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Building the Custom WSDL Application

This topic describes how to create the custom WSDL generator. The sample custom WSDL generator is included in the Microsoft .NET Framework class library DLL, CustomWSDL.dll.

This assembly is made up of one class that is named CustomWSDL. This class provides a sample template for the sequence of actions that is required to generate a custom WSDL response. The design of this class demonstrates generating custom WSDL responses for Web service clients that have been written by using the following developmental environments:

  • Visual Studio 2003
  • Borland JBuilder 9.0
  • webMethods Glue 5.0.1

However, the same class and design principles can be used and modified to support other environments.

Compiling the Code

SQL Server 2005 installs the .NET Framework 2.0 as part of its installation process. The following compilation instructions require that you use this version of the .NET Framework. You can find the version number in the %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework folder.

  1. Create a folder for this sample project, such as C:\temp.
  2. Start Notepad and copy to it the source code in C# Code Listing for the Custom WSDL Application.
  3. To the folder you created in step 1, save the file as CustomWSDL.cs.
  4. At the command prompt, change directory to the folder where the project is saved.
  5. Compile the code and build the .dll file. For example, if the name of the C# code file is CustomWSDL.cs, the command line would be as follows:
    %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.xxxxx\csc.exe /t:library /r:sqlaccess.dll /r:System.dll /r:System.Data.dll /r:System.Xml.dll CustomWSDL.cs
    xxxxx is the folder number corresponding to the version of the .NET Framework. Generally, use the highest xxxxx numbered folder.
    This creates the CustomWSDL.dll executable in the current sample folder.

See Also


C# Code Listing for the Custom WSDL Application


Using the Custom WSDL Application
Implementing Custom WSDL Support


Best Practices for Using Native XML Web Services

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