There is no automated way to do this. Ultimately you just need to convert from VB syntax to Typescript. The Fundamentals documentation is a good start for understanding the syntax.
Without any testing, this would be a starting point for you.
function padDigits(value: number, width: number){
return String(value).padStart(width, '0');
function dateAsFormatted(value: Date) {
//Without using ITL, custom formatting dates requires doing it by hand
var year = padDigits(value.getFullYear(), 4);
var month = padDigits(value.getMonth(), 2);
var day = padDigits(value.getDay(), 2);
var hour = padDigits(value.getHours(), 2);
var minutes = padDigits(value.getMinutes(), 2);
var seconds = padDigits(value.getSeconds(), 2);
return `{year}{month}{day}{hour}{minutes}{seconds}`;
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
// Define the sheets where Unique IDs should be created
var sheetNames = ['CapEx Tracking', 'OpEx Tracking'];
var sheets = workbook.getWorksheets();
var nowFormat = dateAsFormatted(new Date(;
// Loop through both sheets
for (let sheet of sheetNames) {
// Set the worksheet
var ws = sheets[sheet];
//Simplifying this down to simply use the getUsedRange function instead...
// Find last row with data in Column B (assuming B is always filled if data exists)
//let lastRowIndex = ws.getRange("B:B").getUsedRange().getLastRow().getRowIndex()
var usedRows = ws.getUsedRange();
// Loop through rows starting from Row 3 to assign Unique IDs where missing, Starting from Row 3
for (let rowIndex = 3; rowIndex < usedRows.getRowCount(); ++rowIndex) {
let cellA = usedRows.getCell(rowIndex, 0);
let cellB = usedRows.getCell(rowIndex, 1);
if (cellA.getValue() == "" && cellB != "") {
var rnd = Math.random() * 1000;
console.log("Unique IDs have been assigned to all existing rows on 'CapEx Tracking' and 'OpEx Tracking'.");