Hi @Songkran Junpet , welcome to Microsoft Q&A forum.
Unfortunately we cannot pause/stop Azure Cosmos DB. Please find below the verbatim provided by Azure Cosmos team and a workaround:
"Pausing or stopping Cosmos DB is not possible. Cosmos is a managed database service that provides SLAs for availability and latency. A service that was turned off would not be able to provide either of those SLA’s.
You can reduce RU/s on a container or database to as low as 400 RU/s which is approximately $24 USD per month.
You can also use Change Feed to read all all your data in a container to a cold store like blob storage, then delete your container and keep the Cosmos account. Then when you need your data back in Cosmos, you can re-import the data, do your CRUD operations, then re-export it back out."
Please let me know if that helps.
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