Hello @Dustin Lanz,
Thank you for sharing your domain details.
It looks like the domain xxxxx.de that you're trying to verify in your xxxxxx.onmicrosoft.com directory has already been verified in a different directory. This is why you're receiving an error message when attempting to verify the domain.
You can check the directory IDs by entering your domain name at the following URL: https://www.whatismytenantid.com/.
I can confirm that the tenants are different.
To proceed with verifying the domain in your current directory, we need to engage the Data Protection team via a support ticket. They will unverify the domain in the other directory before it can be added to your tenant.
To initiate this process, I will need a few details from you. Since this information contains Personally Identifiable Information (PII), please share the following details via private message:
- Contact phone number (add +Country code)
- Contact email address
- Country
- TimeZone
Please send me the detail via private message.