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IMsRdpExtendedSettings::Property property

Contains a named property.

This property is read/write.


HRESULT put_Property(
  [in]          BSTR    bstrPropertyName,
  [in]          VARIANT *pValue

HRESULT get_Property(
  [in]          BSTR    bstrPropertyName,
  [out, retval] VARIANT *pValue

Property value

The named property value.

Property name Data type Access Can be changed after connection started Description
ConnectToChildSession VT_BOOL Read/Write Yes Setting this property to True causes the client control to connect to the child session on the local machine instead of a remote server. If this property is set to true, you cannot connect to a remote server because all connections are redirected to localhost. For more information about child sessions, see Child Sessions.
DisableCredentialsDelegation VT_BOOL Read/Write No If True, credentials are not sent to the remote server.
EnableFrameBufferRedirection VT_BOOL Read/Write No If True, frame buffer redirection is attempted. For a loopback connection (the same computer is both client and server) frame buffer redirection allows the memory for the frame buffer to be shared between the sessions.
EnableHardwareMode VT_BOOL Write Only No If True, hardware assist with graphics decoding is attempted.
IgnoreCursors VT_BOOL Write Only No If True, cursors sent by the remote server are ignored.
ManualClipboardSyncEnabled VT_BOOL Read/Write Yes Setting this property to True means that the local and remote clipboards will not be automatically kept in sync. Instead the IMsRdpClipboard interface must be used to sync clipboard formats from the local clipboard to the remote clipboard and the remote clipboard to the local clipboard.
ZoomLevel *VT_UI4 Read/Write Yes Implements the Zoom feature by using the RDP ActiveX control. The Zoom feature is available from the System menu of RDP. The ZoomLevel property has no effect in RemoteApp mode and full-screen mode. IMsRdpClientAdvancedSettings::SmartSizing and ZoomLevel are mutually exclusive.
DisableSeamlessLanguageBar  VT_BOOL  R/W  No  If True, this causes RemoteApp connections to revert to the legacy language bar from before Windows 8, instead of automatically synchronizing the local language to the remote session. 
RedirectTextProcessing  VT_BOOL  No  Starting in Windows 11 23H2, enables/disables the redirection of text processing which provides a like-local experience for text input scenarios, e.g., IME, emoticons. 
HvSocketServiceId  VT_BSTR  No  Specifies the ServiceId field of the Hyper-V socket's address where the RDP traffic is to be sent. 
DeviceScaleFactor  VT_UI4  R/W  No  Specifies the device scale factor used in the remote session.
Valid values: 100, 140, 180 
EnableLocationRedirection  VT_BOOL  R/W  No  Enables/disables the redirection of the location of the local machine to the remote session. 
AudioCaptureDevice  VT_BSTR  R/W  No  Specifies the device ID of the audio capture device to redirect from the client to the remote session.
Applications can use the DRV_QUERYFUNCTIONINSTANCEID message to determine the device ID of the audio capture device to redirect.
Alternatively, this can be set to "default" to use the default device or ""none"" to disable audio capture. By default, this is set to "default".
RailMode  VT_BOOL  No  Reports whether this is a RemoteApp connection. ITSRemoteProgram::RemoteProgramMode writes to this property. 
EnableRdsAadAuth  VT_BOOL  No  If True, RDS AAD Auth Security is used. 
RDGIsKDCProxy  VT_BOOL  No  If True, tells the client to use RD Gateway (if specified) as a KDC Proxy server
UseURCP  VT_BOOL  R/W  No  If True, this property enables the Universal Rate Control Protocol for UDP-based Remote Desktop connections. Currently, it is disabled by default. Enabling it if UDP is in use is recommended. 
DesktopScaleFactor  VT_UI4  R/W  No  Specifies the device scale factor used in the remote session. The value should be between 100 and 500 (percent). 
RedirectedAuthentication  VT_BOOL  No  If True, Remote Credential Guard is enabled. 
RestrictedLogon  VT_BOOL  No  If True, Restricted Admin mode is enabled. 
AudioPlaybackDevice  VT_BSTR  R/W  No  Specifies the device ID of the audio playback device on the local machine.
Applications can use the DRV_QUERYFUNCTIONINSTANCEID message to determine the device ID of the audio playback device to redirect.
"Alternatively, this can be set to ""default"" to use the default device or ""none"" to disable audio playback. By default, this is set to ""default"". "
SelectedMonitors  VT_BSTR  R/W  No  A comma-delimited or semi-column-delimited list of monitor ID to identify the selected monitors where to display the remote session. The first ID in the list will be treated as the primary monitor in the remote session. 
WslgModeEnabled  VT_BOOL  No  If True, the session is a WSLg session.
The following properties are expected to be provided:
  • WslgSharedMemoryPath
  • HvSocketEnabled
  • HvSocketServiceId

Please refer to WSLg's documentation https://github.com/microsoft/wslg.
ShowSessionDiagnostics  VT_BOOL  Yes  Writing True to this property immediately shows a dialog with detailed information about the remote session.
This property is meant to be a debugging mechanism. It is subject to change and removal. 
PrintingProgressMode  VT_UI4  R/W  No  Possible values:
  • 0: the progress dialog shown when printing is disabled
  • 1: the progress dialog shown when printing contains basic information
  • 2: the progress dialog shown when printing contains detailed information
CorrelationId  VT_BOOL  No  Overrides the value returned by IMsRdpClientNonScriptable8::CorrelationId. 
RequestUseNewOutputPresenter  VT_BOOL  No  If True, the remote session is presented using DirectX only without fallback to GDI. This property does not apply to remote app sessions.
Note: this property is subject to removal in future versions of Windows as the DirectX-only mode might become the only available option. This is currently a preview feature that should not be enabled in production code.
GatewayCertificateLogonAuthority  VT_BSTR  No  This property is not supported anymore. It is subject to removal in future versions of Windows. Do not use this property. 
EnableRemoteEdgeBar  VT_BOOL  R/W  No  If True and the ServerSupportsEdgeActions property is True, additional commands are shown in the connection toolbar of the remote session. 
TSGTransportIsUsed  VT_BOOL  N/A  If True, a Remote Desktop gateway is in use for the associated remote session. 
DiagnosticsInfo  VT_BSTR  No  A hexadecimal string representing the rdpCorrelationInfo.correlationId field of the Client X.224 Connection Request PDU
EndpointFedAuth  VT_BSTR  No  The token used for claim-based federated RDSTLS authentication
AllowAxToContainerEvents  VT_BOOL  No  This property was added in Windows 11 22H2.
  • If False (default behavior starting in Windows 11 22H2), CTRL+ALT+ARROW key combinations are sent to the remote session.
  • If True (default behavior before Windows 11 22H2), CTRL+ALT+ARROW key combinations raises a IMsTscAxEvents::OnFocusReleased event to the application.
ServerSupportsEdgeActions  VT_BOOL  N/A  Read-only property to determine whether the remote session has the RNS_UD_SC_EDGE_ACTIONS_SUPPORTED_V1 capability https://learn.microsoft.com/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-rdpbcgr/379a020e-9925-4b4f-98f3-7d634e10b411
AppContainerID  VT_BSTR  No  The AppContainer ID passed to IWorkspaceScriptable3::StartWorkspaceEx2 when IMsRdpClientNonScriptable8::StartWorkspaceExtension is invoked.
Note: The RemoteApp and Desktop Connections control panel is no longer in active development. It may be altered or unavailable in future versions of Windows. The use of this API is discouraged.
IgnoreServerGeneratedMouseMoves  VT_BOOL  R/W  No  If True, mouse move generated programmatically in the remote session are ignored. More precisely, the Pointer Position Update PDU are not applied. See https://learn.microsoft.com/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-rdpbcgr/3058381e-c856-4b26-a93c-d8f5514f8c3c
RDmiDiagnosticsUrl  VT_BSTR  No  This property is not supported anymore. It is subject to removal in future versions of Windows. Do not use this property. 
EnableVailMonitorConfig  VT_BOOL  R/W  No  If True, extended monitor info (e.g. EDIDs) are sent to the remote session when synchronizing display configurations. 
Workspace Id  VT_BSTR  No  The unique identifier of the connection in RemoteApp and Desktop Connections that the remote session belongs to. 
ShowConnectionInformation  VT_BOOL  Yes  Writing True to this property shows the Connection Information dialog. 
WslgSharedMemoryPath  VT_BSTR  No  The path to memory session object to share graphics buffer with WSLg virtual machine. 
HiDefRemoteAppContainerGUID  VT_BSTR  No  The GUID associated with the running VM that hosts the remote application. Writing this property results in improved performance for remote applications running in a local VM due to memory sharing. 
KDCProxyName  VT_BSTR  No  "Specifies fully qualified domain name of a Key Distribution Center (KDC) Proxy server. KDC Proxy allows RDP client to use Kerberos authentication protocol when it cannot access a KDC directly.  Example of the property value: ""kdc.contoso.com"". For more info see: Configure a Kerberos Key Distribution Center proxy, https://learn.microsoft.com/openspecs/windows_protocols/MS-KKDCP/5bcebb8d-b747-4ee5-9453-428aec1c5c38
DisableTouchRemoting  VT_BOOL  R/W  No  If True, gestures on multi-touch screens will not be sent to the remote server. By default, this is set to False
HvSocketEnabled  VT_BOOL  No  If True, the remote server’s name, if it is a GUID, is interpreted as the VmId field of the Hyper-V socket's address where the RDP traffic is to be sent. By default, this is set to False.
For more information about Hyper-V socket's addresses, refer to Bind to a Hyper-V socket
MultipenRemotingSupported  VT_BOOL  No  If True, the simultaneous injection of input from up to four pen devices is supported in the remote session. By default, this is set to False
ShowGatewayInformation  VT_BOOL  Yes  Writing True to this property shows a dialog showing information about the Remote Desktop gateway.
Windows 11 22H2 and above: this property is no longer supported and was replaced by the ShowConnectionInformation property.
DisableAutoReconnectComponent VT_BOOL W No If True, the server connection will not be disconnected and reconnected automatically when network configuration is changed. By default, this is set to False.
RedirectUsbDrive  VT_UI4   R/W  No  Introduced in Windows 11 version 24H2. When not set or set to 0, the USB thumb drive redirects as drive direction. When set to 1, all USB thumb drives are redirected as USB devices automatically. When set to 2, USB thumb drives are listed as USB devices, users can choose to redirect them through USB redirection from the UI (device dialog in the connection bar) or RDP file entry "UsbDevicesToRedirect".
allowed security protocols VT_BSTR W No Introduced in Windows 11 version 24H2. This property is used to restrict the list of security protocols the client can negotiate. The actual list of negotiated protocols is determined by other configuration settings and the connection scenario, and can be smaller than the list specified in this property. The value must contain the list of protocol names separated by ';' or the value can be set to "" which means that all normally negotiated protocols are allowed. Supported protocol names are: "TLS", "CredSSP", "RDSTLS" and "RDS AAD Auth" The default value is "".
AllowRelativeMouseMode VT_BOOL R/W No Introduced in Windows 11 version 24H2. If True, mouse movements are represented relative to the current mouse position.
RemoteAppMouseMoveInject VT_BOOL W No Introduced in Windows 11 version 24H2. Writing True to this property forces the injection of a mouse move when the cursor leaves a RemoteApp window. This is intended to be a workaround for a tooltip bug.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows 8
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2012
Type library
CLSID_MsRdpClient7NotSafeForScripting is defined as 54d38bf7-b1ef-4479-9674-1bd6ea465258
CLSID_MsRdpClient8NotSafeForScripting is defined as A3BC03A0-041D-42E3-AD22-882B7865C9C5
CLSID_MsRdpClient9NotSafeForScripting is defined as 8B918B82-7985-4C24-89DF-C33AD2BBFBCD
IID_IMsRdpExtendedSettings is defined as 302D8188-0052-4807-806A-362B628F9AC5

See also
