Overlap in Partner Admin Link (PAL) Attribution
Can there be a problem when two users with "Contributor" role in a tenant share some resources and and they both link the same Partner ID via PAL (Partner Admin Link)? Is there a defined behavior for overlapping "Contributor" permissions over some resources?
For instance, imagine that both "User A" and "User B" are guest users in Contoso's tenant. Both stablish a PAL either with Azure Portal or with Azure CLI, e.g.
az managementpartner create --partner-id "123456"
The details are:
- "User A" has Contributor permissions over resources "A" and "C".
- "User B" has Contributor permissions over resource "B".
- Both users established a PAL using the same Partner ID.
In this scenario, will Microsoft attribute the revenue for the combined set of resources (that is, "A", "B", and "C") entirely to the shared Partner ID, independently of the method used by both users?