Azure synapse spark start-up fail: CLUSTER_CREATION_TIMED_OUT: Livy session has failed.
Pieter Tjerkstra
Reputation points
Since a few days none of my spark pools in Azure synapse analytics are able to start-up. After trying for 15 minutes to start, I either get this message:
LivySessionCreationTimeoutException: Livy session creation timed out. workspace: we-psch-a-data-syn, pool: wepschdatasprk, session id: 70
Or this message:
CLUSTER_CREATION_TIMED_OUT: Livy session has failed. Session state: Error. Error code: CLUSTER_CREATION_TIMED_OUT.
[plugins.we-psch-a-data-syn.wepschdatasprk.68 WorkspaceType:<Synapse> CCID:<779e0f73-8ced-4cf1-9fd2-abeb7ba5f8fd>]
Attempt=[1]/[3]Cluster was in terminal state=[Cancelled] before it reached 'Ready' state.
Cluster job has WorkspaceName=[we-psch-a-data-syn], SpecName=[wepschdatasprk], and JobId=[85479d1c-eb62-4fb2-bbe3-728791426c4c]. Source: Dependency.
Do you have any clues how to solve this?
I tried different cluster sizes, a new spark pool and a new infrastructure release.
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