
Κοινή χρήση μέσω

Post-upgrade tasks

This article describes the tasks you should complete after upgrading System Center - Service Manager.

Restart the Data Access service and workflows

If necessary, use the following procedures to restart the service and workflows.

Restart the Data Access service

Follow these steps to restart the Data Access service:

  1. On the computer that hosts the data warehouse management server, on the Windows desktop, select Start, and select Run.

  2. In the Run dialog, in Open, enter services.msc, and select OK.

  3. In the Services window, in the Services (Local) pane, right-click System Center Data Access Service, and select Start.

Start Service Manager workflows

Follow these steps to start Service Manager workflows:

  1. On the computer that hosts the Service Manager management server, on the Windows desktop, select Start, and select Run.

  2. In the Run dialog, in Open, enter services.msc, and select OK.

  3. In the Services window, in the Services (Local) pane, right-click System Center Management, and select Start.

Restart data warehouse jobs

After you upgrade the data warehouse management server, you might need to restart the data warehouse (extraction, transformation, and load (ETL)) jobs. You can use the following procedure to restart the data warehouse jobs. In this procedure, you enable data warehouse job schedules by using Windows PowerShell cmdlets.

Restart data warehouse jobs

Follow these steps to restart data warehouse jobs:

  1. On the computer that hosts the data warehouse management server, select Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, select Windows PowerShell, right-click Windows PowerShell, and select Run as administrator.

  2. Enter the following commands and then press Enter after each command.


    It's assumed in the following command examples that Service Manager was installed in its default location on the C: drive. If necessary, change directories to the location where you installed Service Manager.

    cd 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center <version>\Service Manager'  
    import-module $PWD/Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Warehouse.Cmdlets.psd1  
    Enable-SCDWJobSchedule -JobName Extract_<data warehouse management group name>  
    Enable-SCDWJobSchedule -JobName Extract_<Service Manager management group name>  
    Enable-SCDWJobSchedule -JobName Transform.Common  
    Enable-SCDWJobSchedule -JobName Load.Common  
    Enable-SCDWJobSchedule -JobName DWMaintenance  
    Enable-SCDWJobSchedule -JobName MPSyncJob  
    Start-SCDWJob -JobName MPSyncJob  

    The last command, Start-SCDWJob - JobName MPSyncJob, will enable the ETL jobs to run.

Stop and then restart SSRS

After you perform an upgrade, use the following procedure to stop and then start SSRS.

To stop and then restart SSRS, follow these steps:

Follow these steps to stop and then restart SSRS:

  1. On the computer that hosts SSRS, on the Windows desktop, select Start, and select Run.

  2. In the Run dialog, enter services.msc, and select OK.

  3. In the Services window, in the Services (Local) pane, right-click SQL Server Reporting Services, and select Stop.

  4. In the Services window, in the Services (Local) pane, right-click SQL Server Reporting Services, and select Start.

Next steps

If needed, troubleshoot upgrade issues.