unauthorized webapp vnet integrated and container registry with private endpoint
hello guys,
This is a duplicate post with the same ID. For some reason, the original question I posted seems to have a bug that prevents me from viewing it.
I have a Linux-based web app with VNet integration enabled, configured with an IP address space and a /29 subnet for the IP range. Additionally, I have an Azure Container Registry (ACR) with private access enabled and a private endpoint established within a dedicated VNet also using /29 subnet. The web app is also configured to use a system-assigned identity, which has been granted the AcrPull permission to the ACR IAM.
The challenge arises when I try to connect to the ACR from the web app's Kudu Bash using the command curl -v https://nonprodacr.azurecr.io/v2/
. The response shows that the ACR endpoint is resolvable, but further down, it indicates an 'unauthorized' error. I suspect this might be related to IDMS (Identity Management Service) access. However, to my understanding, the default IDMS server should automatically be accessible within Azure infrastructure. I haven’t encountered this issue before with other web apps that have VNet integration enabled.
To provide a clearer picture of the services, I am sharing some of the configurations and test results I performed. Any guidance or advice on resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.
kudu bash result:
WebApp networking configuration:
IP restriction: enabled with specified IPs for internal access
VNet integration: below screenshot
NSGs configuration: screenshot