Hey @Diana Wanjuhi ,
I came across this thread while looking for the answer to the same question @Dan Kaplan` had. In fact, it seems that this comes up a lot. Here are just some of the examples:
- https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-365-developer-platform/ability-to-update-or-create-an-event-without-sending-a/idi-p/2335070
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57548606/how-do-we-suppress-notification-emails-for-events-created-through-ms-outlook-cal
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58094438/update-and-delete-calendar-event-without-sending-notification-to-attendees
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45671589/outlook-365-api-disable-automatic-email-send-when-creating-calendar-event
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60846937/restore-calendar-event-without-sending-notification-to-attendees-using-ms-graph
In our case, we have a Learning Platform that allows employees within an organization to enroll into events, which we then wish to sync with their Outlook calendar using the provided Graph API. Unfortunately, whenever we update an Outlook event to add a new attendee, the system sends email notifications to all of the existing attendees, which is interpreted as spam. As a result, we have had to use ICS-over-email form of calendar integration for all Outlook customers, which is not an optimal experience either. Note that Google Calendar API (with which we integrate as well) does not force these redundant email notifications, since it correctly assumes that these will be managed separately.
Note, our events are not part of a recurring series, so the note you referred to in the answer above does not apply to us.
So, is there a simple way to suppress all email notifications coming from the Outlook Graph API for calendar create/update/delete operations? If not, has this feature been requested/tracked somewhere (so that I can learn more about its status)? The feature request link you provided above returns a 404.
Thank you!