Κοινή χρήση μέσω

Common REST API error codes

An operation on any of the Azure Storage services can return the following error codes:

Error code HTTP status code User message
NoAuthenticationInformation Unauthorized (401) Server failed to authenticate the request. Please refer to the information in the www-authenticate header.
InvalidAuthenticationInfo Unauthorized (401) Server failed to authenticate the request. Please refer to the information in the www-authenticate header.
AccountAlreadyExists Conflict (409) The specified account already exists.
AccountBeingCreated Conflict (409) The specified account is in the process of being created.
AccountIsDisabled Forbidden (403) The specified account is disabled.
AccountProtectedFromDeletion Conflict (409) Account <accountName> Containers <containerName> have <have legal hold\locked immutability policy>.
AuthenticationFailed Forbidden (403) Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of the Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.
ConditionHeadersNotSupported BadRequest (400) Condition headers aren't supported.
ConditionNotMet Not Modified (304) The condition specified in the conditional header(s) was not met for a read operation.
ConditionNotMet Precondition Failed (412) The condition specified in the conditional header(s) was not met for a write operation.
EmptyMetadataKey Bad Request (400) The key for one of the metadata key-value pairs is empty.
InsufficientAccountPermissions Forbidden (403) Read operations are currently disabled.
InsufficientAccountPermissions Forbidden (403) Write operations aren't allowed.
InsufficientAccountPermissions Forbidden (403) The account being accessed doesn't have sufficient permissions to execute this operation.
InternalError Internal Server Error (500) The server encountered an internal error. Please retry the request.
InvalidAuthenticationInfo Bad Request (400) The authentication information wasn't provided in the correct format. Verify the value of Authorization header.
InvalidHeaderValue Bad Request (400) The value provided for one of the HTTP headers was not in the correct format.
InvalidHttpVerb Bad Request (400) The HTTP verb specified was not recognized by the server.
InvalidInput Bad Request (400) One of the request inputs is not valid.
InvalidMd5 Bad Request (400) The MD5 value specified in the request is invalid. The MD5 value must be 128 bits and Base64-encoded.
InvalidMetadata Bad Request (400) The specified metadata is invalid. It includes characters that aren't permitted.
InvalidQueryParameterValue Bad Request (400) An invalid value was specified for one of the query parameters in the request URI.
InvalidRange Requested Range Not Satisfiable (416) The range specified is invalid for the current size of the resource.
InvalidResourceName Bad Request (400) The specified resource name contains invalid characters.
InvalidUri Bad Request (400) The requested URI doesn't represent any resource on the server.
InvalidXmlDocument Bad Request (400) The specified XML is not syntactically valid.
InvalidXmlNodeValue Bad Request (400) The value provided for one of the XML nodes in the request body was not in the correct format.
KeyVaultAccessTokenCannotBeAcquired Forbidden (403) Unable to acquire an access token for key vault from Microsoft Entra using the identity of this resource.
KeyVaultEncryptionKeyNotFound Forbidden (403) The key vault key is not found to unwrap the encryption key.
KeyVaultVaultNotFound Forbidden (403) The key vault vault is not found.
Md5Mismatch Bad Request (400) The MD5 value specified in the request did not match the MD5 value calculated by the server.
MetadataTooLarge Bad Request (400) The size of the specified metadata exceeds the maximum size permitted.
MissingContentLengthHeader Length Required (411) The Content-Length header was not specified.
MissingRequiredQueryParameter Bad Request (400) A required query parameter was not specified for this request.
MissingRequiredHeader Bad Request (400) A required HTTP header wasn't specified.
MissingRequiredXmlNode Bad Request (400) A required XML node wasn't specified in the request body.
MultipleConditionHeadersNotSupported Bad Request (400) Multiple condition headers aren't supported.
OperationTimedOut Internal Server Error (500) The operation could not be completed within the permitted time. The operation may or may not have succeeded on the server side. Please query the server state before retrying the operation.
OutOfRangeInput Bad Request (400) One of the request inputs is out of range.
OutOfRangeQueryParameterValue Bad Request (400) A query parameter specified in the request URI is outside the permissible range.
RequestBodyTooLarge Request Entity Too Large (413) The size of the request body exceeds the maximum size permitted.
ResourceTypeMismatch Conflict (409) The specified resource type doesn't match the type of the existing resource.
RequestUrlFailedToParse Bad Request (400) The url in the request could not be parsed.
ResourceAlreadyExists Conflict (409) The specified resource already exists.
ResourceNotFound Not Found (404) The specified resource doesn't exist.
ServerBusy Service Unavailable (503) The server is currently unable to receive requests. Please retry your request.
ServerBusy Service Unavailable (503) Ingress is over the account limit.
ServerBusy Service Unavailable (503) Egress is over the account limit.
ServerBusy Service Unavailable (503) Operations per second is over the account limit.
UnsupportedHeader Bad Request (400) One of the HTTP headers specified in the request isn't supported.
UnsupportedXmlNode Bad Request (400) One of the XML nodes specified in the request body isn't supported.
UnsupportedQueryParameter Bad Request (400) One of the query parameters specified in the request URI isn't supported.
UnsupportedHttpVerb Method Not Allowed (405) The resource doesn't support the specified HTTP verb.

See also

Blob Storage error codes
Queue Storage error codes
Table Storage error codes
Azure Files error codes
Troubleshoot API operations
HttpStatusCode enumeration
Azure Storage REST API reference