App Attach Azure files limits
I am hitting App Attach limits on AVD with a customer with errors mounting apps on devices. Based on the Microsoft documentation -, the Azure files location should not be hitting any limits. Has anybody used this to calculate maximum apps per Azure files location and IOPS requirements as when I calculate it out not getting anywhere close to what actually seeing. Have a mixture of Multi-Session non-persistent and Single-Session persistent AVD devices and a dedicated Azure files location just for App-attach. Just trying to set limits for number of apps, user and devices that can be located in a single Azure files location. Checked both IOPS and handles. Any help or thoughts appreciated. Keen to understand what happens on Multi-session devices if have 10 users on single device...does it get counted as single device from an app-attach perspective (as per the link) or one per user session. We assign App Attach packages to a user group, but addition if apps are made available to a user group but also have to assign to a host pools for them to will all the devices in the host pool get the app from a Azure files limit perspective...or only the devices in the host pools for which the user is assigned an app? Any help appreciated.