Configuring Reporting in Configuration Manager
Updated: May 14, 2015
Applies To: System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1, System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP2, System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager, System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager SP1
Before you can create, modify, and run reports in the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager console, you must carry out a number of configuration tasks. Use the following sections in this topic to help you configure reporting in your Configuration Manager hierarchy:
SQL Server Reporting Services
Configure Reporting to Use Report Builder 3.0
Install a Reporting Services Point
- File Installation and Report Folder Security Rights
Reporting Services Security Roles for Configuration Manager
Verify the Reporting Services Point Installation
Configure a Self-Signed Certificate for Configuration Manager Console Computers
Modify Reporting Services Point Settings
Configure Report Options
Before you proceed with installing and configuring Reporting Services in your hierarchy, review the following Configuration Manager reporting topics:
SQL Server Reporting Services
SQL Server Reporting Services is a server-based reporting platform that provides comprehensive reporting functionality for a variety of data sources. The reporting services point in Configuration Manager communicates with SQL Server Reporting Services to copy Configuration Manager reports to a specified report folder, to configure Reporting Services settings, and to configure Reporting Services security settings. Reporting Services connects to the Configuration Manager site database to retrieve data that is returned when you run reports.
Before you can install the reporting services point in a Configuration Manager site, you must install and configure SQL Server Reporting Services on the site system that hosts the reporting services point site system role. For information about installing Reporting Services, see the SQL Server TechNet Library.
Use the following procedure to verify that SQL Server Reporting Services is installed and running correctly.
To verify that SQL Server Reporting Services is installed and running
On the desktop, click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, click Configuration Tools, and then click Reporting Services Configuration Manager.
In the Reporting Services Configuration Connection dialog box, specify the name of the server that is hosting SQL Server Reporting Services, on the menu, select the instance of SQL Server on which you installed SQL Reporting Services, and then click Connect. The Reporting Services Configuration Manager opens.
On the Report Server Status page, verify that Report Service Status is set to Started. If it is not, click Start.
On the Web Service URL page, click the URL in Report Service Web Service URLs to test the connection to the report folder. The Windows Security dialog box might open and prompt you for security credentials. By default, your user account is displayed. Enter your password and click OK. Verify that the webpage opens successfully. Close the browser window.
On the Database page, verify that the Report Server Mode setting is configured by using Native.
On the Report Manager URL page, click the URL in Report Manager Site Identification to test the connection to the virtual directory for Report Manager. The Windows Security dialog box might open and prompt you for security credentials. By default, your user account is displayed. Enter your password and click OK. Verify that the webpage opens successfully. Close the browser window.
Reporting Services Report Manager is not required for Reporting in Configuration Manager, but it is required if you want to run reports on an Internet browser or manage reports by using Report Manager.
Click Exit to close Reporting Services Configuration Manager.
Configure Reporting to Use Report Builder 3.0
This section applies only to Configuration Manager with no service pack. Starting in Configuration Manager SP1, the installed version of Report Builder opens when you run or edit reports and no manual configuration is required.
By default, Configuration Manager opens the ClickOnce version of Report Builder 2.0, which installs and runs Report Builder 2.0, when you try to create a new or modify an existing report. If your report server is running SQL Server 2008 R2, the ClickOnce version of Report Builder 3.0 is installed automatically with SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services. Therefore, when Configuration Manager attempts to open the ClickOnce version of Report Builder 2.0, the file will not be available and an error is displayed.
To create new or modify existing reports by using Report Builder 3.0, you must change the Report Builder manifest name in the registry on the computer running the Configuration Manager console. After you change the manifest name, Configuration Manager will open the ClickOnce version of Report Builder 3.0, and then install Report Builder 3.0 on the computer. Use the following procedure to change the Report Builder manifest name from Report Builder 2.0 to Report Builder 3.0.
To change the Report Builder manifest name to Report Builder 3.0
On the computer running the Configuration Manager console, open the Windows Registry Editor.
Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Wow6432Node/Microsoft/ConfigMgr10/AdminUI/Reporting.
Double-click the ReportBuilderApplicationManifestName key to edit the value data.
Change ReportBuilder_2_0_0_0.application to ReportBuilder_3_0_0_0.application, and then click OK.
Close the Windows Registry Editor.
Install a Reporting Services Point
The reporting services point must be installed on a site to manage reports at the site. The reporting services point copies report folders and reports to SQL Server Reporting Services, applies the security policy for the reports and folders, and sets configuration settings in Reporting Services. You must configure a reporting services point before reports are displayed in the Configuration Manager console, and before you can manage the reports in Configuration Manager. The reporting services point is a site system role that must be configured on a server with Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services installed and running. For more information about prerequisites, see Prerequisites for Reporting in Configuration Manager.
When selecting a site to install the reporting services point, keep in mind that users who will access the reports must be in the same security scope as the site where the reporting services point is installed.
After you install a reporting services point on a site system, do not change the URL for the report server. For example, if you create the reporting services point, and then in Reporting Services Configuration Manager you modify the URL for the report server, the Configuration Manager console will continue to use the old URL and you will be unable to run, edit, or create reports from the console. When you must change the URL report server, remove the reporting services point, change the URL, and then reinstall the reporting services point.
Use the following procedure to install the reporting services point.
To install the reporting services point on a site system
In the Configuration Manager console, click Administration.
In the Administration workspace, expand Site Configuration, and then click Servers and Site System Roles.
To list only site systems that host the reporting services point site role, right-click Servers and Site System Roles to select Reporting services point.
Add the reporting services point site system role to a new or existing site system server by using the associated step:
For more information about configuring site systems, see Install and Configure Site System Roles for Configuration Manager.
- **New site system**: On the **Home** tab, in the **Create** group, click **Create Site System Server**. The **Create Site System Server Wizard** opens. - **Existing site system**: Click the server on which you want to install the reporting services point site system role. When you click a server, a list of the site system roles that are already installed on the server are displayed in the results pane. On the **Home** tab, in the **Server** group, click **Add Site System Role**. The **Add Site System Roles Wizard** opens.
On the General page, specify the general settings for the site system server. When you add the reporting services point to an existing site system server, verify the values that you previously configured.
On the System Role Selection page, select Reporting services point in the list of available roles, and then click Next.
On the Reporting services Point page, configure the following settings:
- **Site database server name**: Specify the name of the server that hosts the Configuration Manager site database. Typically, the wizard automatically retrieves the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the server. To specify a database instance, use the format \<*Server Name*\>\\\<*Instance Name*\>. - **Database name**: Specify the Configuration Manager site database name, and then click **Verify** to confirm that the wizard has access to the site database. <div class="alert"> <table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 100%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th><img src="images/Gg712320.s-e6f6a65cf14f462597b64ac058dbe1d0-system-media-system-caps-security(TechNet.10).jpeg" title="System_CAPS_security" alt="System_CAPS_security" /> Security Note</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>The user account that is creating the reporting services point must have <strong>Read</strong> access to the site database. If the connection test fails, a red warning icon appears. Move the cursor over this icon to read details of the failure. Correct the failure, and then click <strong>Test</strong> again.</p></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> - **Folder name**: Specify the folder name that is created and used to host the Configuration Manager reports in Reporting Services. - **Reporting Services server instance**: Select in the list the instance of SQL Server for Reporting Services. When there is only one instance found, by default, it is listed and selected. When no instances are found, verify that SQL Server Reporting Services is installed and configured, and that the SQL Server Reporting Services service is started on the site system. <div class="alert"> <table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 100%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th><img src="images/Gg712320.s-e6f6a65cf14f462597b64ac058dbe1d0-system-media-system-caps-security(TechNet.10).jpeg" title="System_CAPS_security" alt="System_CAPS_security" /> Security Note</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>Configuration Manager makes a connection in the context of the current user to Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) on the selected site system to retrieve the instance of SQL Server for Reporting Services. The current user must have <strong>Read</strong> access to WMI on the site system, or the Reporting Services instances cannot be retrieved.</p></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> - **Reporting Services Point Account**: Click **Set**, and then select an account to use when SQL Server Reporting Services on the reporting services point connects to the Configuration Manager site database to retrieve the data that are displayed in a report. Select **Existing account** to specify a Windows user account that has previously been configured as a Configuration Manager account, or select **New account** to specify a Windows user account that is not currently configured as a Configuration Manager account. Configuration Manager automatically grants the specified user access to the site database. The user is displayed in the **Accounts** subfolder of the **Security** node in the **Administration** workspace with the **ConfigMgr Reporting Services Point** account name. The account that runs Reporting Services must belong to the domain local security group **Windows Authorization Access Group**, and have the **Read tokenGroupsGlobalAndUniversal** permission set to **Allow**. The specified Windows user account and password are encrypted and stored in the Reporting Services database. Reporting Services retrieves the data for reports from the site database by using this account and password. <div class="alert"> <table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 100%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th><img src="images/Gg712320.s-e6f6a65cf14f462597b64ac058dbe1d0-system-media-system-caps-security(TechNet.10).jpeg" title="System_CAPS_security" alt="System_CAPS_security" /> Security Note</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>The account that you specify must have <strong>Log on Locally</strong> permissions on the computer hosting the Reporting Services database.</p></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div>
On the Reporting Services Point page, click Next.
On the Summary page, verify the settings, and then click Next to install the reporting services point.
After the wizard is completed, report folders are created, and the Configuration Manager reports are copied to the specified report folders.
When report folders are created and reports are copied to the report server, Configuration Manager determines the appropriate language for the objects. If the associated language pack is installed on the site, Configuration Manager creates the objects in the same language as the operating system running on the report server on the site. If the language is not available, the reports are created and displayed in English. When you install a reporting services point on a site without language packs, the reports are installed in English. If you install a language pack after you install the reporting services point, you must uninstall and reinstall the reporting services point for the reports to be available in the appropriate language pack language. For more information about language packs, see Technical Reference for Language Packs in Configuration Manager.
File Installation and Report Folder Security Rights
Configuration Manager performs the following actions to install the reporting services point and to configure Reporting Services:
![]() |
The actions in the following list are performed by using the credentials of the account that is configured for the SMS_Executive service, which typically is the site server local system account. |
Installs the reporting services point site role.
Creates the data source in Reporting Services with the stored credentials that you specified in the wizard. This is the Windows user account and password that Reporting Services uses to connect to the site database when you run reports.
Creates the Configuration Manager root folder in Reporting Services.
Adds the ConfigMgr Report Users and ConfigMgr Report Administrators security roles in Reporting Services.
Creates subfolders and deploys Configuration Manager reports from %ProgramFiles%\SMS_SRSRP to Reporting Services.
Adds the ConfigMgr Report Users role in Reporting Services to the root folders for all user accounts in Configuration Manager that have Site Read rights.
Adds the ConfigMgr Report Administrators role in Reporting Services to the root folders for all user accounts in Configuration Manager that have Site Modify rights.
Retrieves the mapping between report folders and Configuration Manager secured object types (maintained in the Configuration Manager site database).
Configures the following rights for administrative users in Configuration Manager to specific report folders in Reporting Services:
Adds users and assigns the ConfigMgr Report Users role to the associated report folder for administrative users who have Run Report permissions for the Configuration Manager object.
Adds users and assigns the ConfigMgr Report Administrators role to the associated report folder for administrative users who have Modify Report permissions for the Configuration Manager object.
Configuration Manager connects to Reporting Services and sets the permissions for users on the Configuration Manager and Reporting Services root folders and specific report folders. After the initial installation of the reporting services point, Configuration Manager connects to Reporting Services in a 10-minute interval to verify that the user rights configured on the report folders are the associated rights that are set for Configuration Manager users. When users are added or user rights are modified on the report folder by using Reporting Services Report Manager, Configuration Manager overwrites those changes by using the role-based assignments stored in the site database. Configuration Manager also removes users that do not have Reporting rights in Configuration Manager.
Reporting Services Security Roles for Configuration Manager
When Configuration Manager installs the reporting services point, adds the following security roles in Reporting Services:
ConfigMgr Report Users: Users assigned with this security role can only run Configuration Manager reports.
ConfigMgr Report Administrators: Users assigned with this security role can perform all tasks related to reporting in Configuration Manager.
Verify the Reporting Services Point Installation
After you add the reporting services point site role, you can verify the installation by looking at specific status messages and log file entries. Use the following procedure to verify that the reporting services point installation was successful.
You can skip this procedure if reports are displayed in the Reports subfolder of the Reporting node in the Monitoring workspace in the Configuration Manager console.
To verify the reporting services point installation
In the Configuration Manager console, click Monitoring.
In the Monitoring workspace, expand System Status, and then click Component Status.
Click SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT in the list of components.
On the Home tab, in the Component group, click Show Messages, and then click All.
Specify a date and time for a period before you installed the reporting services point, and then click OK.
Verify that status message ID 1015 is listed, which indicates that the reporting services point was successfully installed. Alternatively, you can open the Srsrp.log file, located in <ConfigMgr Installation Path>\Logs, and look for Installation was successful.
In Windows Explorer, navigate to <ConfigMgr Installation Path>\Logs.
Open Srsrp.log and step through the log file starting from the time that the reporting services point was successfully installed. Verify that the report folders were created, the reports were deployed, and the security policy on each folder was confirmed. Look for Successfully checked that the SRS web service is healthy on server after the last line of security policy confirmations.
Configure a Self-Signed Certificate for Configuration Manager Console Computers
There are many options for you to author SQL Server Reporting Services reports. When you create or edit reports in the Configuration Manager console, Configuration Manager opens Report Builder to use as the authoring environment. Regardless of how you author your Configuration Manager reports, a self-signed certificate is required for server authentication to the site database server. Configuration Manager automatically installs the certificate on the site server and the computers with the SMS Provider installed. Therefore, you can create or edit reports from the Configuration Manager console when it runs from one of these computers. However, when you create or modify reports from a Configuration Manager console that is installed on a different computer, you must export the certificate from the site server and then add it to the Trusted People certificate store on the computer that runs the Configuration Manager console.
For more information about other report authoring environments for SQL Server Reporting Services, see Comparing Report Authoring Environments in the SQL Server 2008 Books Online.
Use the following procedure as an example of how to transfer a copy of the self-signed certificate from the site server to another computer that runs the Configuration Manager console when both computers run Windows Server 2008 R2. If you cannot follow this procedure because you have a different operating system version, refer to your operating system documentation for the equivalent procedure.
To transfer a copy of self-signed certificate from the site server to another computer
Perform the following steps on the site server to export the self-signed certificate:
Click Start, click Run, and type mmc.exe. In the empty console, click File, and then click Add/Remove Snap-in.
In the Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box, select Certificates from the list of Available snap-ins, and then click Add.
In the Certificate snap-in dialog box, select Computer account, and then click Next.
In the Select Computer dialog box, ensure that Local computer: (the computer this console is running on) is selected, and then click Finish.
In the Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box, click OK.
In the console, expand Certificates (Local Computer), expand Trusted People, and select Certificates.
Right-click the certificate with the friendly name of <FQDN of site server>, click All Tasks, and then select Export.
Complete the Certificate Export Wizard by using the default options and save the certificate with the .cer file name extension.
Perform the following steps on the computer that runs the Configuration Manager console to add the self-signed certificate to the Trusted People certificate store:
Repeat the preceding steps 1.a through 1.e to configure the Certificate snap-in MMC on the management point computer.
In the console, expand Certificates (Local Computer), expand Trusted People, right-click Certificates, select All Tasks, and then select Import to start the Certificate Import Wizard.
On the File to Import page, select the certificate saved in step 1.h, and then click Next.
On the Certificate Store page, select Place all certificates in the following store, with the Certificate store set to Trusted People, and then click Next.
Click Finish to close the wizard and complete the certificate configuration on the computer.
Modify Reporting Services Point Settings
After the reporting services point is installed, you can modify the site database connection and authentication settings in the reporting services point properties. Use the following procedure to modify the reporting services point settings.
To modify reporting services point settings
In the Configuration Manager console, click Administration.
In the Administration workspace, expand Site Configuration, and then click Servers and Site System Roles to list the site systems.
To list only site systems that host the reporting services point site role, right-click Servers and Site System Roles to select Reporting services point.
Select the site system that hosts the reporting services point on which you want to modify settings, and then select Reporting service point in Site System Roles.
On the Site Role tab, in the Properties group, click Properties.
On the Reporting Services Point Properties dialog box, you can modify the following settings:
- **Site database server name**: Specify the name of the server that hosts the Configuration Manager site database. Typically, the wizard automatically retrieves the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the server. To specify a database instance, use the format \<*Server Name*\>\\\<*Instance Name*\>. - **Database name**: Specify the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager site database name, and then click **Verify** to confirm that the wizard has access to the site database. <div class="alert"> <table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 100%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th><img src="images/Gg712320.s-e6f6a65cf14f462597b64ac058dbe1d0-system-media-system-caps-security(TechNet.10).jpeg" title="System_CAPS_security" alt="System_CAPS_security" /> Security Note</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>The user account that is creating the reporting services point must have Read access to the site database. If the connection test fails, a red warning icon appears. Move the cursor over this icon to read details of the failure. Correct the failure, and then click <strong>Test</strong> again.</p></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> - **User account**: Click **Set**, and then select an account that is used when SQL Server Reporting Services on the reporting services point connects to the Configuration Manager site database to retrieve the data that are displayed in a report. Select **Existing account** to specify a Windows user account that has existing Configuration Manager rights or select **New account** to specify a Windows user account that currently does not have rights in Configuration Manager. Configuration Manager automatically grants the specified user account access to the site database. The account is displayed as the **ConfigMgr SRS reporting point** account in the **Accounts** subfolder of the **Security** node in the **Administration** workspace. The specified Windows user account and password are encrypted and stored in the Reporting Services database. Reporting Services retrieves the data for reports from the site database by using this account and password. <div class="alert"> <table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 100%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th><img src="images/Gg712320.s-e6f6a65cf14f462597b64ac058dbe1d0-system-media-system-caps-security(TechNet.10).jpeg" title="System_CAPS_security" alt="System_CAPS_security" /> Security Note</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>When the site database is on a remote site system, the account that you specify must have the <strong>Log on Locally</strong> permission for the computer.</p></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div>
Click OK to save the changes and exit the dialog box.
Upgrading SQL Server
After you upgrade SQL Server, and SQL Server Reporting Services that is used as the data source for a reporting services point, you might experience errors when you run or edit reports from the Configuration Manager console. For reporting to work properly from the Configuration Manager console, you must remove the reporting services point site system role for the site and reinstall it. However, after the upgrade you can continue to run and edit reports successfully from an Internet browser.
Configure Report Options
Use the report options for a Configuration Manager site to select the default reporting services point that is used to manage your reports. Although you can have more than one reporting services point at a site, only the default report server selected in report options is used to manage reports. Use the following procedure to configure report options for your site.
To configure report options
In the Configuration Manager console, click Monitoring.
In the Monitoring workspace, expand Reporting, and then click Reports.
On the Home tab, in the Settings group, click Report Options.
Select the default report server in the list, and then click OK. If no reporting services points are listed in the list, verify that you have a reporting services point successfully installed and configured in the site.