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Derived Column Transformation Editor

Use the Derived Column Transformation Editor dialog box to create expressions that populate new or replacement columns.

To learn more about the Derived Column transformation, see Derived Column Transformation.


  • Variables and Columns
    Build an expression that uses a variable or an input column by dragging the variable or column from the list of available variables and columns to an existing table row in the pane below, or to a new row at the bottom of the list.
  • Functions and Operators
    Build an expression that uses a function or an operator to evaluate input data and direct output data by dragging functions and operators from the list to the pane below.
  • Derived Column Name
    Provide a derived column name. The default is a numbered list of derived columns; however, you can choose any unique, descriptive name.
  • Derived Column
    Select a derived column from the list. Choose whether to add the derived column as a new output column, or to replace the data in an existing column.
  • Expression
    Type an expression or build one by dragging from the previous list of available columns, variables, functions, and operators.
The value of this property can be specified by using a property expression.

**Related topics**: [Integration Services Expression Reference](ms141232\(v=sql.90\).md), [Operators (SSIS)](ms137538\(v=sql.90\).md), and [Functions (SSIS)](ms141671\(v=sql.90\).md)
  • Data Type
    If adding data to a new column, the Derived Column TransformationEditor dialog box automatically evaluates the expression and sets the data type appropriately. If you want to use a different data type, select an available data type from the list. The data type that you chose must be compatible with the data that the column contains. For more information, see Integration Services Data Types.
  • Length
    If adding data to a new column, the Derived Column TransformationEditor dialog box automatically evaluates the expression and sets the column length for string data. You can update Length.
  • Precision
    If adding data to a new column, the Derived Column TransformationEditor dialog box automatically sets the precision for numeric data based on the data type. If applicable to the data type, you can update Precision.
  • Scale
    If adding data to a new column, the Derived Column TransformationEditor dialog box automatically sets the scale for numeric data based on the data type. If applicable to the data type, you can update Scale.
  • Code Page
    If adding data to a new column, the Derived Column TransformationEditor dialog box automatically sets code page for the DT_STR data type. You can update Code Page.

See Also

Other Resources

Integration Services Error and Message Reference
How to: Derive Column Values Using the Derived Column Transformation

Help and Information

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Change History

Release History

14 April 2006

Changed content:
  • Added information about the how the Derived Column Transformation Editor defines metadata for new columns.