
Κοινή χρήση μέσω

Close Method (ADO)

Closes an open object and any dependent objects.




Use the Close method to close a Connection, a Record, a Recordset, or a Stream object to free any associated system resources. Closing an object does not remove it from memory; you can change its property settings and open it again later. To completely eliminate an object from memory, close the object and then set the object variable to Nothing (in Visual Basic).


Using the Close method to close a Connection object also closes any active Recordset objects associated with the connection. A Command object associated with the Connection object you are closing will persist, but it will no longer be associated with a Connection object; that is, its ActiveConnection property will be set to Nothing. Also, the Command object's Parameters collection will be cleared of any provider-defined parameters.

You can later call the Open method to re-establish the connection to the same, or another, data source. While the Connection object is closed, calling any methods that require an open connection to the data source generates an error.

Closing a Connection object while there are open Recordset objects on the connection rolls back any pending changes in all of the Recordset objects. Explicitly closing a Connection object (calling the Close method) while a transaction is in progress generates an error. If a Connection object falls out of scope while a transaction is in progress, ADO automatically rolls back the transaction.

Recordset, Record, Stream

Using the Close method to close a Recordset, Record, or Stream object releases the associated data and any exclusive access you may have had to the data through this particular object. You can later call the Open method to reopen the object with the same, or modified, attributes.

While a Recordset object is closed, calling any methods that require a live cursor generates an error.

If an edit is in progress while in immediate update mode, calling the Close method generates an error; instead, call the Update or CancelUpdate method first. If you close the Recordset object while in batch update mode, all changes since the last UpdateBatch call are lost.

If you use the Clone method to create copies of an open Recordset object, closing the original or a clone does not affect any of the other copies.

Applies To

See Also

Open and Close Methods Example (VB)
Open and Close Methods Example (VBScript)
Open and Close Methods Example (VC++)
Open Method (ADO Connection)
Open Method (ADO Recordset)
Save Method