Hi GenixPRO
I am able to replicate the issue with PNG file on azure portal UI.
Used tesseract in below sample code to do an OCR on image to convert to text before using code interpreter.
Here is my sample code. You can check the other samples here in github
import pytesseract
from openai import AzureOpenAI
import os
import time
from PIL import Image
client = AzureOpenAI(
# Perform OCR to extract text from the image, please set environment variable to tesseract location and install the package prior
extracted_text = pytesseract.image_to_string(Image.open("C:/Users/Screenshots/sampleinterpreter.png"))
# Save the extracted text to a .txt file
text_file_path = "C:/Users/Screenshots/extracted_text.txt"
with open(text_file_path, "w") as text_file:
# Upload the text file with an "assistants" purpose
file = client.files.create(
file=open(text_file_path, "rb"),
# Create an assistant using the file ID
assistant = client.beta.assistants.create(
instructions="You are an AI assistant that can write and help analyze code to answer. The input passed is extracted text from an image file that needs to be analyzed.",
tools=[{"type": "code_interpreter"}],
tool_resources={"code_interpreter": {"file_ids": [file.id]}}
# Create a thread
thread = client.beta.threads.create()
# Add a user question to the thread
message = client.beta.threads.messages.create(
content=f"hi, Can you analyze the code and see if anything wrong and what the code is doing here. The extracted text from the image is as follows:\n\n{extracted_text}" # Replace this with your prompt
# Run the thread
run = client.beta.threads.runs.create(
# Looping until the run completes or fails
while run.status in ['queued', 'in_progress', 'cancelling']:
run = client.beta.threads.runs.retrieve(
if run.status == 'completed':
messages = client.beta.threads.messages.list(
# Print the messages as a paragraph
for message in messages:
if message.role == "assistant":
content = message.content[0].text.value
print(f"The assistant's response: {content}")
elif run.status == 'requires_action':
# the assistant requires calling some functions
# and submit the tool outputs back to the run
SyncCursorPage[Message](data=[Message(id='msg_dCopLLzpv1JdycDKQBWcbmY2', assistant_id='asst_ut47eXqPtxA9VdeThLGbFZIe', attachments=[], completed_at=None, content=[TextContentBlock(text=Text(annotations=[], value="Here is a cleaned-up and reconstructed version of the code based on the extracted input:\n\n### Key Features of the Code\n1. **Sorting Functionality (`sort_by`):**\n - `sort_by` accepts a list of callback functions (`cbs`), which determine the sorting logic.\n - Each callback can optionally specify whether sorting should be done in descending order using the `desc` attribute.\n\n2. **Custom Sorting Logic:**\n - The code iterates through the list of callbacks.\n - For each callback, it extracts values from objects `a` and `b` to compare them.\n - Depending on the `desc` attribute and whether the values are strings or numbers, it calculates the difference for sorting. If non-zero, the difference determines the order.\n\n3. **Descending Mode (`desc`):**\n - A utility function (`desc`) is provided to wrap a callback with metadata indicating descending order.\n\n4. **Example Callback Function (`sample_callback`):**\n - Demonstrates simple extraction of the `value` field from items.\n\n### How It Works\n- Use `sort_by` to define comparison logic for sorting an array, and optionally specify sorting in descending order.\n- Pass in an array of callback definitions (`cbs`), where each callback specifies how to extract comparison values.\n\n#### Example `callbacks` Output:\npython\n[{'desc': True, 'cb': <function sample_callback>}]\n\n\nThis structure indicates the callback for sorting in descending order.\n\nLet me know if you'd like help with examples or further clarification!"), type='text')], t_k75Vg4KI31emNavmVbaKxiou', attachments=[], completed_at=None, content=[TextContentBlock(text=Text(annotations=[], value="This code snippet appears to be JavaScript code dealing with a sort function (`sortBy`) and a descending comparator function (`desc`). However, there are syntactical issues and potential logic issues with the extracted text. Below, I'll highlight the extracted code issues and explain what the code is attempting to do.\n\n### Translation of the extracted code with issues highlighted:\nThe code appears garbled and incomplete in several places. Here's how it looks reformatted based on the extracted text:\njavascript\nconst sortBy = (cbs) => (a, b) => {\n for (let i = 0; i < cbs.length; i++) {\n const cb = cbs[i].desc ? cbs[i].cb : cbs[i];\n const aa = cb(a);\n const bb = cb(b);\n const diff = cbs[i].desc\n ? (typeof aa === 'string'\n ? bb.localeCompare(aa)\n : bb - aa)\n : (typeof aa === 'string'\n ? aa.localeCompare(bb)\n : aa - bb);\n if (diff !== 0) return diff;\n }\n return 0;\n};\n\nconst desc = (cb) => ({ desc: true, cb });\n\n\n### Issues and Observations in the Code\n1. **Syntax Errors**:\n - The initial `sortBy` function has improper syntax in its arrow function and parameters. It uses `>` incorrectly for the arrow function replacement.\n - The extracted conditional blocks (`diff`) have misplaced syntax: the `isString(aa)` function is used without definition or context.\n\n2. **Logical Errors**:\n - There is a confusion in comparing strings using `localeCompare`. Ensure it is dealing with strings only when using this method.\n\n3. **Missing Context**:\n - `isString` is likely meant to check if `aa` and `bb` are strings but is missing. Native JavaScript doesn't have `isString`; instead `typeof variable === 'string'` should be used.\n - The variable `cbs` is expected to be an array of objects, where each object may contain a `desc` key and a `cb` function, but no example `cbs` structure is provided.\n - There’s no explanation of what `a` and `b` represent (likely elements to be sorted).\n\n4. **Undefined `Q`**:\n - `Q` is referenced but has no definition or mention of use in this context.\n\n### What the Code is Doing\n#### `sortBy` Function:\n- `sortBy(cbs)` generates a comparator function for sorting an array of elements (`a` and `b`).\n- The `cbs` parameter is expected to be a list of callback functions or objects with `{ cb, desc }`. Each `cb` transforms elements for comparison and `desc` indicates whether sorting should be in descending order.\n- Iterates through `cbs` and compares elements (`a` and `b`) using each callback:\n - If a difference (`diff`) is found using one of the callbacks, it returns the difference.\n - Strings are compared using `.localeCompare()`.\n - Numbers or other types are compared using subtraction (`-`).\n- If all callbacks result in zero difference (i.e., equal elements), the function returns
Hope it helps
Thank you.