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Information and Support for Configuration Manager


Applies To: System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1, System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP2, System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager, System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager SP1

Use the following resources for additional information about System Center 2012 Configuration Manager.

To do this …

.. do this:

To access the most current System Center 2012 Configuration Manager product documentation:

Use the TechNet Documentation Library for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager 

The following sections provide additional information to support Configuration Manager:

  • Search the documentation library

  • The System Center Configuration Manager team blog

  • Support options and community resources

Search the documentation library

Use this query to find online documentation in the TechNet Library for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager.

This customized Bing search query scopes your search on TechNet so that you see results from the Documentation Library for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager only. For example, search results do not include topics from Configuration Manager 2007 or from community resources. It uses the placeholder search text Configuration Manager, which you can replace in the search bar with your own search string or strings, and choice of search operators, to help you narrow the search results.

Example searches

Use the Find information online link and customize the search by using the following examples.

  • Single search string: To search for topics that contain the search string Endpoint Protection, replace Configuration Manager with Endpoint Protection:

    ("Endpoint Protection") site:technet.microsoft.com/library meta:search.MSCategory(gg682056)
  • Combining search strings: To search for topics that contain the search strings Endpoint Protection and monitoring, use the AND operator:

    ("Endpoint Protection") AND ("monitoring") site:technet.microsoft.com/library meta:search.MSCategory(gg682056)
  • Alternative search strings: To search for topics that contain the search string Endpoint Protection or monitoring, use the OR operator:

    ("Endpoint Protection" OR "monitoring") site:technet.microsoft.com/library meta:search.MSCategory(gg682056)
  • Exclude search strings: To search for topics that contain the search string Endpoint Protection and exclude topics about monitoring, use the NOT operator:

    ("Endpoint Protection)" NOT ("monitoring") site:technet.microsoft.com/library meta:search.MSCategory(gg682056)

Search tips

Use the following search tips to help you find the information that you need:

  • Use search terms that match those that you see in the user interface (UI) and TechNet documentation, rather than unofficial terms or abbreviations that you might see in community content. For example, search for "management point" rather than "MP," "deployment type" rather than "DT," and "software updates" rather than "SUM." You can use the Glossary for Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager to help identify terms that are specific to Configuration Manager.

  • When you search on a page in TechNet or in the help file (for example, press Ctrl-F1, and enter search terms in the Find box), the results exclude text that is in collapsed sections. To search for text in collapsed sections, expand the sections before you search on the page. To do this, you can click the Expand All button at the top of the page, or double-click any collapsed section. When all sections are expanded, a search on the page can then search all sections on that page.

  • To search a topic in the help file, press F1, and enter search terms in the Find dialog box. The help file does not support the Expand All option and you must manually expand individual sections that are collapsed before search on the page finds text in those sections.

  • Whenever possible, use the TechNet online library rather than downloaded documentation. TechNet contains the most up-to-date information and the information that you are searching for might not be in the downloaded documentation or there might be corrections or additional information online.

  • If you find it easier and faster to search documentation when it is stored locally, you can select multiple topics on TechNet and save them locally. Sign in to TechNet, then, on the top of the page that you want to save locally, click Export (next to Print). You then see the Export multiple sets of pages banner that lets you add and remove pages that you want to save. Then click Manage pages to export them. For more information, click Help on the banner.

The System Center Configuration Manager team blog

The Configuration Manager engineering and partner teams use the System Center Configuration Manager Team Blog to provide you with technical information and other news about Configuration Manager and related technologies. Our blog posts supplement the product documentation and support information.

Support options and community resources