Hey there,
I am trying to create an IKEv1 VPN to connect an old firewall - or at least try - to an Azure VPN. I can't use IKEv2 as the firewall fails to maintain the tunnel established with a "unknown message" error (most likely caused by the software in use as it's from 2018).
After checking out the documentation and various PowerShell examples, I was able to create a Virtual Network Gateway with a Basic SKU, of course using a Public IP with a basic SKU as well, within a resource group without any other Virtual Network Gateway (as seems to be a requirement) and with a VNet with the necessary subnet.
I have also created the Local Network Gateway as needed.
Everything up to this point (resources creation) seems to work fine but when I try to add the IKEv1 connection via the Azure Portal using the created resources I get the following error
"status": "Failed",
"error": {
"code": "InvalidConnectionProtocol",
"message": "Invalid ConnectionProtocol IKEv1 specified for gateway /subscriptions/XYZXYZXY-0000-1111-2222-333333333333/resourceGroups/RG/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/OfficeVpnVirtualNetworkGatewayIKEv1",
"details": []
I am not entirely sure what the culprit is here as the error is too generic and I have recreated everything from scratch to be sure it's not just a transient error.
Also, searching on Bing or Google is not too helpful because of the generic error.
Any idea of what might be causing this issue?
For instance, even using the example commands from the documentation, with some extra commands to create the local network gateway and the connection, lead to the same result
$MyPublicIP = ""
$MyAddressPrefix = ""
New-AzResourceGroup -Name TestRG1 -Location EastUS
$virtualnetwork = New-AzVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName TestRG1 -Location EastUS -Name VNet1 -AddressPrefix
$subnetConfig = Add-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name Frontend -AddressPrefix -VirtualNetwork $virtualnetwork
$virtualnetwork | Set-AzVirtualNetwork
$vnet = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName TestRG1 -Name VNet1
Add-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name 'GatewaySubnet' -AddressPrefix -VirtualNetwork $vnet
$vnet | Set-AzVirtualNetwork
$gwpip = New-AzPublicIpAddress -Name "VNet1GWIP" -ResourceGroupName "TestRG1" -Location "EastUS" -AllocationMethod Dynamic -Sku Basic
$vnet = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -Name VNet1 -ResourceGroupName TestRG1
$subnet = Get-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name 'GatewaySubnet' -VirtualNetwork $vnet
$gwipconfig = New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayIpConfig -Name gwipconfig -SubnetId $subnet.Id -PublicIpAddressId $gwpip.Id
New-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -Name VNet1GW -ResourceGroupName TestRG1 -Location "East US" -IpConfigurations $gwipconfig -GatewayType "Vpn" -VpnType "RouteBased" -GatewaySku Basic
$vnetgw = Get-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -Name VNet1GW -ResourceGroupName TestRG1
New-AzLocalNetworkGateway -Name TestLocalGW -ResourceGroupName TestRG1 -Location "East US" -GatewayIpAddress $MyPublicIP -AddressPrefix $MyAddressPrefix
$localgw = Get-AzLocalNetworkGateway -Name TestLocalGW -ResourceGroupName TestRG1
New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection -Name TestLocalNGConnection -ResourceGroupName TestRG1 -Location "East US" -VirtualNetworkGateway1 $vnetgw -LocalNetworkGateway2 $localgw -ConnectionProtocol IKEv1 -ConnectionType IPsec
New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection: Invalid ConnectionProtocol IKEv1 specified for gateway /subscriptions/1a1e927f-863f-43db-8070-9b12584e4533/resourceGroups/TestRG1/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/VNet1GW
StatusCode: 400
ReasonPhrase: Bad Request
ErrorCode: InvalidConnectionProtocol
ErrorMessage: Invalid ConnectionProtocol IKEv1 specified for gateway /subscriptions/1a1e927f-863f-43db-8070-9b12584e4533/resourceGroups/TestRG1/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/VNet1GW
OperationID : 8fb96e74-1870-4f38-9a75-731c19afaf02
Creating the Local Network Gateway and the Connection manually via the Portal or via PowerShell doesn't lead to different results.