: Failed to delete virtual machine scaleSet instance Failed to delete…
Alternate method to resolve the VirtualNetwork service tag
Hello, We are attempting to dynamically resolve the Virtual Network Service Tag in the Network Security Group rules. We desire to comprehend the IP addresses that this service tag encompasses for each Virtual Network within our subscription. We have…
Action required: Upgrade from Basic to Standard SKU public IP addresses in Azure by 30 September 2025
You're receiving this notice because you've used Basic SKU public IP addresses within the last 30 days. On 30 September 2025, Basic SKU public IP addresses will be retired in Azure. You can continue to use your existing Basic SKU public IP addresses…
Unable to delete resource group
I am unable to delete my resource group. I am trying documentation but it's not worked for me. I have 3 resources in that resource group. Network Interface Virtual Network Disk I am trying to delete this 3 resource individual but failed. NIC…
Network Policy Fails for Private Endpoint
Enabling Network Policy on Private Endpoint is failing even when Traffic is forwarded to Virtual Network as well. Everything is allowed when checked Connection Troubleshoot. Not sure , where the blocker is?

How to connect to a containerapp on azure from s2s vpn
I need help connecting to a container app on azure from a site to site VPN. What I have done: Create a Site to Site VPN which connects from our office site to the Azure cloud. I have proved this works by creating a Virtual machine in Azure and…
Unable to delete vNet although no more resources were inside the virtual network
Failed to delete the vNet although there's no more connected devices. I saw that you need a Microsoft Support team to help to remove the vNet…
Azure Container App Down
We had two app containers configured on the same environment go down suddenly. They both pull from the same Azure Container Registry. These apps have been deployed many times and run without any configuration changes for months prior to going down.…

VNet Peering VPN Gateway
I have 2 Vnet and both Vnet is peered, VM inside Vnet1 can communicate with VM inside Vnet2. I also have VPN gateway connected to Vnet1, and from my onprem can communicate with vnet1, but why from my onprem can't communicate to vnet2?

Azure - site to site ipsec tunnel with IPv6 address support
Hi Team, I am currently implementing IPv6 in my infra. As per IPsec tunnel we need public ip address at peer side to establish tunnel. In azure when I am trying to create virtual nat gateway, it not allowing to create with IPv6. I tried with power…
Keyvault Failover across regions with private endpoint
Hello, I've read this doc and with reference to the bullet point in that doc, quote "If you're using private link to connect to your key…
How to check virtual network gateway connection state using PS?
I am looking for a way to check the virtual network gateway connection state using PS. Based on the MS article that should be pretty simple, using command: Get-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection -Name $ConnectionName -ResourceGroupName $RGName However,…
Azure Virtual Network: Cross-Tenant Vnet-to-Vnet Connection Fails with 'InternalRetriableError
We have been using New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection to establish cross tenant Vnet-to-Vnet connections for years, and even one a few months ago. Now we are getting an error message: New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection: Line | 39 | …

Help Setup a VPN with one static Outbound IP
I wants to connect my team to a VPN client on our desktop and laptop devices so they are brought under a VPN for our company. This will allow all staff to have a singular static outbound IP Address. They can then add this Static IP Address to any…

how i get fragmented ip packets in my vnet?
i dont get fragment packets from out of vnet

Azure server to Sendgrid connectivity
Hi , I want to setup connection from my azure server to sendgrid , How Can I do that , what are the flows I need to open in NSG level?

Cannot setup Peering Service on DECIX Mumbai Equinix MB1 as our ip is already in use by other ASN
Hi Good Day. We tried to configure a new peering service over DECIX Mumbai Equinix MB1 but the azure portal states that configuration cannot be pushed as IP Address is in use by other autonomous system.
i want to create vnet and firewall
I want to create vNet and firewall where I am adding Postgresql, app service, and storage account
Cannot delete Virtual Network/Enterprise Policy
I have been trying to setup the virtual network connection between the Power Platform and Azure, and in doing so it involves creating two virtual networks that delegate a subnet to Microsoft.PowerPlatform/enterprisePolicies. In the same resource group…