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Common Errors

This table lists common errors that you might encounter when you use Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition (SQL Server Compact Edition), and their suggested solutions.

Native error Error number Solution



The user's device must have network connectivity. For example, the device might not have a working modem, network card, or USB connection.


Ensure that the computer running Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is available and that the ISP or network is functioning properly.



Ensure that the virtual directory is specified correctly. For example, the URL might be misspelled.



The SQL Server Compact Edition Replication Provider must have read permissions to the snapshot folder. Read permission is needed so the SQL Server Compact Edition Replication Provider can download the initial subscription to the device.

The identity under which the SQL Server Compact Edition Replication Provider runs depends on how IIS authentication is configured.



Ensure that the data type length of the column supplied by the client is supported.

SQL Server Compact Edition supports only Unicode data types. It converts all ANSI character data types to their Unicode equivalent.

For example, if you subscribe to a table with a char column of 256 characters, SQL Server Compact Edition maps that table to a SQL Server Compact Edition ntext column. Then, if a user adds a record that has a value larger than 256 characters to the ntext column, the user gets an error because the data cannot fit into the char column at the Publisher.

To correct this error, if you cannot change the schema of the Publisher to avoid this type of data type mapping, add application-level logic to limit the number of characters that users can enter on their devices.



The snapshot format must be set to character mode for the publication.



Ensure that no duplicate key violations have occurred.

Such violations can occur when users add records to a table with an identity column. Remote data access (RDA) does not manage identity columns when a table is pulled.


Ensure that a replication publication is configured to manage identity columns for a table in the publication.



Ensure that the user ID, password, and Initial Catalog to the OLEDBConnectionString parameter of your RDA Pull method are correct.



Ensure that you are not trying to modify columns referenced in a parameterized filter for an article with partition_options. The filtered columns in this type of article are marked as read-only.



Verify that the password used for the SQL Server Publisher is correct.



Ensure that you are not trying to modify a download-only article. The download-only article type is marked as read-only.


This error can occur in two instances: CREATE / ALTER TABLE or INSERT/UPDATE. SQL Server Compact Edition does not allow a row length of fixed column to exceed 8060 bytes. However, SQL Server Compact Edition allows a row to exceed a theoretical limit of 8060 bytes using variable length columns (NTEXT/IMAGE) are not included). For instance, a table could be created with 100 NVARCHAR columns with a length of 200 bytes without an error. However, if you use INSERT or UPDATE to modify a row in a column that had a variable length CHAR datatype (NVarChar) that caused the entire row length to exceed 8060 bytes, then this error would occur.