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Extension Settings Page (Data-Driven Subscription Wizard)

Use this page to specify delivery extension options. The options that appear on the page are derived from the delivery extension you selected. How you specify those options can vary considerably based on how the delivery extension presents them. If the extension has no settings, no options appear on this page. The following kinds of options are on the page:

  • Parameters specifies subscription variables for the delivery extension you are using.
  • Setting Source specifies whether the value is static text or a query results field. In some cases, you can specify a default value. Default values are defined in the RSReportServer configuration file settings for the delivery extension you are using.
  • Setting Value specifies the value. If you are using static text, you must type the value. If you are using a query results field, you must map the field to a subscription parameter.

Report Server E-mail Options

  • To, Cc, Bcc, Reply-To
    Specifies e-mail addresses. In most cases, e-mail address fields should be mapped to a field in the query result set.

    If you specify a static e-mail address, the recipient will receive one copy of the report for each row in the result set.

  • Include Report
    Specifies whether to include the report in the message. Clear this checkbox to send just a notification.
  • Render Format
    Specify the rendering extension for attached or embedded report. The default is Web archive because it produces the smallest file size and it embeds images within the report.
  • Priority
    Specifies priority for the e-mail.
  • Subject
    Specifies variables and text that identify the name of the report and when it was sent in the e-mail subject link. You cannot specify other variables; @ReportName and @ReportExecution are the only supported variables.
  • Comment
    Specifies text that appears in the body of the mail message.
  • Include Link
    Specifies whether to include a hyperlink to the report on the report server. The hyperlink is included in the body of the mail message.

    If Include Report is selected and Include Link is clear, the report is sent as an embedded report. If the report size exceeds the maximum limit of your mail server, it will be sent as a link.

Report Server File Share Options

  • File Name
    Specifies the name of the file. By default, the report name is used.
  • File Extension
    Specifies a three-character file extension to append to the file name. The file extension corresponds to the application associated with the rendering extension you select.
  • Path
    Specifies the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path name to the file. The folder must already exist, and it must be public (the report server must be able to find it through a network connection).
  • Render Format
    Specifies the rendering extension to use with the report. You should avoid HTML 3.2 and 4.0 if the report contains interactive features. The resulting file is static and will not have the interactive features supported by those formats.
  • User Name
    Specifies an account that has permission to create files on the file share. A Windows domain account should be specified in this format: <domain>\<account>.
  • Password
    Specifies the password.
  • Write mode
    Specifies whether the subscription overwrites the existing file each time the subscription runs, or saves each report by appending a numeric value at the end of the file name. If you choose None, an existing report is not overwritten. The report is not saved to the file share.

Null Delivery Provider Options

The Null delivery provider does not have delivery options because the report is always delivered to the report server database. The Null delivery provider is used to generate instances of a parameterized report so that they load quickly when accessed by users. The subscription data source should be the same data source used by the report. The query results fields should map to parameters already defined in the report. For example, if the report uses a Region parameter, you would map the Region parameter to the query results field that contains region codes.

For more information about the next page in the wizard, see Parameter Values Page (Data-Driven Subscription Wizard).

See Also

Other Resources

Data-Driven Subscriptions
Report Caching in Reporting Services
Data-Driven Subscriptions
E-Mail Delivery in Reporting Services
File Share Delivery in Reporting Services
Reporting Services F1 Help

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