Chrome Error de cache
we use fslogix (windows 2016/citrix) and I have a bug to access the website from google chrome.
I access the site in question and at one point when I have to return to a page of the site
I have this message from chrome:
(in F12 I see this> ERR_CACHE_MISS)
To display correctly, this web page needs the data you entered previously. You can send this data again. However, by doing so, you will repeat any action already performed on this page
if I test locally on my pc with chrome no problem.
if I test from the server in admin with chrome (without fslogix) no problem.
if I test with my user session with fslogix with google chrome in private mode no problem
On the other hand if I test with my fslogix user session with google chrome normal mode, I have the problem/bug;
(Sorry dont speak english)