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Listing Blob storage resources

The Blob service API includes operations for listing the containers within an account (the List Containers operation) and the blobs within a container (the List Blobs operation). These operations have some common features worth noting.

A listing operation returns an XML response that contains all or part of the requested list. The operation returns entities in alphabetical order.

This topic contains the following subtopics:

Set maximum results

Retrieve partial list results with markers

Filter list results

Traverse the blob namespace

XML response format

Set maximum results

To specify the maximum number of results to be returned in a single call to a listing operation, specify a value for the maxresults parameter on the request URI.

If the maximum number of results is not specified in the request or if it's greater than 5,000, the server returns up to the maximum of 5,000 items. If you specify a maximum number of results of less than or equal to zero, the service returns status code 400 (Bad Request).

Retrieve partial list results with markers

The first time the listing operation is performed against a particular resource, the response might contain all results, or it might contain a subset of the results and a marker value. The marker value can be passed to the subsequent call to return the next set of results (and then the next) until the list is complete and no marker is returned.

The marker value is included in the NextMarker element of the XML response. When the NextMarker element is empty, the listing is complete. The value of NextMarker is a string value that's opaque to the client.

To return the next set of results in a subsequent operation, pass the value returned in the NextMarker tag as the marker parameter on the request URI.

Filter list results

The list of results can be filtered by specifying a prefix string on the request by using the prefix parameter. The list operation then returns the entities that have names that begin with that prefix. If the prefix parameter is specified on the request URI, the response XML includes a Prefix element containing the prefix character or characters. For example, specifying a prefix with a value of "c" returns <Prefix>``c``</Prefix> within the response XML. For an example, see the List containers section later in this topic.

Traverse the blob namespace

The List Blobs operation has an additional delimiter parameter that enables the caller to traverse the blob namespace by using a user-configured delimiter. The delimiter may be a single character or a string. When the request includes this parameter, the operation returns a BlobPrefix element. The BlobPrefix element is returned in place of all blobs with names that begin with the same substring up to the appearance of the delimiter character. The value of the BlobPrefix element is substring+delimiter, where substring is the common substring that begins one or more blob names, and delimiter is the value of the delimiter parameter.

You can use the value of BlobPrefix to make a subsequent call to list the blobs that begin with this prefix. Specify the value of BlobPrefix for subsequent requests. In this way, you can traverse a virtual hierarchy of blobs as though it were a file system. For an example, see List blobs with a delimiter later in this topic.

Note that each BlobPrefix that's returned counts toward the maximum result.

Also keep in mind that you can't list blob snapshots if you include a delimiter with the request. If you specify a value for the delimiter parameter and also set the include=snapshots parameter, the Blob service returns an InvalidQueryParameter error (HTTP status code 400 – Bad Request).

XML response format

The list output is an XML document whose format is similar to those shown in the code examples later in this topic.

The response body includes the values of all parameters that were specified on the request URI as elements within the response body.

The DateTime value that's returned in the Last-Modified element is in RFC 1123 format. For more information about DateTime values, see Representation of date/time values in headers.

List containers

This example shows the result of a listing operation that returns two containers. The request URI is as follows:

GET https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/?comp=list&prefix=c&maxresults=3&include=metadata  

The prefix "c" was specified to filter the list. The maximum number of results to return was set to 3. The NextMarker tag shows the name of the container that will be returned on a subsequent listing operation.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
<EnumerationResults AccountName="https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/">  
        <Last-Modified>Sun, 27 Sep 2009 18:09:03 GMT</Last-Modified>  
        <Last-Modified>Sun, 27 Sep 2009 17:26:40 GMT</Last-Modified>  
        <Last-Modified>Sun, 27 Sep 2009 17:26:40 GMT</Last-Modified>  

List blobs and snapshots

This example shows the result of a listing operation that returns blobs and snapshots in a container named mycontainer. The request URI is as follows:

GET https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer?restype=container&comp=list&include=snapshots&include=metadata  

The response includes both the blobs and snapshots:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
<EnumerationResults ContainerName="https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer">  
        <Last-Modified>Wed, 09 Sep 2009 09:20:02 GMT</Last-Modified>  
        <Content-Encoding />  
        <Content-MD5 />  
        <Last-Modified>Wed, 09 Sep 2009 09:20:02 GMT</Last-Modified>  
        <Content-Language />  
        <Content-MD5 />  
        <Cache-Control />  
        <Last-Modified>Wed, 09 Sep 2009 09:20:02 GMT</Last-Modified>  
        <Content-Language />  
        <Content-MD5 />  
        <Cache-Control />  
        <Last-Modified>Wed, 09 Sep 2009 09:20:02 GMT</Last-Modified>  
        <Content-Language />  
        <Content-MD5 />  
        <Cache-Control />  
        <Last-Modified>Wed, 09 Sep 2009 09:20:03 GMT</Last-Modified>  
        <Content-Encoding />  
        <Content-Language />  
        <Content-MD5 />  
        <Cache-Control />  
  <NextMarker />   

List blobs with a delimiter

This example shows the result of a listing operation that returns blobs beneath a container named mycontainer. The request URI is as follows:

GET https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer?restype=container&comp=list&delimiter=/&maxresults=4  

In this case, the delimiter parameter is specified as /. The response body includes the BlobPrefix tag, which represents the group of blobs that begin with the same substring, including the delimiter.

The sample blobs beneath the container are as follows. The first four are returned in the first listing operation, because MaxResults is set to 4. Note that myfolder/blobA.txt and myfolder/blobB.txt are grouped together in the response body in the BlobPrefix tag and count as a single blob in terms of the number of entities returned. To return the blobs that begin with this prefix, make a subsequent request in which the prefix parameter is set to myfolder/.

  • blob1.txt

  • blob2.txt

  • myfolder/blobA.txt

  • myfolder/blobB.txt

  • newblob1.txt

  • newblob2.txt

The next blob to be returned is newblob2.txt. The blob name is provided in the NextMarker tag.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
<EnumerationResults ContainerName="https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer">  
        <Last-Modified>Sun, 27 Sep 2009 18:41:57 GMT</Last-Modified>  
        <Content-Encoding />  
        <Content-MD5 />  
        <Last-Modified>Sun, 27 Sep 2009 12:18:50 GMT</Last-Modified>  
        <Content-Encoding />  
        <Content-MD5 />  
        <Last-Modified>Sun, 27 Sep 2009 16:31:57 GMT</Last-Modified>  
        <Content-Encoding />  
        <Content-MD5 />  

List blobs in the root container

To list blobs in the root container, you can use the following URL:


Keep in mind that when you list the blobs in the root container, the XML response body doesn't include an explicit reference to the root container in the blob's URL field. Here's a sample response that lists blobs in the root container:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
<EnumerationResults ContainerName="https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/%24root">  
        <Last-Modified>Sun, 27 Sep 2009 18:41:48 GMT</Last-Modified>  
        <Content-Encoding />  
        <Content-MD5 />  
        <Last-Modified>Sun, 27 Sep 2009 18:45:57 GMT</Last-Modified>  
        <Content-Type>text/plain; charset=UTF-8</Content-Type>  
        <Content-Encoding />  
        <Content-MD5 />  

See also

List Containers
List Blobs
Blob service concepts
Versioning for the Azure Storage services