
Κοινή χρήση μέσω


This section contains information about the programming elements used with tooltip controls.


Topic Contents
About Tooltip Controls Tooltips appear automatically, or pop up, when the user pauses the mouse pointer over a tool or some other UI element.
Using Tooltip Controls This section contains examples that demonstrate how to create different types of tooltips.


Topic Contents
TTM_ACTIVATE Activates or deactivates a tooltip control.
TTM_ADDTOOL Registers a tool with a tooltip control.
TTM_ADJUSTRECT Calculates a tooltip control's text display rectangle from its window rectangle, or the tooltip window rectangle needed to display a specified text display rectangle.
TTM_DELTOOL Removes a tool from a tooltip control.
TTM_ENUMTOOLS Retrieves the information that a tooltip control maintains about the current tool that is, the tool for which the tooltip is currently displaying text.
TTM_GETBUBBLESIZE Returns the width and height of a tooltip control.
TTM_GETCURRENTTOOL Retrieves the information for the current tool in a tooltip control.
TTM_GETDELAYTIME Retrieves the initial, pop-up, and reshow durations currently set for a tooltip control.
TTM_GETMARGIN Retrieves the top, left, bottom, and right margins set for a tooltip window. A margin is the distance, in pixels, between the tooltip window border and the text contained within the tooltip window.
TTM_GETMAXTIPWIDTH Retrieves the maximum width for a tooltip window.
TTM_GETTEXT Retrieves the information a tooltip control maintains about a tool.
TTM_GETTIPBKCOLOR Retrieves the background color in a tooltip window.
TTM_GETTIPTEXTCOLOR Retrieves the text color in a tooltip window.
TTM_GETTITLE Retrieve information concerning the title of a tooltip control.
TTM_GETTOOLCOUNT Retrieves a count of the tools maintained by a tooltip control.
TTM_GETTOOLINFO Retrieves the information that a tooltip control maintains about a tool.
TTM_HITTEST Tests a point to determine whether it is within the bounding rectangle of the specified tool and, if it is, retrieves information about the tool.
TTM_NEWTOOLRECT Sets a new bounding rectangle for a tool.
TTM_POP Removes a displayed tooltip window from view.
TTM_POPUP Causes the tooltip to display at the coordinates of the last mouse message.
TTM_RELAYEVENT Passes a mouse message to a tooltip control for processing.
TTM_SETDELAYTIME Sets the initial, pop-up, and reshow durations for a tooltip control.
TTM_SETMARGIN Sets the top, left, bottom, and right margins for a tooltip window. A margin is the distance, in pixels, between the tooltip window border and the text contained within the tooltip window.
TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH Sets the maximum width for a tooltip window.
TTM_SETTIPBKCOLOR Sets the background color in a tooltip window.
TTM_SETTIPTEXTCOLOR Sets the text color in a tooltip window.
TTM_SETTITLE Adds a standard icon and title string to a tooltip.
TTM_SETTOOLINFO Sets the information that a tooltip control maintains for a tool.
TTM_SETWINDOWTHEME Sets the visual style of a tooltip control.
TTM_TRACKACTIVATE Activates or deactivates a tracking tooltip.
TTM_TRACKPOSITION Sets the position of a tracking tooltip.
TTM_UPDATE Forces the current tooltip to be redrawn.
TTM_UPDATETIPTEXT Sets the tooltip text for a tool.
TTM_WINDOWFROMPOINT Allows a subclass procedure to cause a tooltip to display text for a window other than the one beneath the mouse cursor.


Topic Contents
NM_CUSTOMDRAW (Tooltip) Sent by a tooltip control to notify its parent windows about drawing operations. This notification code is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message.
TTN_GETDISPINFO Sent by a tooltip control to retrieve information needed to display a tooltip window. This notification code is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message.
TTN_LINKCLICK Sent when a text link inside a balloon tooltip is clicked.
TTN_NEEDTEXT Sent by a tooltip control to retrieve information needed to display a tooltip window. This notification is identical to TTN_GETDISPINFO. This notification code is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message.
TTN_POP Notifies the owner window that a tooltip is about to be hidden. This notification code is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message.
TTN_SHOW Notifies the owner window that a tooltip control is about to be displayed. This notification code is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message.


Topic Contents
NMTTCUSTOMDRAW Contains information specific to an NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification code sent by a tooltip control.
NMTTDISPINFO Contains information used in handling the TTN_GETDISPINFO notification code. This structure supersedes the TOOLTIPTEXT structure.
TOOLINFO The TOOLINFO structure contains information about a tool in a tooltip control.
TTGETTITLE Provides information about the title of a tooltip control.
TTHITTESTINFO Contains information that a tooltip control uses to determine whether a point is in the bounding rectangle of the specified tool. If the point is in the rectangle, the structure receives information about the tool.


Topic Contents
Tooltip Styles This section lists the control styles used with tooltip controls.