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Conditional Access for Exchange Email in Configuration Manager


Updated: June 20, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP2, System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager SP1


The information in this topic applies to System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 or later, and System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager or later.

Use Configuration Manager conditional access to manage access to Exchange email based on conditions you specify.

You can manage access to:

  • Microsoft Exchange On-premises

  • Microsoft Exchange Online

  • Exchange Online Dedicated


Conditional access for PCs and Windows 10 Mobile devices with apps using modern authentication is not currently available to all Intune customers. If you are already using these features, you do not need to take any action. You can continue to use them.

This does not apply to PCs or Windows 10 Mobile devices for conditional access to Exchange On-premises.

If you have not created conditional access policies for PCs or Windows 10 Mobile for apps using modern authentication, you will need to submit a request for access. You can find out more information about known issues as well as how to get access to this feature at the connect site.

If you configure conditional access, before a user can connect to their email, the device they use must:

  • Be enrolled with Intune or a domain joined PC.

  • Register the device in Azure Active Directory (this happens automatically when the device is enrolled with Intune (for Exchange Online only). Additionally, the client Exchange ActiveSync ID must be registered with Azure Active Directory (does not apply to Windows and Windows Phone devices connecting to Exchange On-premises).

    For a domain joined PC, you must set it to automatically register with Azure Active Directory. Conditional Access for PCs section in the Conditional Access in Configuration Manager topic lists the full set of requirements to enable conditional access for PCs.

  • Be compliant with any Configuration Manager compliance policies deployed to that device

If a conditional access condition is not met, the user is presented with one of the following messages when they log in:

  • If the device is not enrolled with Intune, or is not registered in Azure Active Directory, a message is displayed with instructions about how to install the company portal app, enroll the device, and (for Android and iOS devices), activate email, which associates the device’s Exchange ActiveSync ID with the device record in Azure Active Directory.

  • If the device is not compliant, a message is displayed that directs the user to the Intune web portal where they can find information about the problem and how to remediate it.

For mobile devices

You can restrict access to Outlook Web Access (OWA) on Exchange Online when accessed from a browser on iOS and Android devices. Access will only be allowed from only supported browsers on compliant devices:

  • Safari (iOS)

  • Chrome (Android)

  • Managed Browser (iOS and Android)

Unsupported browsers will be blocked. The OWA apps for iOS and Android are not supported. They should be blocked through ADFS claims rules: Setup ADFS claims rules to block non-modern authentication protocols. Detailed instructions are provided in scenario 3 - block all access to O365 except browser based applications.

For PCs:

  • If the conditional access policy requirement is to allow domain joined or compliant, a message with instructions about how to enroll the device is displayed. If the PC does not meet either of the requirements, the user will be asked to enroll the device with Intune.

  • If the conditional access policy requirement is set to allow only domain joined windows devices, the device is blocked and a message to contact the IT admin is displayed.

You can block access to Exchange email from the devices built-in Exchange ActiveSync email client on the following platforms:

  • Android 4.0 and later, Samsung Knox Standard 4.0 and later

  • iOS 7.1 and later

  • Windows Phone 8.1 and later

  • The Mail application on Windows 8.1 and later

Outlook app for iOS and Android, and Outlook desktop 2013 and above is supported for Exchange Online only.

The on-premises Exchange connector between Configuration Manager and Exchange is required for conditional access to work.

You can configure a conditional access policy for Exchange On-premises from the Configuration Manager console. When you configure a conditional access policy for Exchange Online, you can begin the process in the Configuration Manager console, which launches the Microsoft Intune console where you can complete the process.

Step 1: Evaluate the effect of the conditional access policy

Once you have configured the on-premises Exchange connector, you can use the Configuration Manager List of devices by Conditional Access State report to identify devices that will be blocked from accessing Exchange after you configure the conditional access policy. This report also requires:

  • A subscription to Intune

  • The IntuneConnector should be configured and deployed

In the report parameters, select the Intune group you want to evaluate and, if required, the device platforms to which the policy will apply.

For more information about how to run reports, see Reporting in Configuration Manager.

After you run the report, examine these four columns to determine whether a user will be blocked:

  • Management Channel – Indicates whether the device is managed by Intune, Exchange ActiveSync, or both.

  • Registered with AAD – Indicates whether the device is registered with Azure Active Directory (known as Workplace Join).

  • Compliant – Indicates whether the device is compliant with any compliance policies you deployed.

  • EAS Activated – iOS and Android devices are required to have their Exchange ActiveSync ID associated with the device registration record in Azure Active Directory. This happens when the user clicks the Activate Email link in the quarantine email.


    Windows Phone devices always display a value in this column.

Devices that are part of a targeted group or collection will be blocked from accessing Exchange unless the column values match those listed in the following table:

Management channel

AAD registered


EAS Activated

Resulting action

Managed by Microsoft Intune and Exchange ActiveSync



Yes or No is displayed

Email access allowed

Any other value



No value is displayed

Email access blocked

You can export the contents of the report and use the Email Address column to help you inform users that they will be blocked.

Step 2: Configure user groups or collections for the conditional access policy

You target conditional access policies to different groups or collections of users depending on the policy types. These groups contain the users that will be targeted, or exempt from the policy. When a user is targeted by a policy, each device they use must be compliant in order to access email.

  • For the Exchange Online policy – to Azure Active Directory security user groups. You can configure these groups in the Office 365 admin center, or the Intune account portal.

  • For the Exchange On-premises policy – to Configuration Manager user collections. You can configure these in the Assets and Compliance workspace.

You can specify two group types in each policy:

  • Targeted groups – User groups or collections to which the policy is applied

  • Exempted groups – User groups or collections that are exempt from the policy (optional)

If a user is in both, they will be exempt from the policy.

Only the groups or collections which are targeted by the conditional access policy are evaluated for Exchange access.

Step 3: Configure and deploy a compliance policy

Ensure that you have created and deployed a compliance policy to all devices that the Exchange conditional access policy will be targeted to.

For details about how to configure the compliance policy, see Compliance Policies in Configuration Manager.


If you have not deployed a compliance policy and then enable an Exchange conditional access policy, all targeted devices will be allowed access.

When you are ready, continue to Step 4.

Step 4: Configure the conditional access policy

For Exchange Online (and tenants in the new Exchange Online Dedicated environment)

The following flow is used by conditional access policies for Exchange Online to evaluate whether to allow or block devices.

Flow for Exchange Online Conditional Access

To access email, the device must:

  • Enroll with Intune

  • PCs must either be domain joined or be enrolled and compliant with the policies set in Intune.

  • Register the device in Azure Active Directory (this happens automatically when the device is enrolled with Intune.

    For domain joined PCs, you must set it up to automatically register the device with Azure Active Directory.

  • Have activated email, which associates the device’s Exchange ActiveSync ID with the device record in Azure Active Directory (applies to iOS and Android devices only).

  • Be compliant with any deployed compliance policies

The device state is stored in Azure Active Directory which grants or blocks access to email, based on the evaluated conditions.

If a condition is not met, the user will be presented with one of the following messages when they log in:

  • If the device is not enrolled, or registered in Azure Active Directory, a message is displayed with instructions about how to install the company portal app and enroll

  • If the device is not compliant, a message is displayed that directs the user to the Intune web portal where they can find information about the problem and how to remediate it.

  • For a PC:

    • If the policy is set to require domain join, and the PC is not domain joined, a message is displayed to contact the IT admin.

    • If the policy is set to require domain join or compliant, then the PC does not meet either requirement, a message is displayed with instructions about how to install the company portal app and enroll.

The message is displayed on the device for Exchange Online users and tenants in the new Exchange Online Dedicated environment, and is delivered to the users email inbox for Exchange On-premises and legacy Exchange Online Dedicated devices.


Configuration Manager conditional access rules override, allow, block and quarantine rules that are defined in the Exchange Online admin console.


Conditional access policy must be configured in the Intune console. The following steps begin by accessing the Intune console through Configuration Manager. If prompted, log in using the same credentials that were used to set up the connector between Configuration Manager and Intune.

To enable the Exchange Online policy

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, click Assets and Compliance.

  2. Expand Compliance Settings, expand Conditional Access, and then click Exchange Online.

  3. On the Home tab, in the Links group, click Configure Conditional Access Policy in the Intune Console. You might need to provide the user name and password of the account used to connect Configuration Manager with any global administrator for the Intune service.

    The Intune admin console opens.

  4. In the Microsoft Intune administration console, click Policy > Conditional Access > Exchange Online Policy.


  5. On the Exchange Online Policy page, select Enable conditional access policy for Exchange Online. If you check this, the device must be compliant. If this is not checked then conditional access is not applied.


    If you have not deployed a compliance policy and then enable the Exchange Online policy, all targeted devices are reported as compliant.

    Regardless of the compliance state, all users who are targeted by the policy will be required to enroll their devices with Intune.

  6. Under Outlook and other apps using modern authentication, you can choose to restrict access only to devices that are compliant for each platform. Windows devices must either be domain joined, or be enrolled in Intune and compliant.


    Modern authentication brings Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL)-based sign in to Office clients.

    • The ADAL based authentication enables Office clients to engage in browser-based authentication (also known as passive authentication). To authenticate, the user is directed to a sign-in web page.

    • This new sign-in method enables new scenarios such as, conditional access, based on device compliance and whether multi-factor authentication was performed.

    This article has more detailed information on how modern authentication works.

    Using Exchange Online with Configuration Manager and Intune, you can not only manage mobile devices with conditional access, but also desktop computers as well. PCs must either be domain joined, or be enrolled in Intune and compliant. You can set the following requirements:

    - **Devices must be domain joined or compliant.** PCs must either be domain joined or compliant with the policies set in Intune. If a PC does not meet either of these requirements, the user is prompted to enroll the device with Intune.
    - **Devices must be domain joined.** PCs must be domain joined to access Exchange Online. If a PC is not domain joined, access to email is blocked and the user is prompted to contact the IT admin.
    - **Devices must be compliant.** PCs must be enrolled in Intune and compliant. If a PC is not enrolled, a message with instructions on how to enroll is displayed.
  7. Under Outlook web access (OWA), you can choose to allow access to Exchange Online only through the supported browsers: Safari (iOS), and Chrome (Android). Access from other browsers will be blocked. The same platform restrictions you selected for Application access for Outlook also apply here.

    On Android devices, users must enable the browser access. To do this the end-user must enable the “Enable Browser Access” option on the enrolled device as follows:

    1. Launch the Company Portal app.

    2. Go to the Settings page from the triple dots (…) or the hardware menu button.

    3. Press the Enable Browser Access button.

    4. In the Chrome browser, sign out of Office 365 and restart Chrome.

    On iOS and Android platforms, To identify the device that is used to access the service, Azure Active Directory will issue a Transport layer security ( TLS) certificate to the device. The device displays the certificate with a prompt to the end-user to select the certificate as seen in the screen shots below. The end-user must select this certificate before they can continue to use the browser.





  8. Under Exchange ActiveSync mail apps, you can choose to block email from accessing Exchange Online if the device is noncompliant, and select whether to allow or block access to email when Intune cannot manage the device.

  9. Under Targeted Groups, select the Active Directory security groups of users to which the policy will apply.


    For users that are in the Targeted groups, the Intune polices will replace Exchange rules and policies.

    Exchange will only enforce Exchange allow, block and quarantine rules, and Exchange policies if:

    • The user is not licensed for Intune.

    • The user is licensed for Intune, but the user does not belong to any security groups targeted in the conditional access policy.

  10. Under Exempted Groups, select the Active Directory security groups of users that are exempt from this policy. If a user is in both the targeted and exempted groups, they will be exempt from the policy and will have access to their email.

  11. When you are finished, click Save.

  • You do not have to deploy the conditional access policy; it takes effect immediately.

  • After a user creates an email account, the device is blocked immediately.

  • If a blocked user enrolls the device with Intune (or remediates noncompliance), email access is unblocked within 2 minutes.

  • If the user un-enrolls their device, email is blocked after about 6 hours.

For Exchange on-premises (and tenants in the legacy Exchange Online Dedicated environment)

The following flow is used by conditional access policies for Exchange on-premises and tenants in the legacy Exchange Online Dedicated environment to evaluate whether to allow or block devices.

Conditional Access flow for Exchange On-Premises

To enable the Exchange On-premises policy

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, click Assets and Compliance.

  2. Expand Compliance Settings, expand Conditional Access, and then click On-Premises Exchange.

  3. On the Home tab, in the On-Premises Exchange group, click Configure Conditional Access Policy.

  4. On the General page of the Configure Conditional Access Policy Wizard, specify your Intune tenant domain name. This is the suffix of the tenant ID you used to set up the Intune connector. For example, if the tenant ID you used is admin@corpemail.contoso.com, then the domain name you enter on this page of the wizard is corpemail.contoso.com.

    If you have not setup a notification email account when you set up the Exchange connector, you will see a warning on this page, and the Next button is disabled. Before you can proceed, you must first configure the notification email settings in the Exchange Connector and then come back to the Configure Conditional Access Policy Wizard to complete the process.


    Click Next.

  5. On the Targeted Collections page, add one or more user collections. In order to access Exchange, users in these collections must enroll their devices with Intune and also be compliant with any compliance policies you deployed.


    Click Next.

  6. On the Exempted Collections page, add any user collections that you want to be exempt from the conditional access policy. Users in these groups, do not need to enroll their devices with Intune and do not need to be compliant with any deployed compliance policies in order to access Exchange.


    If a user appears in both the targeted and exempted lists, they will be exempt from the conditional access policy.

    Click Next.

  7. On the Edit User Notification page, configure the email that Intune sends to users with instructions about how to unblock their device (in addition to the email that Exchange sends).

    You can edit the default message and use HTML tags to format how the text appears. You can also send an email in advance to your employees notifying them of the upcoming changes and providing them with instructions about enrolling their devices.



    Because the Intune notification email containing remediation instructions is delivered to the user’s Exchange mailbox, in the event that the user’s device gets blocked before they receive the email message, they can use an unblocked device or other method to access Exchange and view the message.


    In order for Exchange to be able to send the notification email, you must configure the account that will be used to send the notification email. You do this when you configure the properties of the Exchange Server connector.

    For details, see How to Manage Mobile Devices by Using Configuration Manager and Exchange.

    Click Next.

  8. On the Summary page, review your settings, and then complete the wizard.

  • You do not have to deploy the conditional access policy, it takes effect immediately.

  • After a user sets up an Exchange ActiveSync profile, it might take from 1-3 hours for the device to be blocked (if it is not managed by Intune).

  • If a blocked user then enrolls the device with Intune (or remediates noncompliance), email access will be unblocked within 2 minutes.

  • If the user un-enrolls from Intune it might take from 1-3 hours for the device to be blocked.