AI Builder processes and plug-in steps are turned off in default solution
This article provides steps to turn on AI Builder processes and plug-in steps in default solution.
Applies to: AI Builder home page
You're not able to use AI Builder processes and plug-ins.
AI Builder can't be used if its plug-in steps and processes have been turned off.
Sign in to Power Apps.
On the top-right corner, select the environment.
In the left pane, select Solutions.
Select Default Solution > Edit.
On the left list, select Plug-in steps and ensure all listed steps are turned on.
- PreValidate: AlmHandler. (required for import/export).
- PreValidate: isPaiEnabled.
- ValidateAIConfiguration
- PostOperation: CancelTraining
- PostOperation: PublishAIConfiguration
- PostOperation: PublishAIConfiguration Async
- PostOperation: ScheduleRetrain
- PostOperation: ScheduleTraining
- PostOperation: Train
- PostOperation: UnpublishAIConfiguration
- PostOperation: UnscheduleTraining
- all the Microsoft.Dynamics.AI.Plugins
These must show the status as On. You can select the ones that are turned off, right-click and then select Turn On.
On the left pane, select Processes.
Select AlmHandler, and then select Turn On.
Select IsPaiEnabled > Turn On.
Check all those processes that are required for AI Builder to ensure they're turned on.
- AlmHandler
- AnalyzeSentiment
- BatchPrediction
- CancelTraining
- CategorizeText
- DetectLanguage
- ExtractKeyPhrases
- ExtractTextEntities
- GetJobStatus
- IsPaiEnabled
- Predict
- PredictByReference
- PredictionSchema
- PublishAIConfiguration
- QuickTest
- RecognizeText
- SchedulePrediction
- ScheduleRetrain
- ScheduleTraining
- Train
- UnpublishAIConfiguration
- UnschedulePrediction
- UnscheduleTraining
- ValidateAIConfiguration