I was able to achieve an improvement for question 4) Actually creating a recovery drive on usb media fails with "Cannot create a recovery drive on this PC".
Actually, the recovery bits are not signed with UEFI CA 2023. Beside that, the recovery partition seems okay, but it isn't assigned anymore. This can be changed by specifying disk and partition. In my case it's disk 1 and partition 4: reagentc /setreimage /path \\?\GLOBALROOT\device\harddisk1\partition4\Recovery\WindowsRE
reagentc /info
Konfigurationsinformationen zur Windows-Wiederherstellungsumgebung (WinRE) und
zur Systemwiederherstellung:
WinRE-Status: Disabled
Startkonfigurationsdaten-ID: 73cf08c0-8d26-11ef-b186-00d49e89c870
Ort des Wiederherstellungsimages:
Index des Wiederherstellungsimages: 0
Ort des benutzerdefinierten Images:
Index des benutzerdefinierten Images: 0
REAGENTC.EXE: Vorgang erfolgreich.
PS C:\Windows\System32> reagentc /enable
REAGENTC.EXE: Das Windows RE-Image wurde nicht gefunden.
PS C:\Windows\System32> reagentc /setreimage /path \\?\GLOBALROOT\device\harddisk1\partition4\Recovery\WindowsRE
Verzeichnis festgelegt auf: \\?\GLOBALROOT\device\harddisk1\partition4\Recovery\WindowsRE
REAGENTC.EXE: Vorgang erfolgreich.
PS C:\Windows\System32> reagentc /info
Konfigurationsinformationen zur Windows-Wiederherstellungsumgebung (WinRE) und
zur Systemwiederherstellung:
WinRE-Status: Disabled
Startkonfigurationsdaten-ID: 73cf08c0-8d26-11ef-b186-00d49e89c870
Ort des Wiederherstellungsimages:
Index des Wiederherstellungsimages: 0
Ort des benutzerdefinierten Images:
Index des benutzerdefinierten Images: 0
REAGENTC.EXE: Vorgang erfolgreich.
PS C:\Windows\System32> reagentc /enable
REAGENTC.EXE: Vorgang erfolgreich.
PS C:\Windows\System32> reagentc /info
Konfigurationsinformationen zur Windows-Wiederherstellungsumgebung (WinRE) und
zur Systemwiederherstellung:
WinRE-Status: Enabled
WinRE-Ort: \\?\GLOBALROOT\device\harddisk1\partition4\Recovery\WindowsRE
Startkonfigurationsdaten-ID: 256ff03d-e333-11ef-b243-00d49e89c870
Ort des Wiederherstellungsimages:
Index des Wiederherstellungsimages: 0
Ort des benutzerdefinierten Images:
Index des benutzerdefinierten Images: 0
REAGENTC.EXE: Vorgang erfolgreich.
With this manual step, RecoveryDrive.exe does not fail anymore. The possibility is back to create an usb recovery media.
Februar 5th 2025:
In https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/updating-windows-bootable-media-to-use-the-pca2023-signed-boot-manager-d4064779-0e4e-43ac-b2ce-24f434fcfa0f there is a script which creates a 'Windows UEFI CA 2023'-updated Windows 11 media. It needs to be downloaded together with the latest ADK. ADK has to be installed.
The source Windows11.iso in the following example has been created from the media creation tool https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2156295](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2156295.
Start Make2023BootableMedia.ps1
and specify necessary parameters.
.\Make2023BootableMedia.ps1 -MediaPath "G:\Windows 11 builds\Windows11.iso" -TargetType ISO -ISOPath C:\users\xxxxx\Downloads\windows11_redacted.iso
Microsoft 'Windows UEFI CA 2023' Media Update Script - Version 1.1
Checking for required support tools
Initializing staging directory
Staging media
--->Mounting ISO from staged media
--->Mounting boot.wim from staged media
Updating staged media to use boot binaries signed with 'Windows UEFI CA 2023' certificate
Writing 'Windows UEFI CA 2023' bootable ISO media at location [C:\users\xxxxx\Downloads\windows11_redacted.iso]
OSCDIMG 2.56 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility
Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2012. All rights reserved.
Licensed only for producing Microsoft authorized content.
Scanning source tree (500 files in 49 directories)
Scanning source tree complete (970 files in 95 directories)
Computing directory information complete
Image file is 4956913664 bytes (before optimization)
Writing 970 files in 95 directories to C:\users\xxxxx\Downloads\windows11_redacted.iso
100% complete
Storage optimization saved 9 files, 522240 bytes (0% of image)
After optimization, image file is 4958582784 bytes
Space saved because of embedding, sparseness or optimization = 522240
Successfully created ISO [C:\users\xxxxx\Downloads\windows11_redacted.iso]
On the mounted windows11_redacted.iso, now the bootx64.efi is signed with the Windows UEFI CA 2023 certification.
$cert = Get-PfxCertificate -FilePath "F:\efi\boot\bootx64.efi"
PS C:\Windows\System32> $cert.Issuer
CN=Windows UEFI CA 2023, O=Microsoft Corporation, C=US
With this it should be possible to update the local bits as well and to answer questions 2 and 3.