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Which fonction I need to use ?
I need to make a process probably with a fonction but i don't know which one.
I need to create a column "taux horaire.taux horaire" in my "Table 1" to suit of two column "Year" and "Skill". But the year and the skill reffered to another table : "Rate". In "Rate" there are the Skill on ahead and the year on the first columns.
So the result of my columns is the crossing of "Year" and "Skill" in the table "Rate", from the column in the first table.
Table "Table 1" : https://www.dropbox.com/s/wqoku9yq1iexbm5/Table%201.png?dl=0
Table "Rate" : https://www.dropbox.com/s/3jbyz6kngay6l2f/Rate.png?dl=0
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MayankBargali-MSFT 70,826 Reputation points