The solution was manually removing MARSAgent (it is peaty Microsoft doesn't have tool for this), what was partly done by Microsoft support. Unfortunately, some registry were left what prevented installation. I've used:
This resolved my issue.
Microsoft Azure BAckup "Configuration error", can't uninstall MARS agent
Hi, I can' do anything on MARS backup and can't uninstall it as well, could you help please? I've tried to use post but it hasn't work for me.
24BC 2248 01/27 09:51:01.786 10 BackEnd.cs(265) NORMAL BackEnd.ParseCommandLine : Parsing Commandline
24BC 2248 01/27 09:51:01.786 10 BackEnd.cs(368) NORMAL ParseCommandLine :: UnInstall Invoked
24BC 2248 01/27 09:51:01.786 10 Program.cs(45) NORMAL C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent\bin\ManagedSetup.exe/d
24BC 2248 01/27 09:51:01.791 10 SetupWizard.cs(165) NORMAL SetupWizard:: In LaunchSetup
24BC 2248 01/27 09:51:01.792 10 SetupWizard.cs(677) NORMAL SetupWizard.GrabSetupMutex : Create setup mutex
24BC 2248 01/27 09:51:01.793 10 SetupWizard.cs(694) NORMAL SetupWizard.GrabSetupMutex : Try to grab setup mutex
24BC 2248 01/27 09:51:01.793 10 SetupWizard.cs(705) NORMAL SetupWizard.GrabSetupMutex : Setup mutex grabbed
24BC 2248 01/27 09:51:01.794 10 SetupWizard.cs(221) NORMAL SetupWizard.Runsetup entered
24BC 2248 01/27 09:51:01.794 10 SetupWizard.cs(263) NORMAL SetupWizard.Runsetup : Start the wizard
24BC 2248 01/27 09:51:01.906 10 UninstallWelcomePage.cs(245) NORMAL The scratch location from the regkey is D:\Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent\Scratch\Scratch
24BC 2248 01/27 09:51:01.915 10 SetupWizard.cs(315) NORMAL Starting the wizard
24BC 2248 01/27 09:51:01.948 10 UninstallWelcomePage.cs(61) NORMAL <<< Dialog >>> Uninstall Welcome Page : Entered
24BC 2248 01/27 09:51:04.545 10 UninstallWelcomePage.cs(69) NORMAL <<< Dialog >>> Uninstall Welcome Page : Leaving
24BC 2248 01/27 09:51:04.553 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(69) NORMAL <<< Dialog >>> Progress Page : Entering
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.558 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(247) NORMAL UninstallProgressPage: Inside Uninstaller thread
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.565 10 BackEnd.cs(1908) WARNING IGNORING Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent UI Close Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.565 10 BackEnd.cs(1908) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEnd.CloseMOBSUI()
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.567 10 BackEnd.cs(2397) WARNING IGNORING Event Viewer UI Close Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.567 10 BackEnd.cs(2397) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEnd.CloseEventViewer()
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.569 10 Installer.cs(292) NORMAL Installer.Installer : Create callback function instance
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.570 10 Installer.cs(345) NORMAL Installer.Install : Set UI level (INSTALLUILEVEL_NONE|INSTALLUILEVEL_SOURCERESONLY )
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.570 10 Installer.cs(347) NORMAL Function >> MsiSetInternalUI
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.571 10 Installer.cs(351) NORMAL MsiSetInternalUI returned {0}
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.571 10 Installer.cs(358) NORMAL Installer.Install : Register external callback function with windows installer
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.571 10 Installer.cs(360) NORMAL Function >> MsiSetExternalUI
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.574 10 Installer.cs(659) NORMAL Un-Install
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.574 10 Installer.cs(668) NORMAL Msi package path
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.576 10 Installer.cs(941) NORMAL Installer.LaunchMsi : Install the product
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.576 10 Installer.cs(942) NORMAL Installer.LaunchMsi : package =
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.576 10 Installer.cs(943) NORMAL Installer.LaunchMsi : command line = REBOOT="ReallySuppress" REMOVE=ALL
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.576 10 Installer.cs(945) NORMAL Function >> MsiInstallProduct
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.576 10 Installer.cs(744) NORMAL Installer.Install : Check if logging is enabled
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.576 10 Installer.cs(746) NORMAL Enable msi logging (verbose). The log is appended into the setup log file.
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.576 10 Installer.cs(750) NORMAL Installer.Install : Logging enabled. Enable logging using MsiEnableLog
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.576 10 Installer.cs(754) NORMAL Function >> MsiEnableLog
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.580 10 Installer.cs(763) NORMAL MsiEnableLog returned {0}.0
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.580 10 Installer.cs(773) NORMAL Installer.LaunchMsi : MsiEnableLog successfull
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.681 10 Installer.cs(811) NORMAL MsiInstallProduct returned1605
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.681 10 Installer.cs(868) WARNING Installer.LaunchMsi : Install failed
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.688 10 BackEnd.cs(1739) WARNING Failed to Uninstall Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent Exception : Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Exceptions.MsiInvokeException: Exception of type 'Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Exceptions.MsiInvokeException' was thrown.
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.688 10 BackEnd.cs(1739) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.Installer.Uninstall()
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.688 10 BackEnd.cs(1739) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEnd.UninstallMsi(InstallerMessageEventHandler MsgEventHandler, InstallerProgressEventHandler ProgEventHandler)
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.688 10 BackEnd.cs(1739) WARNING *** Mojito error was: UninstallFailed; 1605; WindowsAPI
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.691 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(261) NORMAL Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEndException: Failed to uninstall Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent.
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.691 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(261) NORMAL at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEnd.UninstallMsi(InstallerMessageEventHandler MsgEventHandler, InstallerProgressEventHandler ProgEventHandler)
24BC 0B3C 01/27 09:51:04.691 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(261) NORMAL at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.UninstallProgressPage.InstallerThreadEntry()
24BC 2248 01/27 09:51:09.269 10 SetupWizard.cs(926) NORMAL UnInstallation is done
24BC 2248 01/27 09:51:09.269 10 SetupWizard.cs(783) NORMAL Microsoft Azure Recovery Services setup over.
24BC 2248 01/27 09:51:09.269 10 SetupWizard.cs(1126) NORMAL FinishWizard entered
24BC 2248 01/27 09:51:09.269 10 SetupWizard.cs(1166) NORMAL SetupWizard.FinishInstall : FinishUninstall entered
24BC 2248 01/27 09:51:09.282 10 SetupWizard.cs(710) NORMAL SetupWizard.ReleaseSetupMutex : Release setup mutex
221C 0A04 01/27 09:51:15.702 10 BackEnd.cs(265) NORMAL BackEnd.ParseCommandLine : Parsing Commandline
221C 0A04 01/27 09:51:15.702 10 BackEnd.cs(368) NORMAL ParseCommandLine :: UnInstall Invoked
221C 0A04 01/27 09:51:15.702 10 Program.cs(45) NORMAL C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent\bin\ManagedSetup.exe/d
221C 0A04 01/27 09:51:15.707 10 SetupWizard.cs(165) NORMAL SetupWizard:: In LaunchSetup
221C 0A04 01/27 09:51:15.708 10 SetupWizard.cs(677) NORMAL SetupWizard.GrabSetupMutex : Create setup mutex
221C 0A04 01/27 09:51:15.708 10 SetupWizard.cs(694) NORMAL SetupWizard.GrabSetupMutex : Try to grab setup mutex
221C 0A04 01/27 09:51:15.708 10 SetupWizard.cs(705) NORMAL SetupWizard.GrabSetupMutex : Setup mutex grabbed
221C 0A04 01/27 09:51:15.709 10 SetupWizard.cs(221) NORMAL SetupWizard.Runsetup entered
221C 0A04 01/27 09:51:15.709 10 SetupWizard.cs(263) NORMAL SetupWizard.Runsetup : Start the wizard
221C 0A04 01/27 09:51:15.816 10 UninstallWelcomePage.cs(245) NORMAL The scratch location from the regkey is D:\Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent\Scratch\Scratch
221C 0A04 01/27 09:51:15.825 10 SetupWizard.cs(315) NORMAL Starting the wizard
221C 0A04 01/27 09:51:15.855 10 UninstallWelcomePage.cs(61) NORMAL <<< Dialog >>> Uninstall Welcome Page : Entered
221C 0A04 01/27 09:51:17.302 10 UninstallWelcomePage.cs(69) NORMAL <<< Dialog >>> Uninstall Welcome Page : Leaving
221C 0A04 01/27 09:51:17.310 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(69) NORMAL <<< Dialog >>> Progress Page : Entering
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.314 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(247) NORMAL UninstallProgressPage: Inside Uninstaller thread
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.319 10 BackEnd.cs(1908) WARNING IGNORING Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent UI Close Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.319 10 BackEnd.cs(1908) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEnd.CloseMOBSUI()
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.321 10 BackEnd.cs(2397) WARNING IGNORING Event Viewer UI Close Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.321 10 BackEnd.cs(2397) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEnd.CloseEventViewer()
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.324 10 Installer.cs(292) NORMAL Installer.Installer : Create callback function instance
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.324 10 Installer.cs(345) NORMAL Installer.Install : Set UI level (INSTALLUILEVEL_NONE|INSTALLUILEVEL_SOURCERESONLY )
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.324 10 Installer.cs(347) NORMAL Function >> MsiSetInternalUI
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.325 10 Installer.cs(351) NORMAL MsiSetInternalUI returned {0}
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.325 10 Installer.cs(358) NORMAL Installer.Install : Register external callback function with windows installer
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.325 10 Installer.cs(360) NORMAL Function >> MsiSetExternalUI
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.326 10 Installer.cs(659) NORMAL Un-Install
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.326 10 Installer.cs(668) NORMAL Msi package path
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.327 10 Installer.cs(941) NORMAL Installer.LaunchMsi : Install the product
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.327 10 Installer.cs(942) NORMAL Installer.LaunchMsi : package =
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.327 10 Installer.cs(943) NORMAL Installer.LaunchMsi : command line = REBOOT="ReallySuppress" REMOVE=ALL
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.327 10 Installer.cs(945) NORMAL Function >> MsiInstallProduct
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.328 10 Installer.cs(744) NORMAL Installer.Install : Check if logging is enabled
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.328 10 Installer.cs(746) NORMAL Enable msi logging (verbose). The log is appended into the setup log file.
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.328 10 Installer.cs(750) NORMAL Installer.Install : Logging enabled. Enable logging using MsiEnableLog
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.328 10 Installer.cs(754) NORMAL Function >> MsiEnableLog
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.329 10 Installer.cs(763) NORMAL MsiEnableLog returned {0}.0
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.329 10 Installer.cs(773) NORMAL Installer.LaunchMsi : MsiEnableLog successfull
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.350 10 Installer.cs(811) NORMAL MsiInstallProduct returned1605
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.350 10 Installer.cs(868) WARNING Installer.LaunchMsi : Install failed
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.356 10 BackEnd.cs(1739) WARNING Failed to Uninstall Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent Exception : Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Exceptions.MsiInvokeException: Exception of type 'Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Exceptions.MsiInvokeException' was thrown.
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.356 10 BackEnd.cs(1739) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.Installer.Uninstall()
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.356 10 BackEnd.cs(1739) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEnd.UninstallMsi(InstallerMessageEventHandler MsgEventHandler, InstallerProgressEventHandler ProgEventHandler)
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.356 10 BackEnd.cs(1739) WARNING *** Mojito error was: UninstallFailed; 1605; WindowsAPI
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.357 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(261) NORMAL Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEndException: Failed to uninstall Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent.
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.357 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(261) NORMAL at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEnd.UninstallMsi(InstallerMessageEventHandler MsgEventHandler, InstallerProgressEventHandler ProgEventHandler)
221C 268C 01/27 09:51:17.357 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(261) NORMAL at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.UninstallProgressPage.InstallerThreadEntry()
221C 0A04 01/27 09:53:50.120 10 SetupWizard.cs(926) NORMAL UnInstallation is done
221C 0A04 01/27 09:53:50.121 10 SetupWizard.cs(783) NORMAL Microsoft Azure Recovery Services setup over.
221C 0A04 01/27 09:53:50.121 10 SetupWizard.cs(1126) NORMAL FinishWizard entered
221C 0A04 01/27 09:53:50.121 10 SetupWizard.cs(1166) NORMAL SetupWizard.FinishInstall : FinishUninstall entered
221C 0A04 01/27 09:53:50.134 10 SetupWizard.cs(710) NORMAL SetupWizard.ReleaseSetupMutex : Release setup mutex
24CC 2194 01/27 09:55:00.167 10 BackEnd.cs(265) NORMAL BackEnd.ParseCommandLine : Parsing Commandline
24CC 2194 01/27 09:55:00.167 10 BackEnd.cs(368) NORMAL ParseCommandLine :: UnInstall Invoked
24CC 2194 01/27 09:55:00.167 10 Program.cs(45) NORMAL C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent\bin\ManagedSetup.exe/d
24CC 2194 01/27 09:55:00.172 10 SetupWizard.cs(165) NORMAL SetupWizard:: In LaunchSetup
24CC 2194 01/27 09:55:00.174 10 SetupWizard.cs(677) NORMAL SetupWizard.GrabSetupMutex : Create setup mutex
24CC 2194 01/27 09:55:00.174 10 SetupWizard.cs(694) NORMAL SetupWizard.GrabSetupMutex : Try to grab setup mutex
24CC 2194 01/27 09:55:00.174 10 SetupWizard.cs(705) NORMAL SetupWizard.GrabSetupMutex : Setup mutex grabbed
24CC 2194 01/27 09:55:00.175 10 SetupWizard.cs(221) NORMAL SetupWizard.Runsetup entered
24CC 2194 01/27 09:55:00.175 10 SetupWizard.cs(263) NORMAL SetupWizard.Runsetup : Start the wizard
24CC 2194 01/27 09:55:00.288 10 UninstallWelcomePage.cs(245) NORMAL The scratch location from the regkey is D:\Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent\Scratch\Scratch
24CC 2194 01/27 09:55:00.298 10 SetupWizard.cs(315) NORMAL Starting the wizard
24CC 2194 01/27 09:55:00.331 10 UninstallWelcomePage.cs(61) NORMAL <<< Dialog >>> Uninstall Welcome Page : Entered
24CC 2194 01/27 09:55:02.081 10 UninstallWelcomePage.cs(69) NORMAL <<< Dialog >>> Uninstall Welcome Page : Leaving
24CC 2194 01/27 09:55:02.102 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(69) NORMAL <<< Dialog >>> Progress Page : Entering
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.106 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(247) NORMAL UninstallProgressPage: Inside Uninstaller thread
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.159 10 BackEnd.cs(1908) WARNING IGNORING Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent UI Close Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.159 10 BackEnd.cs(1908) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEnd.CloseMOBSUI()
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.179 10 BackEnd.cs(2397) WARNING IGNORING Event Viewer UI Close Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.179 10 BackEnd.cs(2397) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEnd.CloseEventViewer()
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.181 10 Installer.cs(292) NORMAL Installer.Installer : Create callback function instance
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.182 10 Installer.cs(345) NORMAL Installer.Install : Set UI level (INSTALLUILEVEL_NONE|INSTALLUILEVEL_SOURCERESONLY )
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.182 10 Installer.cs(347) NORMAL Function >> MsiSetInternalUI
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.183 10 Installer.cs(351) NORMAL MsiSetInternalUI returned {0}
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.183 10 Installer.cs(358) NORMAL Installer.Install : Register external callback function with windows installer
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.183 10 Installer.cs(360) NORMAL Function >> MsiSetExternalUI
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.183 10 Installer.cs(659) NORMAL Un-Install
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.183 10 Installer.cs(668) NORMAL Msi package path
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.185 10 Installer.cs(941) NORMAL Installer.LaunchMsi : Install the product
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.185 10 Installer.cs(942) NORMAL Installer.LaunchMsi : package =
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.185 10 Installer.cs(943) NORMAL Installer.LaunchMsi : command line = REBOOT="ReallySuppress" REMOVE=ALL
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.185 10 Installer.cs(945) NORMAL Function >> MsiInstallProduct
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.186 10 Installer.cs(744) NORMAL Installer.Install : Check if logging is enabled
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.186 10 Installer.cs(746) NORMAL Enable msi logging (verbose). The log is appended into the setup log file.
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.186 10 Installer.cs(750) NORMAL Installer.Install : Logging enabled. Enable logging using MsiEnableLog
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.186 10 Installer.cs(754) NORMAL Function >> MsiEnableLog
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.186 10 Installer.cs(763) NORMAL MsiEnableLog returned {0}.0
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.186 10 Installer.cs(773) NORMAL Installer.LaunchMsi : MsiEnableLog successfull
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.206 10 Installer.cs(811) NORMAL MsiInstallProduct returned1605
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.206 10 Installer.cs(868) WARNING Installer.LaunchMsi : Install failed
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.212 10 BackEnd.cs(1739) WARNING Failed to Uninstall Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent Exception : Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Exceptions.MsiInvokeException: Exception of type 'Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Exceptions.MsiInvokeException' was thrown.
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.212 10 BackEnd.cs(1739) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.Installer.Uninstall()
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.212 10 BackEnd.cs(1739) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEnd.UninstallMsi(InstallerMessageEventHandler MsgEventHandler, InstallerProgressEventHandler ProgEventHandler)
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.212 10 BackEnd.cs(1739) WARNING *** Mojito error was: UninstallFailed; 1605; WindowsAPI
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.213 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(261) NORMAL Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEndException: Failed to uninstall Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent.
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.213 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(261) NORMAL at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEnd.UninstallMsi(InstallerMessageEventHandler MsgEventHandler, InstallerProgressEventHandler ProgEventHandler)
24CC 1D48 01/27 09:55:02.213 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(261) NORMAL at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.UninstallProgressPage.InstallerThreadEntry()
24CC 2194 01/27 09:55:08.145 10 SetupWizard.cs(926) NORMAL UnInstallation is done
24CC 2194 01/27 09:55:08.145 10 SetupWizard.cs(783) NORMAL Microsoft Azure Recovery Services setup over.
24CC 2194 01/27 09:55:08.146 10 SetupWizard.cs(1126) NORMAL FinishWizard entered
24CC 2194 01/27 09:55:08.147 10 SetupWizard.cs(1166) NORMAL SetupWizard.FinishInstall : FinishUninstall entered
24CC 2194 01/27 09:55:08.171 10 SetupWizard.cs(710) NORMAL SetupWizard.ReleaseSetupMutex : Release setup mutex
27C8 2B64 01/27 09:56:06.450 10 BackEnd.cs(265) NORMAL BackEnd.ParseCommandLine : Parsing Commandline
27C8 2B64 01/27 09:56:06.450 10 BackEnd.cs(368) NORMAL ParseCommandLine :: UnInstall Invoked
27C8 2B64 01/27 09:56:06.450 10 Program.cs(45) NORMAL C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent\bin\ManagedSetup.exe/d
27C8 2B64 01/27 09:56:06.455 10 SetupWizard.cs(165) NORMAL SetupWizard:: In LaunchSetup
27C8 2B64 01/27 09:56:06.457 10 SetupWizard.cs(677) NORMAL SetupWizard.GrabSetupMutex : Create setup mutex
27C8 2B64 01/27 09:56:06.457 10 SetupWizard.cs(694) NORMAL SetupWizard.GrabSetupMutex : Try to grab setup mutex
27C8 2B64 01/27 09:56:06.457 10 SetupWizard.cs(705) NORMAL SetupWizard.GrabSetupMutex : Setup mutex grabbed
27C8 2B64 01/27 09:56:06.458 10 SetupWizard.cs(221) NORMAL SetupWizard.Runsetup entered
27C8 2B64 01/27 09:56:06.458 10 SetupWizard.cs(263) NORMAL SetupWizard.Runsetup : Start the wizard
27C8 2B64 01/27 09:56:06.563 10 UninstallWelcomePage.cs(245) NORMAL The scratch location from the regkey is D:\Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent\Scratch\Scratch
27C8 2B64 01/27 09:56:06.572 10 SetupWizard.cs(315) NORMAL Starting the wizard
27C8 2B64 01/27 09:56:06.603 10 UninstallWelcomePage.cs(61) NORMAL <<< Dialog >>> Uninstall Welcome Page : Entered
27C8 2B64 01/27 09:56:08.878 10 UninstallWelcomePage.cs(69) NORMAL <<< Dialog >>> Uninstall Welcome Page : Leaving
27C8 2B64 01/27 09:56:08.886 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(69) NORMAL <<< Dialog >>> Progress Page : Entering
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.890 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(247) NORMAL UninstallProgressPage: Inside Uninstaller thread
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.939 10 BackEnd.cs(1908) WARNING IGNORING Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent UI Close Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.939 10 BackEnd.cs(1908) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEnd.CloseMOBSUI()
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.958 10 BackEnd.cs(2397) WARNING IGNORING Event Viewer UI Close Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.958 10 BackEnd.cs(2397) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEnd.CloseEventViewer()
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.960 10 Installer.cs(292) NORMAL Installer.Installer : Create callback function instance
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.961 10 Installer.cs(345) NORMAL Installer.Install : Set UI level (INSTALLUILEVEL_NONE|INSTALLUILEVEL_SOURCERESONLY )
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.961 10 Installer.cs(347) NORMAL Function >> MsiSetInternalUI
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.962 10 Installer.cs(351) NORMAL MsiSetInternalUI returned {0}
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.962 10 Installer.cs(358) NORMAL Installer.Install : Register external callback function with windows installer
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.962 10 Installer.cs(360) NORMAL Function >> MsiSetExternalUI
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.963 10 Installer.cs(659) NORMAL Un-Install
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.963 10 Installer.cs(668) NORMAL Msi package path
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.964 10 Installer.cs(941) NORMAL Installer.LaunchMsi : Install the product
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.964 10 Installer.cs(942) NORMAL Installer.LaunchMsi : package =
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.964 10 Installer.cs(943) NORMAL Installer.LaunchMsi : command line = REBOOT="ReallySuppress" REMOVE=ALL
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.964 10 Installer.cs(945) NORMAL Function >> MsiInstallProduct
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.965 10 Installer.cs(744) NORMAL Installer.Install : Check if logging is enabled
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.965 10 Installer.cs(746) NORMAL Enable msi logging (verbose). The log is appended into the setup log file.
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.965 10 Installer.cs(750) NORMAL Installer.Install : Logging enabled. Enable logging using MsiEnableLog
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.965 10 Installer.cs(754) NORMAL Function >> MsiEnableLog
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.965 10 Installer.cs(763) NORMAL MsiEnableLog returned {0}.0
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.965 10 Installer.cs(773) NORMAL Installer.LaunchMsi : MsiEnableLog successfull
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.984 10 Installer.cs(811) NORMAL MsiInstallProduct returned1605
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.984 10 Installer.cs(868) WARNING Installer.LaunchMsi : Install failed
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.990 10 BackEnd.cs(1739) WARNING Failed to Uninstall Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent Exception : Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Exceptions.MsiInvokeException: Exception of type 'Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Exceptions.MsiInvokeException' was thrown.
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.990 10 BackEnd.cs(1739) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.Installer.Uninstall()
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.990 10 BackEnd.cs(1739) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEnd.UninstallMsi(InstallerMessageEventHandler MsgEventHandler, InstallerProgressEventHandler ProgEventHandler)
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.990 10 BackEnd.cs(1739) WARNING *** Mojito error was: UninstallFailed; 1605; WindowsAPI
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.991 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(261) NORMAL Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEndException: Failed to uninstall Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent.
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.991 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(261) NORMAL at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEnd.UninstallMsi(InstallerMessageEventHandler MsgEventHandler, InstallerProgressEventHandler ProgEventHandler)
27C8 29AC 01/27 09:56:08.991 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(261) NORMAL at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.UninstallProgressPage.InstallerThreadEntry()
27C8 2B64 01/27 09:56:11.059 10 SetupWizard.cs(926) NORMAL UnInstallation is done
27C8 2B64 01/27 09:56:11.059 10 SetupWizard.cs(783) NORMAL Microsoft Azure Recovery Services setup over.
27C8 2B64 01/27 09:56:11.060 10 SetupWizard.cs(1126) NORMAL FinishWizard entered
27C8 2B64 01/27 09:56:11.060 10 SetupWizard.cs(1166) NORMAL SetupWizard.FinishInstall : FinishUninstall entered
27C8 2B64 01/27 09:56:11.076 10 SetupWizard.cs(710) NORMAL SetupWizard.ReleaseSetupMutex : Release setup mutex
2070 2A4C 01/27 10:07:59.198 10 BackEnd.cs(265) NORMAL BackEnd.ParseCommandLine : Parsing Commandline
2070 2A4C 01/27 10:07:59.198 10 BackEnd.cs(368) NORMAL ParseCommandLine :: UnInstall Invoked
2070 2A4C 01/27 10:07:59.198 10 Program.cs(45) NORMAL C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent\bin\ManagedSetup.exe/d
2070 2A4C 01/27 10:07:59.203 10 SetupWizard.cs(165) NORMAL SetupWizard:: In LaunchSetup
2070 2A4C 01/27 10:07:59.204 10 SetupWizard.cs(677) NORMAL SetupWizard.GrabSetupMutex : Create setup mutex
2070 2A4C 01/27 10:07:59.204 10 SetupWizard.cs(694) NORMAL SetupWizard.GrabSetupMutex : Try to grab setup mutex
2070 2A4C 01/27 10:07:59.204 10 SetupWizard.cs(705) NORMAL SetupWizard.GrabSetupMutex : Setup mutex grabbed
2070 2A4C 01/27 10:07:59.205 10 SetupWizard.cs(221) NORMAL SetupWizard.Runsetup entered
2070 2A4C 01/27 10:07:59.205 10 SetupWizard.cs(263) NORMAL SetupWizard.Runsetup : Start the wizard
2070 2A4C 01/27 10:07:59.313 10 UninstallWelcomePage.cs(245) NORMAL The scratch location from the regkey is D:\Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent\Scratch\Scratch
2070 2A4C 01/27 10:07:59.322 10 SetupWizard.cs(315) NORMAL Starting the wizard
2070 2A4C 01/27 10:07:59.358 10 UninstallWelcomePage.cs(61) NORMAL <<< Dialog >>> Uninstall Welcome Page : Entered
2070 2A4C 01/27 10:08:01.129 10 UninstallWelcomePage.cs(69) NORMAL <<< Dialog >>> Uninstall Welcome Page : Leaving
2070 2A4C 01/27 10:08:01.139 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(69) NORMAL <<< Dialog >>> Progress Page : Entering
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.144 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(247) NORMAL UninstallProgressPage: Inside Uninstaller thread
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.194 10 BackEnd.cs(1908) WARNING IGNORING Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent UI Close Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.194 10 BackEnd.cs(1908) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEnd.CloseMOBSUI()
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.217 10 BackEnd.cs(2397) WARNING IGNORING Event Viewer UI Close Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.217 10 BackEnd.cs(2397) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEnd.CloseEventViewer()
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.219 10 Installer.cs(292) NORMAL Installer.Installer : Create callback function instance
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.219 10 Installer.cs(345) NORMAL Installer.Install : Set UI level (INSTALLUILEVEL_NONE|INSTALLUILEVEL_SOURCERESONLY )
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.219 10 Installer.cs(347) NORMAL Function >> MsiSetInternalUI
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.220 10 Installer.cs(351) NORMAL MsiSetInternalUI returned {0}
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.220 10 Installer.cs(358) NORMAL Installer.Install : Register external callback function with windows installer
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.220 10 Installer.cs(360) NORMAL Function >> MsiSetExternalUI
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.221 10 Installer.cs(659) NORMAL Un-Install
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.221 10 Installer.cs(668) NORMAL Msi package path
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.222 10 Installer.cs(941) NORMAL Installer.LaunchMsi : Install the product
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.222 10 Installer.cs(942) NORMAL Installer.LaunchMsi : package =
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.222 10 Installer.cs(943) NORMAL Installer.LaunchMsi : command line = REBOOT="ReallySuppress" REMOVE=ALL
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.222 10 Installer.cs(945) NORMAL Function >> MsiInstallProduct
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.223 10 Installer.cs(744) NORMAL Installer.Install : Check if logging is enabled
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.223 10 Installer.cs(746) NORMAL Enable msi logging (verbose). The log is appended into the setup log file.
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.223 10 Installer.cs(750) NORMAL Installer.Install : Logging enabled. Enable logging using MsiEnableLog
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.223 10 Installer.cs(754) NORMAL Function >> MsiEnableLog
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.223 10 Installer.cs(763) NORMAL MsiEnableLog returned {0}.0
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.223 10 Installer.cs(773) NORMAL Installer.LaunchMsi : MsiEnableLog successfull
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.264 10 Installer.cs(811) NORMAL MsiInstallProduct returned1605
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.264 10 Installer.cs(868) WARNING Installer.LaunchMsi : Install failed
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.270 10 BackEnd.cs(1739) WARNING Failed to Uninstall Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent Exception : Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Exceptions.MsiInvokeException: Exception of type 'Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Exceptions.MsiInvokeException' was thrown.
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.270 10 BackEnd.cs(1739) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.Installer.Uninstall()
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.270 10 BackEnd.cs(1739) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEnd.UninstallMsi(InstallerMessageEventHandler MsgEventHandler, InstallerProgressEventHandler ProgEventHandler)
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.270 10 BackEnd.cs(1739) WARNING *** Mojito error was: UninstallFailed; 1605; WindowsAPI
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.272 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(261) NORMAL Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEndException: Failed to uninstall Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent.
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.272 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(261) NORMAL at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.BackEnd.UninstallMsi(InstallerMessageEventHandler MsgEventHandler, InstallerProgressEventHandler ProgEventHandler)
2070 2838 01/27 10:08:01.272 10 UninstallProgressPage.cs(261) NORMAL at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.UninstallProgressPage.InstallerThreadEntry()
2070 2A4C 01/27 10:16:33.436 10 SetupWizard.cs(
2 answers
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Piotr Kowalczyk 11 Reputation points
2022-02-08T08:22:31.653+00:00 -
Francis Jones 0 Reputation points
2025-02-25T10:36:20.5533333+00:00 This solution worked for me brilliantly. Thank you so much for posting Piotr.