How to handle the feedback submitted for a bot response? Is there a common id that intersects both response and feedback ?
I'm using teams toolkit sdk to build a sql chatbot, one of the features is that I want to have is to record the feedback. Though teams toolkit sdk provides a feedback handler it doesn't provide much to work with. I want to be able to know which response the feedback is associated to.
this is the
async def feedback_loop(_context: TurnContext, _state: TurnState, feedback_loop_data: FeedbackLoopData):
print(f"Your feedback is:\n{json.dumps(asdict(feedback_loop_data), indent=4)}")
print("This is from")
print(f"Context: {_context}")
print(f"State: {_state}")
print(f"Activity: {_context.activity}")
print(f"Activity Id: {}")
print(f"TurnState: {_context.turn_state}")
Here the feedback is handled by the feedback loop, it keeps track of the reaction of the feedback, feedback text and reply_to_id.
how can I make use of this reply_to_id to identify the user conversation
Here is where the actual conversation logic is :
async def render_data(self, context: TurnContext, memory: Memory, tokenizer: Tokenizer, maxTokens: int):
Queries the SQL database using the user-provided input.
query = memory.get('temp.input')
if not query:
return Result('', 0, False)
print(f"User Query: {query}")
# Execute the query using LangChain agent
sql_query = None
emp_list = []
for step in
{"messages": [{"role": "user", "content": query}]},
if "messages" in step:
last_message = step["messages"][-1]
# Check if a tool was called
if "tool_calls" in last_message.additional_kwargs:
tool_calls = last_message.additional_kwargs["tool_calls"]
for tool_call in tool_calls:
if tool_call["function"]["name"] == "sql_db_query":
arguments_str = tool_call["function"]["arguments"]
arguments_dict = json.loads(arguments_str)
if "query" in arguments_dict:
sql_query = arguments_dict["query"]
response = emp_list[-1]['messages'][-1].content
# self.store_chat_in_cosmos(query, sql_query, response,context)
print("This is from My_data_source")
print(f"Context: {context}")
print(f"Activity: {context.activity}")
print(f"TurnState: {context.turn_state}")
print(f"Responded: {context.responded}")
print(f"Agent Response: {response}")
return Result(self.formatDocument(response), len(response), False) if response else Result('', 0, False)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error querying the database: {e}")
return Result("", 0, False)
Here the response is actually generated.
I want to know a way to record the response along with the feedback, Even if there is a delay in feedback (meaning more exchanges happened without any feedback) I want to be able to correctly map feedback for the particular response.