Sporadically receiving MQTTRecvFailed error [Azure IoT middleware]

Klajderic Aljosa HSLU I 25 Reputation points


I'm doing endurance testing on the Azure IoT middleware for the FreeRTOS SDK (link). I am thinking of using the library for our application. I've modified the esp32 sample_azure_iot_pnp example for the test. Currently, the endurance test sends 4 packets every 9.5 seconds, repeated 880 times.

When testing - often mid-flow - I get the following error:
User's image

I haven't been able to identify the cause of this error or why it occurs. Has anyone experienced this or know how to deal with it? I have not been able to find out what errno 119 corresponds to?

My current workaround is to disconnect and restart the Azure code when the error occurs. When I do that then I leak some memory from the heap:

User's image

Have I forgotten to call or close something? Here is the task:

static void prvAzureDemoTask(void *arg)
    base_event* received_ele;
    AzureIoTResult_t xResult;
    esp_err_t ret;
    while (1) {
        if ( ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY) )
            ESP_LOGW(LIBRARY_LOG_NAME, "Free heap memory in bytes: %d", heap_caps_get_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_8BIT));
            /* Attempt to establish TLS session with IoT Hub. If connection fails,
             * retry after a timeout. Timeout value will be exponentially increased
             * until  the maximum number of attempts are reached or the maximum timeout
             * value is reached. The function returns a failure status if the TCP
             * connection cannot be established to the IoT Hub after the configured
             * number of attempts. */
            ulStatus = prvConnectToServerWithBackoffRetries( ( const char * ) pucIotHubHostname,
                                                             &xNetworkCredentials, &xNetworkContext );
            configASSERT( ulStatus == 0 );
            /* Fill in Transport Interface send and receive function pointers. */
            xTransport.pxNetworkContext = &xNetworkContext;
            xTransport.xSend = TLS_Socket_Send;
            xTransport.xRecv = TLS_Socket_Recv;
            xResult = AzureIoTHubClient_OptionsInit( &xHubOptions );
            xResult = AzureIoTHubClient_Init( &xAzureIoTHubClient,
                                    pucIotHubHostname, pulIothubHostnameLength,
                                    pucIotHubDeviceId, pulIothubDeviceIdLength,
                                    ucMQTTMessageBuffer, sizeof( ucMQTTMessageBuffer ),
                                    &xTransport );
            configASSERT( xResult == eAzureIoTSuccess );
            xResult = AzureIoTHubClient_SetSymmetricKey( &xAzureIoTHubClient,
                                                            ( const uint8_t * ) democonfigDEVICE_SYMMETRIC_KEY,
                                                            sizeof( democonfigDEVICE_SYMMETRIC_KEY ) - 1,
                                                            Crypto_HMAC );
            configASSERT( xResult == eAzureIoTSuccess );
            /* Sends an MQTT Connect packet over the already established TLS connection,
             * and waits for connection acknowledgment (CONNACK) packet. */
            LogInfo( ( "Creating an MQTT connection to %s.", pucIotHubHostname ) );
            xResult = AzureIoTHubClient_Connect( &xAzureIoTHubClient,
                                                 false, &xSessionPresent,
                                                 CONNACK_RECV_TIMEOUT_MS );
            configASSERT( xResult == eAzureIoTSuccess );
            // subscribe to something
            xResult = AzureIoTHubClient_SubscribeCommand( &xAzureIoTHubClient, prvHandleCommand,
                                                          &xAzureIoTHubClient, sampleazureiotSUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT );
            configASSERT( xResult == eAzureIoTSuccess );
            xResult = AzureIoTHubClient_SubscribeProperties( &xAzureIoTHubClient, prvHandlePropertiesMessage,
                                                             &xAzureIoTHubClient, sampleazureiotSUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT );
            configASSERT( xResult == eAzureIoTSuccess );
            /* Get property document after initial connection */
            xResult = AzureIoTHubClient_RequestPropertiesAsync( &xAzureIoTHubClient );
            configASSERT( xResult == eAzureIoTSuccess );
            /* Create a bag of properties for the telemetry */
            xResult = AzureIoTMessage_PropertiesInit( &xPropertyBag, ucPropertyBuffer, 0, sizeof( ucPropertyBuffer ) );
            configASSERT( xResult == eAzureIoTSuccess );
            /* Sending a default property (Content-Type). */
            xResult = AzureIoTMessage_PropertiesAppend( &xPropertyBag,
                                                        ( uint8_t * ) AZ_IOT_MESSAGE_PROPERTIES_CONTENT_TYPE, sizeof( AZ_IOT_MESSAGE_PROPERTIES_CONTENT_TYPE ) - 1,
                                                        ( uint8_t * ) sampleazureiotMESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE, sizeof( sampleazureiotMESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE ) - 1 );
            configASSERT( xResult == eAzureIoTSuccess );
            /* Sending a default property (Content-Encoding). */
            xResult = AzureIoTMessage_PropertiesAppend( &xPropertyBag,
                                                        ( uint8_t * ) AZ_IOT_MESSAGE_PROPERTIES_CONTENT_ENCODING, sizeof( AZ_IOT_MESSAGE_PROPERTIES_CONTENT_ENCODING ) - 1,
                                                        ( uint8_t * ) sampleazureiotMESSAGE_CONTENT_ENCODING, sizeof( sampleazureiotMESSAGE_CONTENT_ENCODING ) - 1 );
            configASSERT( xResult == eAzureIoTSuccess );
            memset(ucScratchBuffer, 0, sizeof( ucScratchBuffer ));
            while (xQueueReceive(azure_queue, &received_ele, /*pdMS_TO_TICKS(200)*/portMAX_DELAY) == pdPASS){
                received_ele->create_json(ucScratchBuffer, CONFIG_AZURE_CONNECTIVITY_SCRATCH_BUFFERS, &ulScratchBufferLength);
                /* Publish messages with QoS1, send and process Keep alive messages. */
                xResult = AzureIoTHubClient_SendTelemetry( &xAzureIoTHubClient,
                                                            ucScratchBuffer, ulScratchBufferLength,
                                                            &xPropertyBag, eAzureIoTHubMessageQoS1, NULL );
                if(xResult != eAzureIoTSuccess){
                    ESP_LOGE(LIBRARY_LOG_NAME,"Failed to send the dato to the cloud.");
                // you need to call this every push to the Iot Hub
                // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/694812/mqttnomemory-after-a-period-of-time-publishing
                xResult = AzureIoTHubClient_ProcessLoop( &xAzureIoTHubClient, sampleazureiotPROCESS_LOOP_TIMEOUT_MS );
                if(xResult != eAzureIoTSuccess){
                    ESP_LOGE(LIBRARY_LOG_NAME,"Process loop got an error: close and re-open a new session.");
                    // enqueue back the element
                    // notify to start the init process again
                    delete received_ele;
                ESP_LOGW(LIBRARY_LOG_NAME, "Free heap memory in bytes after process Loop event: %d", heap_caps_get_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_8BIT));
            // unsubsribe to properties and commands
            xResult = AzureIoTHubClient_UnsubscribeProperties( &xAzureIoTHubClient );
            configASSERT( xResult == eAzureIoTSuccess );
            xResult = AzureIoTHubClient_UnsubscribeCommand( &xAzureIoTHubClient );
            configASSERT( xResult == eAzureIoTSuccess );
            /* Send an MQTT Disconnect packet over the already connected TLS over
            * TCP connection. There is no corresponding response for the disconnect
            * packet. After sending disconnect, client must close the network
            * connection. */
            xResult = AzureIoTHubClient_Disconnect( &xAzureIoTHubClient );
            configASSERT( xResult == eAzureIoTSuccess );
            /* Close the network connection.  */
            TLS_Socket_Disconnect( &xNetworkContext );
            LogInfo( ( "Closing the connection." ) );
            ESP_LOGW(LIBRARY_LOG_NAME, "Free heap memory in bytes at the closing: %d", heap_caps_get_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_8BIT));
        } else {
            LogWarn( ( "Queue received returned with an error:") );
        } // if statement
    }// while loop

Thanks in advance for any advice!

Azure IoT Plug and Play
Azure IoT Plug and Play
A Microsoft technology based on an open modeling language that enables developers to connect internet of things (IoT) devices to the cloud without having to write any code.
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