Azure Document Intelligence : custom classification model training issue
Namohar Munichandrappa
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Hi Team, @
Subject: Issue Training Azure Custom Classification Model via code
We are facing an issue while training a custom classification model programmatically. Below is the detailed context of the setup and the issue we are encountering:
- Setup Details:
- We have created a Blob Storage-enabled network configured as public with SAS URL access.
- The labeled data has been stored in the Blob Storage for training purposes.
- A service has been implemented to trigger the training process by accessing the data in the Blob Storage.
- Issue Description: When we hit the Blob Storage endpoint to initiate the training for the custom classification model, we encounter the following error:
error : "Service request succeeded. Response content and headers are not included to avoid logging sensitive data."
code :
var adminClient = new DocumentIntelligenceAdministrationClient(new Uri(Endpoint), credential);
string classifierId = "test_classifier_113-"+ Guid.NewGuid();
Uri blobContainerUri = new Uri("");
var sourceA = new BlobContentSource(blobContainerUri) { Prefix = "invoice" };
var sourceB = new BlobContentSource(blobContainerUri) { Prefix = "receipt" };
var docTypeA = new ClassifierDocumentTypeDetails(sourceA);
var docTypeB = new ClassifierDocumentTypeDetails(sourceB);
{ "invoice", docTypeA },
{ "receipt", docTypeB }
var options = new BuildClassifierOptions(classifierId, docTypes);
// Building the classifier
Operation<DocumentClassifierDetails> operation = await adminClient.BuildClassifierAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, options);
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