Hello @Gijs Romme ,
welcome to this moderated Azure community forum.
The Azure EventGrid MQTT broker acts like a cloud gateway and is part of the rich family of Azure messaging solutions.
Another service is Azure IoT Hub, supporting MQTT as protocol but only provides access to a limited set of predefined topics, all supporting the DeviceTwin functionality. There are great SDKs available for that service but you are restricted in the protocol.
The EventGrid MQTT broker provides 'vanilla' MQTT support so devices/services can talk to each other directly (you just define the sets of topics to be subscribed to and start publishing messages.).
At this moment, the EventGrid MQTT broker only supports authentication via a certificate. Authentication via an AAD account is in preview but authentication with a name/password combination is not (yet) possible.
I'm not sure what your relay controller supports but this is the current way of authentication.
TLS is supported via a DigiCert Global Root G3 certificate.
If you want to see some examples on how to connect, check out this blog post.
I recommend testing your client, the related client certificate, client groups, topic spaces, and permission bindings first in a tool like MQTTX to check if everything is set up correctly before using your certificate in code or on a device. This is just to be sure the configuration is ok.
If the response helped, do "Accept Answer". If it doesn't work, please let us know the progress. All community members with similar issues will benefit by doing so. Your contribution is highly appreciated.