I had a similar problem when creating new resources in terraform using the azurerm provider.
provider "azurerm" {
features {}
subscription_id = var.parent_tenant_subscription_id
skip_provider_registration = true
data "azurerm_billing_enrollment_account_scope" {
billing_account_name = var.billing_account_name
enrollment_account_name = var.enrollment_account_name # this is from the child_tenant
resource "azurerm_subscription" "child_tenant" {
subscription_name = "my_child_subscription"
billing_scope_id = data.azurerm_billing_enrollment_account_scope.parent.id
When creating the subscription, I had to reference the subscription_id from a parent account. Once that is created, I reference the new subscription id in a new provider for creating my resource where I previously encountered the error you received.
provider "azurerm" {
features {}
alias = "child"
subscription_id = azurerm_subscription.child_tenant.subscription_id
skip_provider_registration = true
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "logging" {
provider = azurerm.child
name = "child_logging"
location = "East US"