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I have a problem with 'NoteViewer' in XML。
Dear sir,
I managed to create a sample mentioned here with WPF App and Blank App (Universal Windows)
However, I have a problem here.
Error Lists say "Unknown type 'NoteViewer' in XML in XML namespace~.
Strangely enough, when I made this sample with WPF App, I can get a music score despite having the same error. But in the case of Universal Windows, I can not get anu music sore here like below.
This proble may have something to do with 'NoteViewer' but no matter what I do,
I failed solve this problem by myself.
Could you help me on this regard? It seems that this proble is above my head.
Kind Regards,
Hiroaki Mizusaki
3 answers
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寛明 水崎 1 Reputation point
2020-04-21T05:44:23.487+00:00 Hello,
Here is what I wrote.
xmlns:mc=""mc:Ignorable="d" Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}"> <Grid> <StackPanel> <ManufakturaControls:NoteViewer x:Name="noteViewer1" ScoreSource="{Binding Data}" Height="110"/> </StackPanel> </Grid>
寛明 水崎 1 Reputation point
2020-04-20T06:11:45.45+00:00 Hello,
First, I downloaded Manufaktura.Music.dll, Manufaktura.Controls.dll, Manufaktura.Model.dll and Manufaktura.UniversalApps.dll from here - and installed those four.
Next, what I wrote is the below.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime;
using Windows.Foundation;
using Windows.Foundation.Collections;
using Windows.UI.Xaml;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Data;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Input;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Media;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Navigation;using Windows.UI.Xaml.Resources;
using Manufaktura.Music;
using Manufaktura.Model;
using Manufaktura.Controls;
using Manufaktura.Controls.UniversalApps;
using Manufaktura.Controls.Model;using Manufaktura.Music.Model;
using Manufaktura.Music.Model.Harmony;
using Manufaktura.Music.Model.MajorAndMinor;namespace App6
{public sealed partial class MainPage : Page { public MainPage() { this.InitializeComponent(); var viewModel = new TestDataViewModel(); DataContext = viewModel; viewModel.LoadTestData(); } public class TestDataViewModel : ViewModel { private Score data; public Score Data { get { return data; } set { data = value; OnPropertyChanged(() => Data); } } public void LoadTestData() { var score = Score.CreateOneStaffScore(Clef.Treble, new MajorScale(Step.C, false)); score.FirstStaff.Elements.Add(new Note(Pitch.C5, RhythmicDuration.Quarter)); score.FirstStaff.Elements.Add(new Note(Pitch.B4, RhythmicDuration.Quarter)); score.FirstStaff.Elements.Add(new Note(Pitch.C5, RhythmicDuration.Half)); score.FirstStaff.Elements.Add(new Barline()); Data = score; var secondStaff = new Staff(); secondStaff.Elements.Add(Clef.Treble); secondStaff.Elements.Add(new Key(0)); secondStaff.Elements.Add(new Note(Pitch.G4, RhythmicDuration.Whole)); secondStaff.Elements.Add(new Barline()); score.Staves.Add(secondStaff); score.Staves.Add(new Staff()); score.ThirdStaff.Elements.Add(Clef.Tenor); score.ThirdStaff.Elements.Add(new Key(0)); score.ThirdStaff.Elements.Add(new Note(Pitch.D4, RhythmicDuration.Half)); score.ThirdStaff.Elements.Add(new Note(Pitch.E4, RhythmicDuration.Half)); score.ThirdStaff.Elements.Add(new Barline()); score.Staves.Add(new Staff()); score.Staves[3].Elements.Add(Clef.Bass); //0-based index score.Staves[3].Elements.Add(new Key(0)); score.Staves[3].Elements.Add(new Note(Pitch.G3, RhythmicDuration.Half)); score.Staves[3].Elements.Add(new Note(Pitch.C3, RhythmicDuration.Half)); score.Staves[3].Elements.Add(new Barline()); // var parser = new MusicXmlParser(); // score = parser.Parse(XDocument.Load(@"D:\Dokumenty\Manufaktura programów\Dane do bazy\2014-08-01 DWOK tom 1 numery 1 i 5\DWOK tom 1, s. 3, nr 1 a.xml")); // Data = score; } } }
And the error I got is "
Error Unknown type 'NoteViewer' in XML namespace 'clr-namespace:Manufaktura.Controls.UniversalApps;assembly=Manufaktura.Controls.UniversalApps' "That is everything I can show.
Kind Regard,