@Matthieu Marshall did you found answer to the above issue, because I am also facing the same issue
Azure Databricks Too Many Requests errors
We are getting many errors with loading notebooks and also now running jobs on clusters due to Databricks saying it has too many requests.
For example, getting the below error message:
run failed with error message Cluster '0724-103023-f2llqh3p' was terminated. Reason: INIT_SCRIPT_FAILURE (CLIENT_ERROR). Parameters: instance_id:7755cb572caf4194bded4e921404b0a8, databricks_error_message:REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: Your workspace(8937165168112498) is sending too many requests..
Also when just having a notebook open:
But I don't think we are issuing too many requests, our workloads have not gone up particularly recently.
How do I monitor this and see what is happening? What kind of requests is it talking about?