@Prashanth Miryala - Welcome to Microsoft Q&A and thanks for reaching out to us.
Azure update Manager does support .NET updates, but not all .NET updates are straightforward. If they are available via WU/MU then Azure Update Manager should be able to patch.
There are some .NET updates that need setting a few registry keys etc. It would be best to reach out to the Windows team to understand more about them, so i will add the Windows tag as well so the respective team can investigate it further.
Try this and see if it helps. Its not documented anywhere at this moment, but this works.
- Enable Microsoft Updates (MU) on machine either manually or using option in UMC portal. [there is no way in portal today to track if its enabled so you can manually do to confirm].
- Do "Assess Now", it should show .NET updates now and "Install Patches" also considers .NET updates. Hope this helps. and please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions.
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