azure function on containerapps

Adrian Ruchti 20 Reputation points

Good morning, I have a bicep files azurefunction.bice and env.bicep. the provisioning works fine. once I am trying to deploy the functionapp service (ref in azure.yaml) on the function hosted on containerapp I am getting the following error:
Error: Deploying services (azd deploy)

(x) Failed: Deploying service functionapp

ERROR: error executing step command 'deploy --all': failed deploying service 'functionapp': validating target resource: resource 'func-gfne4osnh4yxi' with type 'Microsoft.Web/sites' does not match expected resource type 'Microsoft.App/containerApps'

resource`` functionapp 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2023-01-01' = {

``name: 'func-${uniqueString(prefix, subscription().id)}'

location``: location

kind``: 'functionapp,linux,container,azurecontainerapps'

identity``: identityInfo

tags``: tags

properties``: {

managedEnvironmentId``: environmentId

siteConfig``: {

linuxFxVersion``: 'DOCKER|${acrUrl}/azurefunctionsimage:v1.0.0'

acrUseManagedIdentityCreds``: !useSystemIdentity

acrUserManagedIdentityID``: useSystemIdentity ? '': identityResourceId

minimumElasticInstanceCount``: 1

functionAppScaleLimit``: 5

appSettings``: [


name``: 'AzureWebJobsStorage'

value``: 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=${};EndpointSuffix=${environment()};AccountKey=${listKeys(, storageAccount.apiVersion).keys[0].value}'




value``: '~4'








value``: acrUrl




value``: 'false'



name``: 'AzureWebJobsStorage__clientId'

value``: identityClientId






resource`` environment 'Microsoft.App/managedEnvironments@2023-05-01' = {

``name: '${envResourceNamePrefix}-env'

location``: location

properties``: {

daprAIInstrumentationKey``: appInsightsInstrumentationKey

appLogsConfiguration``: {

destination``: 'log-analytics'

logAnalyticsConfiguration``: {

customerId``: customerId

sharedKey``: logAnalyticsSharedKey



workloadProfiles``: [


name``: 'Consumption'

workloadProfileType``: 'consumption'



name``: 'd4'

workloadProfileType``: 'D4'

minimumCount``: 1

maximumCount``: 3





output`` environmentId string =

name``: postgres-timescale


template``: postgres-timescale@0.0.2-beta


azd``: ">= 1.9.5"


``project: ./src/azure_functions_app

language``: py

module``: functionapp

host``: containerapp


path``: ./Dockerfile

context``: .


image``: azurefunctionsimage

tag``: v1.0.0




shell``: sh

run``: |

echo "Building Docker image for the functionapp service..."

docker build -t ${AZURE_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ENDPOINT}/azurefunctionsimage:v1.0.0 .

echo "Tagging Docker image for the functionapp service..."

docker tag ${AZURE_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ENDPOINT}/azurefunctionsimage:v1.0.0 ${AZURE_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ENDPOINT}/azurefunctionsimage:v1.0.0

echo "Pushing Docker image to Azure Container Registry..."

az acr login --name ${AZURE_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_NAME}

docker push ${AZURE_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ENDPOINT}/azurefunctionsimage:v1.0.0



shell``: sh

run``: |

echo "Deploying Event Grid subscription..."

az deployment group create \

--name eventGridSubscriptionDeployment \

--resource-group $(azd env get-values RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME) \

--template-file ./infra/core/eventgrid/eventgrid.bicep \

--parameters \

eventGridTopicName=$(azd env get-values AZURE_EVENTGRID_TOPIC_NAME) \

functionAppName=$(azd env get-values AZURE_FUNCTIONAPP_NAME) \

location=$(azd env get-values AZURE_LOCATION)

I would appreciate some help. I have read the docs, checked azure-samples on github but most of them are using appservice as host. Thank you.

Azure Functions
Azure Functions
An Azure service that provides an event-driven serverless compute platform.
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Azure Container Apps
Azure Container Apps
An Azure service that provides a general-purpose, serverless container platform.
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  1. Vinodh247 27,011 Reputation points MVP

    Hi ,

    Thanks for reaching out to Microsoft Q&A.

    The error indicates a mismatch between the resource type expected (Microsoft.App/containerApps) and the one deployed (Microsoft.Web/sites). This occurs because you are trying to use Azure Container Apps as the hosting environment, but your azurefunction.bicep file is configured for a Function App running on App Service.

    Here’s how you can resolve this issue:

    1. Review and Update azurefunction.bicep

    To use Azure Functions with Azure Container Apps, your resource definition should point to the Microsoft.App/containerApps resource type, not Microsoft.Web/sites.

    Replace your existing functionapp resource definition with one that uses Microsoft.App/containerApps.

    For example:

    resource functionApp 'Microsoft.App/containerApps@2023-05-01' = {
        name: 'func-${uniqueString(prefix, subscription().id)}'
        location: location
        properties: {
            managedEnvironmentId: environmentId
            configuration: {
                secrets: [
                        name: 'AzureWebJobsStorage'
                        value: 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=${};EndpointSuffix=${environment()};AccountKey=${listKeys(, storageAccount.apiVersion).keys[0].value}'
                activeRevisionsMode: 'Single'
                ingress: {
                    external: true
                    targetPort: 80
                    transport: 'auto'
                registries: [
                        server: acrUrl
                        username: ''
                        passwordSecretRef: 'acr-password'
                dapr: {
                    enabled: false
            template: {
                containers: [
                        name: 'functionapp'
                        image: '${acrUrl}/azurefunctionsimage:v1.0.0'
                        resources: {
                            cpu: 0.25
                            memory: '0.5Gi'
                        env: [
                                name: 'AzureWebJobsStorage'
                                value: 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=${};EndpointSuffix=${environment()};AccountKey=${listKeys(, storageAccount.apiVersion).keys[0].value}'
                                name: 'FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION'
                                value: '~4'
    1. Ensure env.bicep Is Correct

    Ensure the managedEnvironments resource in your env.bicep is correctly configured and that environmentId in azurefunction.bicep references the correct managed environment.

    1. Update azure.yaml

    The host: containerapp configuration is correct. Ensure the docker section aligns with the updated resource definition and paths.

    1. Verify Dependencies
    • Ensure that the azd CLI version is compatible with your configuration (>= 1.9.5 is required).
    • Ensure the container image (azurefunctionsimage:v1.0.0) exists in your Azure Container Registry and is correctly referenced.
    1. Deploy Again

    Run the following command to redeploy your environment -->azd deploy

    1. Debugging Tips
    • If the error persists, validate all resource configurations in the Azure Portal.
    • Use az resource list to confirm that resources are created under the expected types (Microsoft.App/containerApps).

    These steps should align your deployment with the hosting requirements for Azure Container Apps.

    Please feel free to click the 'Upvote' (Thumbs-up) button and 'Accept as Answer'. This helps the community by allowing others with similar queries to easily find the solution.

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