This Post is similar to the question Posted by @LarryF , but the exception is slightly different.
The exception I get is
Azure.RequestFailedException: 'Authorization failed for specified action: SchemaGroupWrite,SchemaWrite. TrackingId:2a509531-1a03-4ec6-b7a8-a109e94262a7_G6S2,$schemaGroups/DEAvro/schemas/, Timestamp:2022-11-24T22:14:47
Status: 401 (Unauthorized)
ErrorCode: ErrorInRequest
note the SchemaWrite Violation - that's the difference.
I am an Owner and I have added the role Schema Registry Contributor (Preview), tried with Contributor as well.
I tried to create the schema automatically and added it manually - both attempts to load the scheam throw the same exception
Any suggestions on what else I can try.