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Revert word breakers used by Search to previous version (SQL Server Search)

Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Database

SQL Server installs and enables a version of the word breakers and stemmers for all languages supported by Full-Text Search with the exception of Korean. This article describes how to switch from this version of these components to the previous version, or to switch back from the previous version to the new version.

This article does not discuss the following languages:

  • English. To revert or restore the English components, see Change the Word Breaker Used for US English and UK English.

  • Danish, Polish, and Turkish. The third-party word breakers for Danish, Polish, and Turkish that were included with previous releases of SQL Server have been replaced with Microsoft components.

  • Czech and Greek. There are new word breakers for Czech and Greek. Previous releases of SQL Server Full-Text Search did not include support for these two languages.

  • Korean. The word breaker and stemmer for the Korean language are not upgraded in this release.

For general information about word breakers and stemmers, see Configure and Manage Word Breakers and Stemmers for Search.

Overview of reverting and restoring word breakers and stemmers

The instructions for reverting and restoring word breakers and stemmers depend on the language. The following table summarizes the three sets of actions that may be required to revert to the previous version of the components.

Current file Previous file Number of affected languages Action for files Action for registry entries
NaturalLanguage6.dll NaturalLanguage6.dll 34 Obtain and install a previous version of NaturalLanguage6.dll, overwriting the current version of the file. No action required.

The registry keys and values have not changed for this release.
(Other file name) NaturalLanguage6.dll 5 Obtain and install a previous version of NaturalLanguage6.dll, overwriting the current version of the file. Change a set of registry entries to specify the previous version of the components.
(Other file name) (Other file name) 6 No action required.

SQL Server setup copies both the current and the previous versions of the components to the Binn folder.
Change a set of registry entries to specify the previous version of the components.


If you replace the current version of the file NaturalLanguage6.dll with a different version, then the behavior of all the languages that use this file is affected.

The files described in this article are DLL files that are installed in the MSSQL\Binn folder for the SQL Server instance. The full path is typically the following path:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\<instance>\MSSQL\Binn

Languages for which the file name of both the current and previous word breaker is NaturalLanguage6.dll

For the languages in the following table, the file name of both the current and previous word breaker is NaturalLanguage6.dll. To revert or restore these components, you have to overwrite NaturalLanguage6.dll with a different version of the same file. You do not have to change any registry entries, because the registry entries have not changed for this release.


If you replace the current version of the file NaturalLanguage6.dll with a different version, then the behavior of all the languages that use this file is affected.

List of affected languages

Language Abbreviation
used in the
Bengali ben 1093
Bulgarian bgr 1026
Catalan cat 1027
Spanish esn 3082
French fra 1036
Gujarati guj 1095
Hebrew heb 1037
Hindi hin 1081
Croatian hrv 1050
Indonesian ind 1057
Icelandic isl 1039
Italian ita 1040
Kannada kan 1099
Lithuanian lth 1063
Latvian lvi 1062
Malayalam mal 1100
Marathi mar 1102
Malay msl 1086
Neutral Neutral 0000
Norwegial Bokmaal nor 1044
Punjabi pan 1094
Portuguese (Brazil) ptb 1046
Portuguese ptg 2070
Romanian rom 1048
Slovak sky 1051
Slovenian slv 1060
Serbian - Cyrillic srb 3098
Serbian - Latin srl 2074
Swedish sve 1053
Tamil tam 1097
Telugu tel 1098
Ukrainian ukr 1058
Urdu urd 1056
Vietnamese vit 1066

The preceding table is sorted alphabetically on the Abbreviation column.

To revert to the previous components

  1. Navigate to the Binn folder described above.

  2. Back up the SQL Server version of NaturalLanguage6.dll to another location.

  3. Copy the previous version of NaturalLanguage6.dll from the Binn folder of an instance of SQL Server 2008 R2 (10.50.x) or SQL Server 2008 (10.0.x) into the Binn folder of the SQL Server instance.


    This change affects all the languages that use NaturalLanguage6.dll in both the current and previous version.

  4. Restart SQL Server.

To restore the current components

  1. Navigate to the location where you backed up the SQL Server version of NaturalLanguage6.dll.

  2. Copy the current version of NaturalLanguage6.dll from the backup location into the Binn folder of the SQL Server instance.


    This change affects all the languages that use NaturalLanguage6.dll in both the current and previous version.

  3. Restart SQL Server.

Languages for which the file name of the previous word breaker only is NaturalLanguage6.dll

For the languages in the following table, the file name of the previous word breaker is different from the file name of the new version. The previous file name is NaturalLanguage6.dll. To revert to the previous version, you have to overwrite the current version of NaturalLanguage6.dll with an earlier version of the same file. You also have to change a set of registry entries to specify the previous or current version of the components.


If you replace the current version of the file NaturalLanguage6.dll with a different version, then the behavior of all the languages that use this file is affected.

List of affected languages

Language Abbreviation
used in the
Arabic ara 1025
German deu 1031
Japanese jpn 1041
Dutch nld 1043
Russian rus 1049

The preceding table is sorted alphabetically on the Abbreviation column.

Use the following instructions together with the list of values in the section File names and registry values for reverting and restoring word breakers and stemmers.

To revert to the previous components

  1. Navigate to the Binn folder described above.

  2. Do not remove the files for the current version of the components from the Binn folder.

  3. Back up the SQL Server version of NaturalLanguage6.dll to another location.

  4. Copy the previous version of NaturalLanguage6.dll from the Binn folder of an instance of SQL Server 2008 R2 (10.50.x) or SQL Server 2008 (10.0.x) into the Binn folder of the new SQL Server instance.


    This change affects all the languages that use NaturalLanguage6.dll in both the current and previous version.

  5. In the registry, navigate to the following node: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server<InstanceRoot>\MSSearch\CLSID.

  6. Use the following steps to add new keys for the COM ClassIDs for the previous word breaker and stemmer interfaces for the selected language:

    1. Add a new key with the value from the table for the previous word breaker.

    2. Update the (Default) data of that key value to the file name of the previous word breaker from the table.

    3. If the selected language uses a stemmer, then add a new key with the value from the table for the previous stemmer.

    4. If the selected language uses a stemmer, then update the (Default) data of that key value to the file name of the previous stemmer from the table.

  7. In the registry, navigate to the following node: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server<InstanceRoot>\MSSearch\Language<language_key>. <language_key> represents the abbreviation for the language that is used in the registry; for example, "fra" for French and "esn" for Spanish.

  8. Update the WBreakerClass key value to the value from the table for the current word breaker.

  9. If the selected language uses a stemmer, then update the StemmerClass key value to the value from the table for the current stemmer.

  10. Restart SQL Server.

To restore the current components

  1. Navigate to the location where you backed up the SQL Server version of NaturalLanguage6.dll.

  2. Copy the current version of NaturalLanguage6.dll from the backup location into the Binn folder of the SQL Server instance.


    This change affects all the languages that use NaturalLanguage6.dll in both the current and previous version.

  3. In the registry, navigate to the following node: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server<InstanceRoot>\MSSearch\CLSID.

  4. If the following keys do not exist, then use the following steps to add new keys for the COM ClassIDs for the current word breaker and stemmer interfaces for the selected language:

    1. Add a new key with the value from the table for the current word breaker.

    2. Update the (Default) data of that key value to the file name of the current word breaker from the table.

    3. If the selected language uses a stemmer, then add a new key with the value from the table for the current stemmer.

    4. If the selected language uses a stemmer, then update the (Default) data of that key value to the file name of the current stemmer from the table.

  5. In the registry, navigate to the following node: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server<InstanceRoot>\MSSearch\Language<language_key>. <language_key> represents the abbreviation for the language that is used in the registry; for example, "fra" for French and "esn" for Spanish.

  6. Update the WBreakerClass key value to the value from the table for the previous word breaker.

  7. If the selected language uses a stemmer, then update the StemmerClass key value to the value from the table for the previous stemmer.

  8. Restart SQL Server.

File names and registry values for reverting and restoring word breakers and stemmers

Use the following list of file names and registry entries together with the instructions in the preceding section. Use the previous values to revert to the previous version, or use the current values to restore the current version of the components.

The following listed is sorted alphabetically on the abbreviation used for each language.

Arabic (ara), LCID 1025

Component Word breaker Stemmer
Previous CLSID 7EFD3C7E-9E4B-4a93-9503-DECD74C0AC6D 483B0283-25DB-4c92-9C15-A65925CB95CE
Previous file name NaturalLanguage6.dll NaturalLanguage6.dll
Current CLSID 04b37e30-c9a9-4a7d-8f20-792fc87ddf71 None
Current file name MSWB7.dll None

German (deu), LCID 1031

Component Word breaker Stemmer
Previous CLSID 45EACA36-DBE9-4e4a-A26D-5C201902346D 65170AE4-0AD2-4fa5-B3BA-7CD73E2DA825
Previous file name NaturalLanguage6.dll NaturalLanguage6.dll
Current CLSID dfa00c33-bf19-482e-a791-3c785b0149b4 8a474d89-6e2f-419c-8dd5-9b50edc8c787
Current file name MsWb7.dll MsWb7.dll

Japanese (jpn), LCID 1041

Component Word breaker Stemmer
Previous CLSID E1E8F15E-8BEC-45df-83BF-50FF84D0CAB5 3D5DF14F-649F-4cbc-853D-F18FEDE9CF5D
Previous file name NaturalLanguage6.dll NaturalLanguage6.dll
Current CLSID 04096682-6ece-4e9e-90c1-52d81f0422ed None
Current file name MsWb70011.dll None

Dutch (nld), LCID 1043

Component Word breaker Stemmer
Previous CLSID 2C9F6BEB-C5B0-42b6-A5EE-84C24DC0D8EF F7A465EE-13FB-409a-B878-195B420433AF
Previous file name NaturalLanguage6.dll NaturalLanguage6.dll
Current CLSID 69483c30-a9af-4552-8f84-a0796ad5285b CF923CB5-1187-43ab-B053-3E44BED65FFA
Current file name MsWb7.dll MsWb7.dll

Russian (rus), LCID 1049

Component Word breaker Stemmer
Previous CLSID 2CB6CDA4-1C14-4392-A8EC-81EEF1F2E079 E06A0DDD-E81A-4e93-8A8D-F386C3A1B670
Previous file name NaturalLanguage6.dll NaturalLanguage6.dll
Current CLSID aaa3d3bd-6de7-4317-91a0-d25e7d3babc3 d42c8b70-adeb-4b81-a52f-c09f24f77dfa
Current file name MsWb7.dll MsWb7.dll

Languages for which neither the previous nor the current file name is NaturalLanguage6.dll

For the languages in the following table, the file names of the previous word breakers and stemmers are different from the file names of the new versions. Neither the previous nor the current file name is NaturalLanguage6.dll. You do not have to replace any files, because SQL Server setup copies both the current and the previous versions of the components to the Binn folder. However you have to change a set of registry entries to specify the previous or current version of the components.

List of affected languages

Language Abbreviation
used in the
Simplified Chinese chs 2052
Traditional Chinese cht 1028
Thai tha 1054
Chinese Traditional zh-hk 3076
Chinese Traditional zh-mo 5124
Chinese Simplified zh-sg 4100

The preceding table is sorted alphabetically on the Abbreviation column.

Use the following instructions together with the list of values in the section File names and registry values for reverting and restoring word breakers and stemmers.

To revert to the previous components

  1. Do not remove the files for the current version of the components from the Binn folder.

  2. In the registry, navigate to the following node: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server<InstanceRoot>\MSSearch\CLSID.

  3. Use the following steps to add new keys for the COM ClassIDs for the previous word breaker and stemmer interfaces for the selected language:

    1. Add a new key with the value from the table for the previous word breaker.

    2. Update the (Default) data of that key value to the file name of the previous word breaker from the table.

    3. If the selected language uses a stemmer, then add a new key with the value from the table for the previous stemmer.

    4. If the selected language uses a stemmer, then update the (Default) data of that key value to the file name of the previous stemmer from the table.

  4. In the registry, navigate to the following node: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server<InstanceRoot>\MSSearch\Language<language_key>. <language_key> represents the abbreviation for the language that is used in the registry; for example, "fra" for French and "esn" for Spanish.

  5. Update the WBreakerClass key value to the value from the table for the current word breaker.

  6. If the selected language uses a stemmer, then update the StemmerClass key value to the value from the table for the current stemmer.

  7. Restart SQL Server.

To restore the previous components

  1. Do not remove the files for the previous version of the components from the Binn folder.

  2. In the registry, navigate to the following node: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server<InstanceRoot>\MSSearch\CLSID.

  3. If the following keys do not exist, then use the following steps to add new keys for the COM ClassIDs for the current word breaker and stemmer interfaces for the selected language:

    1. Add a new key with the value from the table for the current word breaker.

    2. Update the (Default) data of that key value to the file name of the current word breaker from the table.

    3. If the selected language uses a stemmer, then add a new key with the value from the table for the current stemmer.

    4. If the selected language uses a stemmer, then update the (Default) data of that key value to the file name of the current stemmer from the table.

  4. In the registry, navigate to the following node: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server<InstanceRoot>\MSSearch\Language<language_key>. <language_key> represents the abbreviation for the language that is used in the registry; for example, "fra" for French and "esn" for Spanish.

  5. Update the WBreakerClass key value to the value from the table for the previous word breaker.

  6. If the selected language uses a stemmer, then update the StemmerClass key value to the value from the table for the previous stemmer.

  7. Restart SQL Server.

File names and registry values for reverting and restoring word breakers and stemmers

Use the following list of file names and registry entries together with the instructions in the preceding section. Use the previous values to revert to the previous version, or use the current values to restore the current version of the components.

The following listed is sorted alphabetically on the abbreviation used for each language.

Simplified Chinese (chs), LCID 2052

Component Word breaker
Previous CLSID 12CE94A0-DEFB-11D2-B31D-00600893A857
Previous file name chsbrkr.dll
Current CLSID E0831C90-BAB0-4ca5-B9BD-EA254B538DAC
Current file name MsWb70804.dll

Traditional Chinese (cht), LCID 1028

Component Word breaker
Previous CLSID 1680E7C3-9430-4A51-9B82-1E7E7AEE5258
Previous file name chtbrkr.dll
Current CLSID E9B1DF65-08F1-438b-8277-EF462B23A792
Current file name MsWb70404.dll

Thai (tha), LCID 1054

Component Word breaker Stemmer
Previous CLSID CCA22CF4-59FE-11D1-BBFF-00C04FB97FDA CEDC01C7-59FE-11D1-BBFF-00C04FB97FDA
Previous file name Thawbrkr.dll Thawbrkr.dll
Current CLSID F70C0935-6E9F-4ef1-9F06-7876536DB900 None
Current file name MsWb7001e.dll None

Chinese Traditional (zh-hk), LCID 3076

Component Word breaker
Previous CLSID 1680E7C3-9430-4A51-9B82-1E7E7AEE5258
Previous file name chtbrkr.dll
Current CLSID E9B1DF65-08F1-438b-8277-EF462B23A792
Current file name MsWb70404.dll

Chinese Traditional (zh-mo), LCID 5124

Component Word breaker
Previous CLSID 1680E7C3-9430-4A51-9B82-1E7E7AEE5258
Previous file name chtbrkr.dll
Current CLSID E9B1DF65-08F1-438b-8277-EF462B23A792
Current file name MsWb70404.dll

Chinese Simplified (zh-sg), LCID 4100

Component Word breaker
Previous CLSID 12CE94A0-DEFB-11D2-B31D-00600893A857
Previous file name chsbrkr.dll
Current CLSID E0831C90-BAB0-4ca5-B9BD-EA254B538DAC
Current file name MsWb70804.dll

See Also

Change the Word Breaker Used for US English and UK English
Behavior Changes to Full-Text Search