Unable to connect to any of my industrial usb3 cameras in winui3 C#
We are porting our UI from Win Forms/WPF to WinUI3 C#. My classes to connect and control industrial cameras like Basler and IDS usb3 versions work as expected in WPF. But I am unable to connect to them when using WinUI3. All of the problems (the errors aren't the same) seem related to threading. I converted my camera class to .Net Standard 2.0. That made no change (works on WPF fails on WinUI3).
This is errors from my Immediate Window:
Exception thrown: 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException' in Basler.Pylon.dll
Exception thrown: 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException' in Basler.Pylon.dll
Exception thrown: 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException' in Basler.Pylon.dll
External component has thrown an exception.
at Pylon.CDeviceInfo.{ctor}(CDeviceInfo*)
at Basler.Pylon.Camera..ctor()
at Detectors.Camera_Basler_USB3.Connect()
I have updated to the latest drivers for both Basler and IDS.