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What are considered the key features of collaboration?
Working with others, having shared responsibility, making substantive decisions together, and having the opportunity to revise work based on feedback
Working with others, having shared responsibility, making substantive decisions together, and the work is interdependent
Working with others, having shared responsibility, using multi-modal tools, and the collaboration is long-term
Consider the following activity: Each learner is asked to create a webpage about signs of climate change in their area over the past 20 years. The pages are linked to the class homepage. Is the learners' work considered interdependent?
No, because the learners don't have to strategize together in order to complete the overall task
Yes, because each learner is responsible for the content of their page, which must be completed for the group to do its work
Yes, because the overall task is dependent on each learner successfully completing their individual webpages
For interdependent work to occur, both individual and group accountability is required. How is individual accountability defined for 21CLD collaboration?
Everyone on the team is responsible for all tasks to be completed for the group to do its work. The role of each learner on the team is essential.
Everyone on the team is responsible for a task that they must complete for the group to do its work. The role of each learner on the team is optional.
Everyone on the team is responsible for a task that they must complete for the group to do its work. The role of each learner on the team is essential.
In an activity where learners do work together but they don't have shared responsibility, how would you code the activity using the 21CLD Collaboration rubric?
When a learning activity codes at a four in terms of collaboration, this indicates that in the learning activity:
Learners share responsibility and they do make substantive decisions together about the content, process, or product of their work, but their work isn't interdependent
Learners share responsibility and they do make substantive decisions about the content, process, or product of their work, and their work is interdependent
Learners have shared responsibility, but they don't make substantive decisions about the content, process, or product of their work
You must answer all questions before checking your work.
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