Hi Salam ELIAS,
Thanks for using Q & A forum.
- You have to pass valid resource ID of user assigned managed identity to create the container app using
Use below commands to create container App using --registry-identity
1. resourcegroup= <resourcegroup_name>
// fetch resourceID of User Assigned Managed Identity
2. spResourceID=$(az identity show --resource-group $resourcegroup --name <user_managed_identity_name> --query id --output tsv)
//Create Container App Environment
3. az containerapp env create --name <containerapp_environment> --resource-group $resourcegroup --location "<Location>"
//Create container registry
4. az acr create --resource-group $resourcegroup --name <registry_name> --sku Basic
// Create Container App using resourceID of managed identity
5. az containerapp create --name <container_app_name> --resource-group $resourcegroup --environment <containerapp_environment> --registry-identity $spResourceID --registry-server <Container_registry>.azurecr.io --image <image:tag> --ingress external
I have created the container app using --registry-identity
az containerapp create --name <container_app_name> --resource-group $resourcegroup --environment <containerapp_environment> --registry-identity $spResourceID --registry-server <Container_registry>.azurecr.io --image <image:tag> --ingress external
Container app created. Access your app at https://kpaca06.yellowflower-3354809f.eastus.azurecontainerapps.io/
//Removed excess config
"registries": [
"identity": "/subscriptions/d93995eXX9e52bc/resourcegroups/pravrg/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/kpuami",
"passwordSecretRef": "",
"server": "kpregistry06.azurecr.io",
"username": ""
"secrets": null,
"service": null
//Removed excess config
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"runningStatus": "Running",
"template": {
"containers": [
"image": "mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/aspnet:latest",
"name": "kpaca06",
"resources": {
"cpu": 0.5,
"ephemeralStorage": "2Gi",
"memory": "1Gi"
//Removed excess config
"type": "Microsoft.App/containerApps"
Container App got created with User Assigned managed identity enabled:

Hope this helps.
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