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To find the build information about Intel TDX modules used by Azure TDX services, you can examine the module's attributes, which provide insights into its build details.
The profile outlines claims for an Intel® Trust Domain Extensions (TDX) attestation result generated as an Entity Attestation Token (EAT) by Azure Attestation. The profile includes claims from the IETF JWT specification, the EAT) specification, Intel's TDX specification and Microsoft specific claims- Azure Attestation EAT profile for Intel® Trust Domain Extensions (TDX)
iat - The "iat" (issued at) claim identifies the time at which the JWT was issued.
x-ms-ver - JWT schema version (expected to be "1.0") }
tdx_seamsvn - A number that represents the Intel TDX module SVN. The complete definition of the claim is available in section 3.1 SEAM_SIGSTRUCT: INTEL® TDX MODULE SIGNATURE STRUCTURE of Intel® TDX Loader Interface Specification
tdx_td_attributes -Contains additional attributes related to the Trust Domain (TD).
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