Unexpected increase of networking costs in Azure BLOB storage
I've had pretty consistent costs of storage and networking costs in Azure BLOB over the last 12 months or so, but last month our bill was about 4x what it usually is. I tried submitted a ticket to Azure support and was told that this is because we are…

how to create backup of blob storage
how to create backup of blob storage in azure how to create backup of blob storage in azure
Can Azure Storage Tasks creation be automated?
Hello, I need to run rehydration on 2Pb of data spanning over 9months. Ive been oriented to Azure Storage Tasks, but I would like to run the rehydration on weekly or monthly basis. Is there a way to automate the actual creation of the Azura Storage…
Early deletion fees from archive on a Soft Delete blob account
Hello, I have a blob in archive. If I delete it after 160 days (30 days before the minimum retention time in archive required elapses) and if I have a soft delete of 30 days activated on my storage account, will I pay for 60days of storage worth in…
Private Blob URL access
Hello, I would like to know which is the best approach to be able to share urls of files stored in my blob storage that can be just accessible by an authorised group of people. I am using copilot for creating a custom chatbot, this chatbot when…
Filtering Metrics for Azure Function and Blob Storage in Datadog
Hi Microsoft Support, I am currently monitoring an Azure Function App and an Azure Blob Storage account in Datadog, and I can see the overall metrics being ingested successfully. However, I am facing an issue with filtering the metrics at a more granular…
SSL policy errors: RemoteCertificateNameMismatch in Blob Storage
I have created a blob storage which is a part of the virtual network. I created a private endpoint for the blob storage and disabled public access to the blob storage. However, the wrong certificate is used when I try to use it in the app.…
Does Azure snowflake SPN need change when a blob storage is switched from public network to private network?
Hello! My storage account is currently configured as public endpoint "enabled from all networks": Snowflake data is unloaded into blob storage in .csv files using COPY INTO command. I have added the AZURE_MULTI_TENANT_APP_NAME as SPN in…
How to download multiple files or folder from Azure blob storage container
How to download multiple files or folder from Azure blob storage container. Able to select multiple files but didn't get download multiple file option
I own the AI Foundry account but cannot access blob storage.
I am the owner of the account. I created an Azure AI Foundry hub and project. I created a few prompt flows. After a day or two, I am unable to access the blob storage account associated with the hub. I have added myself to the Storage Account as a…
Unable to upload .exe files to Azure blob container in Azure Storage Account
Hi I am trying to upload an exe file to my Azure Blob container but I am getting below ( forbidden ) error. Also when I tried with .txt, .ppt .ps1 extensions I am able to upload those. Is there any restriction MS has for (.exe files). I am having…
How are charges applied if VMs and Storage Account are in the same region?
How are charges applied if VMs and SAs are in the same region? Whether Standard Data Transfer Out will be charged for traffic? Storage Account have no Availability Zones and same with VM.
How to isolate SFTP home directories with Azure Blob Storage
I'd like to SFTP users for uploading content at scale and in a way that each user is constrained to their home directory. Is that even possible in a shared container and if so, how? In my limited understanding I thought the approach might be: Create a…
Missing Columns in ADLS from Storage Blob Logs
After changing the storage blob logs destination from Log Analytics to ADLS, the logs table StorageBlobLogs contains 52 columns, but certain columns for read, delete, and write actions are missing in the ADLS logs file. What could be the reason for…
Cannot find a recently deleted storage account
A storage account was deleted less than 14 days ago and I cannot find it in this url https://portal.azure.com/#browse/Microsoft.Storage%2FStorageAccounts how can I find so we can recover it? Checklist ✅ The storage account was deleted within the past…
Indexing html & htm documents from Azure Blob Storage to Azure Search Index using an Indexer.
Hello everyone, I am trying to set up an indexer that will index documents from a data source (Azure Blob Storage) to an Azure Search Index. I have also created a skillset that contains a chunking and an embedding skill. Specifically these are the…
Issues Accessing Azure Blob Storage with Anonymous Access Enabled
Why am I unable to access blob data in my Azure Storage account despite having anonymous access enabled? PS - Based on common issues that we have seen from customers and other sources, we are posting these questions to help the Azure community.
How to upload the snapshot json into the storage account with Ev2 ARM template?
I'm trying to use the ARM template and EV2 to upload the snapshot json into the blob storage account. Is there any existing template or examples to support this action?
Unable to Access Blob Storage Containers Despite Ownership
There is a container called indexer-examples that cannot be accessed, along with other containers created previously. All storage accounts are currently inaccessible, even though role assignments indicate ownership. What could have happened and how can…

How to create storage lifecycle rules in the different policies
I am trying to use java code to set the storage lifecycle policies to expire the data by prefixes. But I noticed it only allow to setting 100 rules under a…