hello romungi,
i do not see the option to interrupt and restart the kernel, the kernel options is greyed out and does not let me view the menu.
azure ML no kernel connected jupyter notebook
Reputation point
I Setup a new ML Resource, cloned a tutorial notebook from azure ml and when i try to get "Jupyter Kernel Failure". I do see at the top right no kernel is connected. i have set a compute. How am i able to start or restart the jupyter kernel?
2 answers
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CSource 41 Reputation points
2020-07-24T16:00:18.113+00:00 -
romungi-MSFT 48,536 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
2020-06-29T11:50:51.187+00:00 @Orange-7012 If you are using ml.azure.com for Azure ML notebooks you should see an option to interrupt the kernel and restart it or use the menu option of your notebook for Kernel operations to perform the same.